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It was a Thursday afternoon and Gwen took me to the mall to shop. On Monday, I cleared half of my wardrobe and my mother was horrid about it. She felt like I wasted her money by taking away all the clothes. But we ended up giving them away to people who needed them, so in the end I think it was good either way. I barley have clothes now, but at least I'm in keeping of the ones I like.

I've seen Ponyboy at school a couple of times. I couldn't help by stare at him back and forth just in case he was in range for a while. His beautiful brunette hair with the slick back and his i always loved how he wore jeans.. And boy oh boy his smile could light up a whole hallway. I heard him speaking of this poem to himself one time in the library, I wonder though when he said "nothing good can stay", could that me his crush for Cherry wonr since she's like the light of his eyes and heart. But then if I get a chance it may be the same... well great.. I just never thought of saying a word to him anyway , maybe he'd be nice If I did, but that dam Cherry.. she's definitely most likely at the back of his mind. I couldn't win his heart possibly.

I ran through isles hoping to find something but I kept telling myself no. That was until Gwen yanked me back to an isle and told me to stand there till she picked some outfits for me to try on. She then shoved me into a dressing room proudly.

Coming in and out with a new attire had me exhausted. And Gwen was way too Judgey, she may as well become a fashion critic.

Soon we checked out everything and oh lord the bags were heavy. No way I was going to walk home like this. If only I had asked one of my older brothers to bring us..

"Gwen, you have any cents for that phone booth over there", I asked as Gwen held herself up with some of the bags. "Oh yes, but you have to hold all of this damage", Gwen said as she tossed the bags at me making me tremble as she sped walked to the booth.

"Come back! I was going to use the cents but of course you help me itch with theseee!", I shouted as Gwen paused and turned back to me laughing. "My bad.. well here we go Mrs. Curtis", Gwen said picking up some of the bags as I rolled my eyes.

"Let that joke go.. Ponyboy doesn't even know I exist", I said awkwardly.

"Yes but, it's very so that you're feelings for him have grown massively. You even dream of him, I read it in your diary yesterday", Gwen said happily as I squinted my eyes in anger.

"Privacy is a thing Gwen!", I said gritting my teeth as Gwen jerked back a little and then pulled up the bags once more. "Sorry.. very sorry.. can't help to be nosy", Gwen said before elegantly walking to the booth whilst I walk like a snob. I should build my muscles more...

We both then laid our bags down as Gwen handed me a cent to put into the booth. I then rang up my brother so that he could pick me and Gwen up. When he answered, he sounded grumpy. And he didn't want to pick me up from some mall due to excessive shopping. He believed it to be stupid and that doing it to impress some guy was worthless. But he shouldn't have assumed it was for a guy.. I'm not that kind of girl.. well I'm lying but still.. I then told him to be a nice caring order brother and help out a young one. After all I never bugged him when noises come from his room when he's with a girl. Kissing noises should not be so loud. No way our walls are that thin.

Me and Gwen then ended up getting mango smoothies as our bags laid by the booth. I decided to keep watch of them. You never know if you'll maybe find the female version of Dallas wondering around here.

My brother showed after maybe an hour. It was so frustrating. He wasn't even doing anything, he even openly told me he stalled on purpose. Then we had a huge fight in front of Gwen. I wasn't one bit embarrassed though. I had to let my feelings out. I refused to be left heated with an unresolved situation. With that, I sat in the backseat while Gwen sat in the front.

As we made it home after dropping Gwen off. My brother stormed inside without any thought of helping me. It was almost as if he picked me up for nothing. I was furious, so I marched inside and told my mom and dad about it. My brother then started yelling at me again saying how immature and needy I was. That I was extremely spoiled for shopping so much. In my defense I said at least I gave my clothes away and for free. So I'm not so heartless. I vouched that I was mad because he stalled on purpose to pick me and Gwen up. But he still didn't care. He should still be at least glad I considered him to pick me up and not my other brother or either of our parents.

My mother then yelled at my brother saying that he shouldn't have stalled for so long purposely and then she told me that this whole clothes thing was a crazy idea in the first place and that I better not give up on these new clothes this time or else she'll burn everything and let me end up like Adam and Eve..

My dad then grabbed both me and my brother and forced us to face each other and apologize with a hug. We didn't though, but at least we agreed the forcing each other to apologize was stupid because it wasn't meaningful. We both then laughed and eventually he helped me with my bags.

That in itself was a relief to me and our parents.

Now I'll be looking new, and hopefully more boys will look at me and.. mainly Ponyboy.. and hopefully these clothes will boost my confidence, now that I haven't actually thought about it much.. wow..

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