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It was early in the morning and I was getting ready for school. I put on a long sleeved red sweater and a white skirt with white boots that looked shiny along with a white headband. And I decided to wear my hair down entirely and not have a little ponytail with the rest of my hair out like usual. I already felt brand new and I liked my look. I'm pretty sure I mainly did this switch up for guys.. well Ponyboy, but I'm honestly just happy for myself. I should maybe just feel myself instead. I don't think I'll be getting Ponyboy's attention anytime soon anyways with Cherry in the picture, so I might as well make the best out of this.. heh.

I then walked downstairs to grab a brown paper bag. I pack my lunch sometimes because school lunch isn't always my favorite, but I'll never say I hate it because sometimes I really be eating it like I haven't in months.

I just made a ham and cheese sandwich and cut it in half. I took some strawberries and a rice crispy treat as well, two even. They were tiny so two just make sense for the size. And no I'm not greedy..

I then wrote a note to my parents and left it on the counter since they we're still asleep and then walked out the door to meet up with Gwen on the way to school.

My boots clicked on the sidewalk as I walked High and proud. It made me feel like a model. Now I understand how Gwen feels everyday.

I then heard more boots click and I looked up and it was Gwen! She was wearing jeans and a green head band with a green shirt the right in a knot at the front. She looked perfectly. I hope my body would be ever so perfect that I could show off my belly anywhere apart from the beach or pool.

"Hey girllll and ahhhh your look! It's so cute!", Gwen shouted as she ran up and hugged me. "This new look suits you so much, but remember even what you wore before was cute so I'm not trying to be backhanded or anything".

"Oh don't worry I know you're not. But apart of growing up is getting more in your element and this could be mine. I'm really feeling myself you know", I said proudly.

"Great! Now let's get on to school as we're looking fab and man if only Dally went to school", Gwen said as I sighed. "Even if he did, you do not have a chance, a junior and a freshman.. does that really sound good to you", I asked cocking my eyebrows. "Alright maybe not.. but let me be stupid for bit..", Gwen said making me laugh, both of us actually.

Eventually we reached the school and met up with Stacy and Gloria. They were surprised with my change of style but they didn't hate it at all. They treated me like I was some Star. Makes me wonder if my old style used to be that bad.. but then again when I first met them, they hyped up my fit anyway so I guess it's all just a new start thing.

Some people were walking by and complimenting me. I sorta liked it but I knew every other day they'd either say hi or walk past like I'm a wall. It's kinda like someone is rude to you or never talks to you until you contain something valuable and so they use you. So these compliments don't make me feel too good apart from the ones I get from my besties. But anyways, I feel good about myself so that's what's up.

The bell rang and everyone started walking to their classes. I bumped into Cherry on the way as I was walking with Gloria. We had first period together.

"Oh sorry heh, my bad", I said shyly. "Oh don't worry it's alright", Cherry said with a smile as she then walked on.

"She's actually super nice, I mean a lot of people would give me the glare. So glad she's not a troll", Gloria said. "Yeah.. considering she's dating Bob.. I thought on the half part she'd be a tad mean.. who knows what she sees in that guy", I said as Me and Gloria soon made it to class and took a seat in the second to last row. 

Our teacher began taking attendance and some boys were looking at me and one of them was Bob.. Cherry's boyfriend.. he's a senior.. but don't worry, we're in health class right now but we're about to go to the gym room, so he's not some idiot who got pushed in low classes. Although I don't want to give him credit...

"Alright class, looks like everyone is here, now let's head to the locker and I'll be waiting in the gym", Mrs. Myers said as she walked to the front door and led the class.

The boys locker rooms were on the right  and ours were on the left. I couldn't imagine sharing a locker room with boys. I'm sure it's musty or just overbearing in there... ew.

I pulled the log on my locker as I arrived and took out my gym clothes. If we were playing volleyball, I know my teams is for sure going to win. They can surly count on me.

"You like my gym fit! You weren't here last time but I got a new one. It's pink with red polka dots and of course these boring black shirt leggings but ahhh, it's showing gym beauty in the best way possible!", Gloria said jumping around making me laugh with enjoyment. I love whenever my friends are feeling themselves. After all, rude thoughts of anyone's else's shouldn't matter. We won't be in this school forever anyway. Just three more years to go!

"I mean you do look amazing! You're gonna stand out for sure", I said smiling as I heard one girl scoff and cross her arms. Gloria's smile faded and she looked at the girl. "What? Do you have a problem".

The girl then crossed her arms. "Well it's real early and you're so hyper, it's annoying", The girl said rolling her eyes. "Well you outta be hyper enough to have the energy to get through gym class, that's how you pass so if anything this is a fine warm up. You have a problem with it then go to the gymnasium already ugh", Gloria said as my eyes widened. I know Gloria usually talks off to Gwen but Gwen only. I never thought she'd stand up for herself like that to some rando. Makes me proud, hopefully I'll be able to do that.

"Whatever.. utterly ridiculous". the girl said as her voice faded off as she walked to the gym. Me and Gloria then looked at each other for a second before we bursted out laughing. "Let's hope she's not on your team", I said to Gloria playfully hitting her back as we walked out.

Soon it was the afternoon and I was eating lunch. Gwen was eating a fancy meal per usual, Gloria was eating a Cesar salad, and Stacy was eating a fruit salad. I admit those taste delightful. I now want to steal it.. I could eat like 10 plus batches of those. They're so refreshing, especially the cut mango. Anyways..

I was hoping to see Ponyboy today but, I hardly did. The one time I switch up he suddenly disappears... life is such a set up I swear.

"So Cassieeee, has Ponyboy complimented you yettt", Gwen asked as I rolled my eyes. "I didn't even see him today the asshole.. how has he not seen me! I look great!", I said crossing my arms as my friends laughed. "Alright, you're sound more like those attention seeking popular girls", Stacy said as Gloria and Gwen agreed. "Dam it.. I know but I really like him and Gwen, don't act like this isn't you everyday with dal, I mean at least Pony is my age", I said as Gwen gasped.

"You always turn this onto me and dally, it's so annoying oh my gosh", Gwen said sighing. "Well it's because it's true, you have no chance", I said as I ate my strawberries. "And Ponyboy wants Cherry not you! And you wonder why!", Gwen shouted as I choked a little. I'm convinced she meant that in terms of how I look.. I know she's angry but still..

"Okay guys maybe this is taking too far..", Stacy said. "Yeah and all because Dally is always put into conversation, at this point you mention him
More than I do", Gwen said glaring at me as she got up.

"Wait.. I'm sorry okay.. I'm just mad.. but you don't have to be too.. you're taking things a bit far as well", I said.

"Yeah well all thanks to you", Gwen said as she then walked off making me roll my eyes and grit my teeth. "Ugh bull crap! This day sucks!", I said sitting down and banging my hands on the table as Gloria and Gwen flinched.

"You two will work it out.. trust me..", Gloria said. "Yeah if one of us don't end up breaking each other", I said sighing.

"Well just be patient", Stacy said.

"Okay.. I can with our friendship but with my crush on Pony no.. I should just get over him. He's probably never even looked at me anyways and he doesn't even know my name I'm sure. So forget him, forget it all..", I said frowing as I put my head down.

I hate boys and to be other woman.. ugh.. I mean Cherry dates such an ass guy and yet these boys still want her.. I may act stupid over Pony but he sure is a dumbass for crushing on Cherry. It won't end well.

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