25: For the Best

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It has been over a week since I told Jasmine she needs to find herself apart from me. I did that for her, but also for myself. I needed to know who Carter was without Jasmine. Turns out he is nothing but a shell of a person without her. I never understood before when people who were in love would say how someone is their smile and their laugh. Pretty much the best parts of them were brought out by someone else. And I never realized until now that Jasmine brought out the best in me. It is not like I didn't expect letting her go to be easy, but no matter how much I tell myself it is all for the best, even though I know that it is, I still find myself longing for her. If she had not stopped coming to school, avoiding her would have become near impossible. It hurt me to see the state she was in. Every part of me just wanted to say to hell with everything I had said before and just be with her. But after Kelly told me that Jasmine was doing school from home to focus on herself for a while, I knew I couldn't just show up in hopes that she would want to try us again.

"Where's your head at today, man?"

My boxing instructor Travis looks on at me with so much concern on his face that it makes the ache inside my chest hurt all the more.

"Just got a lot on my mind." I put my gloved fists back up as I take my fighting stance. "Let's run it again."

He continues to stare at me with that same look of concern.

"Nah, we gonna get out of this ring, and you're gonna tell me what's going on with you."

"I'm fine."


"I said I'm fine!" I shout, and he raises his eyebrows at me.

"I'm sorry," I sigh heavily, "that wasn't pointed at you."

"Yeah, I know it wasn't." He laughs a little. "So what'd she do?"

I scrunch my face up at him.

"What makes you assume that my problems are about a girl?"

"Carter," he shakes his head while laughing, "I have been married for ten years, and I dated my wife for five years before that. I know the look of a lovesick man when I see it."

I smile despite myself.

"It's Jasmine."

"Ah, your situation-ship Jasmine?"

I nod my head yes, and he gets a huge grin on his face.

"What?" My voice rises an octave, and I clear my throat before continuing. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing," he holds his hands up. "Just seeing that you got good taste. The chocolate is where it's at. At least, that is what my wife tells me."

"Yeah, well, Jasmine is a whole different brand of woman."

He laughs so loud that people start to look at us.

"That's because she is more than just a woman, son. She is a black woman, and Lord knows these women are crazy."

"I remember growing up the only thing that could put the fear of God in me was my momma. I thought no one could ever scare me more than her, but no, sir!"

His laugh is so boisterous that I can't help but join in with him.

"Whoa, son, do NOT get on the bad side of a black woman. My wife scares me to the point that I'm begging her to forgive me for something that wasn't even my fault."

"So don't get married, is what I'm hearing?" I question.

"Exactly, my boy."

We continue laughing for a few more seconds before calming back down.

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