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Night was nearing and Gwen had opened her window for Cassie to climb down from. Luckily Gwen's room was at the back of her house and not the front. Cassie put on black flats to match her black dress.

Before Cassie walked near the window. Gwen gently grabbed her hand pulling her into a hug, telling her good luck.

Cassie then walked down the street, with a loose jacket on. She kept taking deep breaths thinking of Ponyboy to ease her nerves. After this she hopes to not fear much of anything else. After all the town is quite boring at times.

Eventually she saw a bright sign that was lit up in yellow and red. She knew it was the bar. She saw people walking in and she heard the music. Her face grew a little pale at the sigh. She was only a freshman walking into a bar to go see an 18 year old. There were many older men in there as well.

Soon the door opened as Cassie turned the handle. She walked in and saw two security guards standing right there. She didn't know what to say but something that would probably get Bobs likeness. "I'm here to see Bob.. Bob Sheldon".

The guards then turned and looked at Bob with a cocked eyebrow. One of the guards then called out, "this girl over here Bob, she's here to see you. She looks quite younger as well.. hm..".

She then swallowed her spit as Bob walked over to her. He had a big grin on his face as he took Cassie's hand and let her to his seat by the bartenders. "I'm really surprised you're here, I thought you hated me? How'd you even know I go here.. you secretly like me that much..", Bob asked as he touched Cassie's hair. She twitched a little making him chuckle. She wanted to rock him right in the face with her fist. "You know, I thought you were a really strong good imaged girl. And now you're here ready to homewreck", Bob said as he leaned in. But before he could go any further, Cassie grabbed his almost empty glass of alcohol and put it between them. "No, I didn't come here to homewreck. I would never stoop so low for you", Cassie said as her annoyance got the best of her. She then remembered the plan. "But.. I'd like to come to peace with you.. I'm sure you're not actually a bad guy so.. I wouldn't mind being your friend.. I know.. we had some harsh starts and follow throughs but I don't want that.. not anymore", Cassie said putting on fake enthusiasm and a smile.

Bob then grabbed his drink slightly confused before putting it down. "What's your play here? You want something out of this", Bob asked as Cassie got a little nervous. "It's peace I want out of this like I said.. we're both socs so why fight each other.. right", Cassie as she played with her hair a little.

"Right.. maybe after I win that Rumble to show who's boss, you can be my cheerleader. Cherrys been a boring one lately.. ugh", Bob said.

"Well.. I'm sure Cherry isn't as bad as you always claim her to be.. she is your girlfriend after all. You're lucky", Cassie said.

"You want her or something", Bob asked with some attitude as Cassie jerked back. "No I don't! Don't be so dumb.. gosh.. I'm just saying you don't know what good of a girlfriend you have.. I've only come here to be your friend.. your equal and to get to know each other better I was hoping we can hang out again on the 15th. That's when I'm free again.. this was just some attempt at a warm welcoming", Cassie said.

"Warm welcoming okay.. well the 15th is the rumble and I don't want to miss out on kicking Ponyboys ass. I can't believe you defended him.. made me look dumb along with your friends.. I'm hoping before you came to see me that you told Ponyboy off right", Bob asked as he slowly traced his hand along Cassie's thigh.

Cassie then moved her leg away slickly. " I only defended Ponyboy that one time but I never really talked to him much after that. There just didn't need to be rivalry crap in the morning and.. you don't need to go to the rumble.. wouldn't you prefer hanging with me..anything could happen", Cassie said with a little smile that disgusted her deep down.

"Meaning", Bob asked smirking. "Anything.. those socs can handle themselves..", Cassie said making Bob laugh a little. "I suppose they could, I'd like to see what I can get from you finally, you got so hot with your change of wardrobe. Although i always found you cute, just couldn't say that out loud just yet you feel me", Bob said as Cassie gritted her teeth a little before smiling again. "Yeah I get that.. I say the same for you in general, you always look the same but in a good way", Cassie said.

"I knew I was gonna like you", Bob said as he then inched closer and gave Cassie a kiss on the cheek.

Cassie's face then got red from feeling uncomfortable. "Um.. that.. maybe don't do that..", Cassie said as Bob smirked. "Really, because I think this is just perfect".

"It's not.. I don't want you to do that.. and part of building this friendship is to respect one's space dont you think .. let's just take it slow..", Cassie said.

"I know what to go slow on", Bob said as Cassie rolled her eyes. "See you like it".

"Bob cut it out okay, we can have a collected conversation cant we", Cassie asked as Bob sighed. "If it gets you to like me more which I know you will, then fine", Bob said smiling.

From then on Cassie and Bob kept talking . Cassie was able to do it for another two and a half hours the main goal on her mind. She couldn't wait to never talked to Bob again though. His smell of alcohol doesn't help much with anything.

Bob's dad so walked over to him and greeted Cassie saying how he was ready to head out now. Cassie then said bye to Bob and walked out herself. But before she could walk home. Bob's dad insisted to drive her home. She was ready to say no, but some droplets from the sky started coming down so she went on in his car.

She asked him to park down the road and not in front of Gwen's house. She then speed walked to the back of Gwen's house and went up the ladder and knocked on Gwen's window. Gwen then let her in and she fell through soaking wet.

They both then started laughing as Cassie walked to the bathroom. "So how did it go", Gwen asked. "Looks like the greasers have it in the bag, and.. I have to hang out with Bob on the night of the rumble ew.. but still", Cassie said as she cringed making Gwen giggle. "Well Cassie Sheldon".

"Don't you dare Gwen, one day I'll gladly be Cassie Curtis", Cassie said blushing.

"Wait Omg that sounds amazing!", Gwen said as she and casing started cheering.

Even though Cassie May suffer again by staying with Bob, at least it meant the greasers had a better advantage with the socs not having their leading. Cassie felt proud and she may end up going to the mall to bye herself a black leather jacket like how Stacy did. Maybe Gloria and Gwen can do the same.

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