52: So Be Quiet 🔞

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The bewildered look, that infectious smile, those beautiful brown eyes staring brightly back at mine after my secret has slipped past my lips about being accepted into UCLA, causes my heart to swell with warmth. Jasmine struggles to find her words through the excitement she now is feeling for me.

"W-when? How? Why didn't you tell me?" She squeals, shaking my shoulders. "I can't believe you did not tell me right when you found out!"

A laugh bubbles out of me. "It was just as a surprise to me as it is to you now." She rolls her eyes at me.

"I knew the whole time that you would get in, you should have listened to me." She punches my arm, "and told me!"

"First, ouch! And second, my mom knew before me. I had apparently been accepted the day we almost got..." My voice trails off.

"Blown to smithereens." I raise my eyebrows at my girl's statement, and she just giggles, covering her mouth with her hand. "That's not funny." I retort.

"It's laughable now." She giggles again, and this time, I tickle her. "It's not!"

"Yes, it is!" She gasps through fits of laughter. "Carter, stop!"

"Not until you agree with me!"

We both are laughing now as she fights to pry my hands away from her.

"I can't breathe!" Her hand shoots up and clips me in my chin, sending a small sharp pain along my jaw. I let her go, bringing my hand to rub where she hit me.

"Did you jus-"

"You deserved it!" She holds her chin up indignantly, and I can't help but notice how cute she looks when acting tough. I bite my lip, my body now beginning to heat as my eyes roam over her perfect figure that is covered by a short dress and all I want to do right now is take her out of it.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jasmine questions in an innocent voice, but the dark glint in her eyes betrays her. She is feeling it, too.

"Like what?" I prod, moving myself closer towards her to which she does the same.

"Like you want to devour me." She replies with a heavy breath now that my lips trail along her delicate collarbone. I slip her curly hair behind her shoulder, exposing her neck to me before my lips are latching on to it, my tongue flickering against her soft skin.

"Carter," Jasmine whimpers, intertwining my hair around her fingers. "My dad and Nick will hear us." I smirk.

"Only if you're loud, baby. So be quiet. " My lips continue leaving trails of fire on my girls neck, she quivers while I slowly slip my hand beneath her dress, gripping along her thigh, my fingers aching to reach their destination. "Can I?" I move my lips from her neck and look into her eyes. She glances down at my hidden hand and nods, biting her lip. I keep my eyes on her watching her face contort with pleasure as my thumb circles her clit over her panties.

"Fuck Carter," her legs open a little wider, "that feels so good." She whines open mouthed, her reaction causing my pants to tighten as I become hard. Her hips begin to push towards my hand. "Please." She begs.

I stand in front of her, her eyebrows raise, questioning me. I bend over, grab hold of her hips, pulling her towards me, a yelp escaping her lips. I release her once her ass is at the edge of the bed, my hands both sliding under her dress, grabbing hold of either side of her panties and pulling them off of her. I drop down to my knees, bunching her dress up into one fist, lifting it as I leave hickies along her thighs. Jasmine begins to squirm as my tongue slides along her wet folds, flickering between them to taste that sweet pink bud.

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