Make Over

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The trio rushed over to the table the cage was on and Poppy took the cloth covering the cage off. 

"Guys!" The caged trolls were happy to see her and Calibri. "Poppy, Cali! Celebrate good times, come on!"

Poppy started to sing with them. "It's a Celebration!"

Both Branch and Calibri were the smart ones as they shushed the trolls that were singing. But they kept going in a whisper. 

"There's a party going on right here."

Calibri picked the lock with her claws as Branch scolded the others. "No, there is not a party going on right here." 

Once the lock was off, the door to the cage was open. "The sooner we get out of here-." 

Poppy cut Branch off with the craziest idea. "The sooner we can save Creek!" 

Calibri and Branch jinxed each other as they looked at the pink troll like corn was growing from her head. "What?!" 

The bergen sat up suddenly. "Hello?" The trolls stood still as she then closed her eyes and fell back on her bed, asleep. 

"I know you're looking for the cupcakes and rainbows here. But face it, Creek's been eaten." 

The others got out of the cage. "They put him in a taco." 

"It was horrible." 

Guy Diamond tried to reason with Poppy. "Sorry, Poppy. Creek's gone." 

"Poppy, how could you possibly think Creek's still alive?" Branch was right, if Creek was eaten, he's probably gone. 

But Poppy was still looking on the bright side. "I don't think he's alive, I hope he's alive. And that's enough." 

"How do you always look on the bright side? There is no bright side here. None!" 

"There's always a bright side." 

A light then shined on the trolls and feather woman, as they looked over, they saw the bergen was awake and holding the light. 

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" Calibri hissed before jumping off the table and growing to her original size. 

Calibri discovered she could shrink and grow on accident, but it had its uses. Like right now, she was big enough to tower over the bergen. Spreading her wings halfway to look intimidating and her sharp teeth were showing as she branded them to the bergen. 

"We are getting out of here." Her intimidation tactic seemed to have worked as the bergen backed away in fear. 

"Wait, Bridget!" Both the bergen, Bridget, and Calibri looked over to see Poppy. "You're in love with King Gristle!" 

Bridget tried to hide it. "Uh, I don't know what you're talking about." 

Poppy then opened the curtain above Bridget's bed revealing a bunch of magazine clippings of the king. 

Bridget then clambered onto her bed and closed the curtain. "Uh, excuse me! That's not mine." 

Calibri then came over and opened the curtain, there was a magazine clipping of two bergens in wedding attire. The faces replaced with Gristle's and Bridget's. 

"Oh, hermana, you got it bad. Don't you?" 

Bridget then gave up hiding it. "What does it matter? It's not like he even notices I'm alive." 

"Bridget, I can help you! What if there was a way, we could both get what we want?" Bridget then leaned closer to Poppy. "You love Gristle too?! You better back off, girlfriend." 

A Quetz with TrollsWhere stories live. Discover now