42: Hard Choices

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I found my ride in the ambulance to be really unnecessary, considering that all I have is a minor concussion. To be fair, it was a challenge for me to keep consciousness after gaining it, but just as I thought, I am fine. The only thing I can remember is being in Carter's arms, fighting the paramedics, and finally waking up in this hospital room with my mom at my side, who just stepped out to get herself a coffee. She has been fussing over me ever since I woke up and even more after an officer came to speak with us. The secrets I have been keeping from her about Angel have now found their way to the light. If they would have came out under different circumstances, she most definitely would have gone off on me for not telling her all of this sooner, but in front of the officer and since we're at the hospital, she remained calm and listened to everything I told him. I feel relieved having it all out in the open now. The only thing I am dreading is still having to face my father.

I had made sure to stay out with Carter for as long as I possibly could yesterday because I am not ready for the talk he wants to have with me. I just know the odds of me winning are not in my favor at all. He already doesn't like Carter because he views him as beneath our status, and knowing my father, I am sure he will somehow find a way to blame what happened today on him.

My mom returns coffee in hand and takes a seat in the chair beside my bed. She sips the hot liquid quietly, not saying a thing to me. This can not be good. I conjure up all of the courage I can.

"I was going to tell you, mom."

"Uhm." She waves a finger at me. "As worried and scared as I am right now, it is not the time for you to try and talk to me." I clamp my mouth shut, not even daring to respond. She begins again, "Do you not realize that you or Carter could have died today? For God's sakes both of you could have died today!" Her voice is stern, and I feel tears stinging my eyes.

"Look at me, Jasmine." I turn my head to the side and meet her disappointed stare. "I know our relationship is still mending, and I get that I let you down in the past. But why would you keep something like this from me?"

"I- I was scared, mom." My lip trembles as I look on at her. "What Angel did to me really messed me up for a while, but Carter helped me to move on from it, and he thought Angel's threats were just him trying to keep us apart and that he actually wouldn't act on them."

"But he did act on them, Jasmine." She rubs her temples in what seems to be exasperation.

"I know, mom, but I really thought maybe he was just trying to scare me so that I would give him what he wanted."

She lets out a heavy sigh. "I or your father could have protected you, Jasmine, and Carter. We could have put a stop to his madness before it got to this." She shakes her head at me, "I really do not think you understand the gravity of this situation. You are my only child, Jasmine. My only baby." Tears begin to stream down my face when my mom starts to cry.

"Your father, and I tried for so long after you to have more children, but it just wasn't in the cards for us. I had to go through the pain of losing the children I tried so hard to carry. I could only take so much heartache and after a while... I just couldn't do it anymore." She wipes the tears from her face, "I decided I would put all of my focus on just you. It is why I was so hard with you for so long and why I and your father both wanted you to be the best that you could be because you would forever be the only living proof of our love."

My mom stands, coming closer to me and taking my face in her hands. "I love you with all of my heart, my flower." She swipes the tears from my cheeks as they fall. "I was so scared today when I got the call. Jasmine, if anything ever happened to you, I wouldn't be able to go on. Do you hear me?"

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