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Now being the day of the rumble. Ponyboy was nervous. He wouldn't leave his room all day and Sodapop occasionally came in there to give him food. Darry kept telling Sodapop to tell Ponyboy not to worry since he wasn't gonna be in the rumble. Ponyboy asked if Cassie could come over to make him feel better, but they said that she was too busy with school work probably. Sodapop knew that wasn't the case. Cassie came by there house before to tell Sodapop what she was doing on the rumble. She told him what to tell Ponyboy if he asked because she didn't want him to feel jealous and anxious that'd she'd be with Bob.

Dally, Johnny, Steve, and Twobit were walking with each other. It has never been just the four of them together. So it was odd but they actually liked the dynamic. All they did was joke about Women and beating up the socs later. Except for Johnny and Steve. Steve did talk about beating up socs but he didn't bother to joke about women. He wants a good girl and he wants to treat her right. He hopes the rest of them can as well. And Johnny didn't speak about Neither. He didn't want to fight in the rumble and he immediately thought of Gwen when they mentioned women which confused him. He couldn't quite put his eye on it. He then thought that he should bargain to stay with Ponyboy during the rumble to comfort him. He knew Dally wouldn't mind because Dally always wanted Johnny to be safe. Johnny was like a puppy to the group anyways so they'd all understand.

"Johnny, your face blushing a bit I'm surprised", Dally said as he playfully bumped his shoulder. "He's probably thinking about Gwen. Nothing wrong with having a first crush", Two-bit said as everyone laughed apart from Johnny.

"That's not even funny, and I never said she was my crush. She's a nice person to me", Johnny said.

"Mhm and I bet she can be more nice if you speak to her more. Maybe then you can finally get away from your parents as well and be around a good person", Steve said.

"I'm not charity. I bet her parents would be mad", Johnny said nervously.

"Man if her family don't mind greasers and allows her fashionista daughter to hang with a group of em, they definitely won't be mad bro, don't worry man", Dally said as he wrapped his arm around Johnny before patting his head.

"I guess you're right.. but I'll um.. well hopefully Ponyboy can ask Cassie to come to his house and bring Gwen so that I could um.. get closer to her..", Johnny said as The boys started cheering. "Working ya moves Johnny, that's what's up man", Dally said as Johnny chuckled and rolled his eyes . "Yeah yeah.. whatever".

The sun disappeared more and more throughout the day. Ponyboy finally came out of his room and Johnny was there. He convinced everyone for him to stay out the rumble with just three words "I'm not fighting". The rest of the group was outside waiting for the rumble.

Ponyboy kept thinking about Cassie. He realized he liked her so much more than before. The way she was risking things just ensure his safety better all because she even liked him before he liked her. He thought to himself that he may be falling harder than she did in the beginning. It didn't scare him because he knew he had a chance. It was clear as day and it made him smile. He didn't doubt it one bit. And with him not knowing where Cassie was actually going tonight, he was gonna be okay.


The night sky hit, Cassie was on the phone with Gwen while getting ready to see Bob.. at his place.. she felt sick of the idea of reaching his bed let alone his bedroom. Gwen just told her that, she should only keep the idea of making it through in her head.

Cassie put on a yellow shirt and shirt jeans with converse. She also put on some glasses. She felt like she wanted to throw off Bob. Maybe dressing up like how she used to, will calm him down more. But a part of her doesn't believe that, but it makes her comfortable.

She soon walked outside and grabbed her bike. Peddling down to go see Bob with bubble gum in her mouth. She stared ahead with an air out mind. It just shot upon her that she had no thoughts. She tried to think but nothing came into her head. She started to smile about it. Zero thoughts means she be more at ease. She'll handle the night better than expected.

Soon she reached Bobs house. It looks big and really beautiful with the plants around it. She parked her bike and walked up to the front door but it opened before she could knock. Bob then smile as he saw her and he pulled her inside gently but she pulled her arm back. "Let's go to my room", Bob said as he immediately went for the stairs. "I can't say hi to your mother, I did meet your dad after all", Cassie asked.

"No time for that", Bob said as he was then at the top of the stairs. Cassie then sighed as she followed. He then led her into his room. It was pretty spacious. She stood. She refused to sit on his bed.

"Hey, sir with me, let's make the most of this night. I ain't got a rumble to entertain so you shall", Bob said with a smile as he then pulled Cassie onto his lap. She then tried getting up with nervous chuckle but he kept her down. "Bob.. this was supposed to be a friendly thing".

"You come over to my house in my room just the two of us. It's boy and girl Cassie. No way this was gonna be a friends thing", Bob Said as he rubbed his hand On Cassie's thigh up and down slowly. She then tried moving again but he held her tighter.

"Bob let go right now! I might as well go home!", Cassie said angrily. "If you do that, then I have to go fight since I'll be bored here, and I don't feel like messing up face or fighting in the mud", Bob said as Cassie rolled her eyes.

"Why are you like this..", Cassie asked. "Like what", Bob replied.

"You are so unbearable. I'm uncomfortable and you won't listen! You have a girlfriend.. hell I shouldn't even be here then.. I came here as a friend but it was surly a mistake. I don't want to do anything but be friends! Cherry deserves better than you!", Cassie said as she pushed herself free out of anger.

Bob then stood up and quickly grabbed her wrist harshly. "Shut up Cherry. I don't care about her right now. I wanted you and your here so let's have a dam good time. I'm not unbearable. You're just afraid to accept that I'm worth your time than any guy".

Cassie then tried pulling back constantly in a struggle. "Let go!".

Bob then kept tightening his grip until his dad knocked and opened the door. Cassie then quickly jerked back as she held in her tears. She was fearful at that moment and her wrist was throbbing in pain.

"I heard shouting that doesn't exactly sound too friendly.. what's going on?", Mr. Sheldon asked.

"Oh we were acting. Being dramatic you know, it's how me and Cassie connected in the first place right Cassie", Bob said looking at her with a smile.

Cassie then sighed as she held her wrist. She thought then and there, if she told the truth, he would probably get in trouble so he definitely couldn't go to the rumble if he wanted. Or she could stay, but what good would that be? What would she get from it but wasting time. If she leaves now, she could even go and see Ponyboy.

"No.. he hurt me.. it's not some game.. I'm gonna go..", Cassie said as she forced her tears out to make it more genuine. Mr. Sheldon then looked at Bob with a stern look on his face as Bob sighed. "You're in deep trouble boy, deep trouble", Mr. Sheldon said.

Cassie then took that opportunity and walked out of Bobs house . She then peddle to Ponyboys in pain as one of her wrist were hurting making it slightly hard to grip the handles of the bike. But she wished to see Ponyboy, seek his comfort and give him some.

As she reached his house, she quickly got off her bike as she winched at the pain. She then knocked on the door. Soon Ponyboy opened it and his eyes widened in happiness. "Cassie.. you're here.. you're here! Come in!".

Cassie then walked inside as she then hugged Ponyboy as she broke down crying. Eventually the bruise on her wrist would show. She wondered what lie she would have to make up, but then again she also thinks Ponyboy would understand if she told him the real truth because she did everything for his sake.

"What's wrong Cassie", Ponyboy asked wrapping his arms around Cassie tightly.

"I'll tell you.. I just want you to hug me for a while..", Cassie said as she put her head in Ponyboys shoulders and closed her eyes as she rested her breath.

"I've got you Cassie.. I've got you.."

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