12: Night Brawl

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My neon green halter top pushes my chest up perfectly, causing my girls to bounce with every step I take as I strut into the club. My mini leather skirt shows off my freshly waxed legs beautifully while my high-heeled black boots click against the floor as lustful eyes take me in, making my way through the crowded club. Those whose eyes drop down to my protruding chest do not go unnoticed. I went all out in hopes of Angel being here tonight. I am a little nervous about possibly seeing him, though. We have not spoken in person since what happened at the party. The way he now hates Carter makes me a little afraid something could possibly go wrong tonight.

I finally spot my friends sitting in a corner booth together. They all got here before me as I was running behind. Carter is the first to notice me. His eyebrows raise as and he stands, making his way over to me. I have to admit he looks pretty hot dressed all in black. The silver chain around his neck adds another level of hotness. If he was just some random guy in this club, I would definitely have made a move on him.

Carter leans down to talk in my ear. "You know I was only worried about possibly having to fight Angel tonight but the way some of these thirsty fucks are staring at you it looks like there will be an all out brawl."

I smile, rolling my eyes at him.

"Is that your way of telling me I look good?" I say in his ear now.

"I don't have to tell you baby cause you already know." I am taken aback by his bold comment. "You sure you want to keep the no sex policy a rule?"

My eyebrows furrow as I lean back to look up at him. His eyes are glazed over as he stares back at me.

"Carter... Are you drunk?" Since when does he drink?

"Bianca said a few shots would help me to unwind." He slurs leaning in towards me as I hold on to his shoulders.

"How many did you have?"

"Bianca said since I'm so tall, six shouldn't affect me too much."

"What the hell, Carter, you drank six shots! And how did you all even get drinks?" I shout at him over the music.

He leans down, slipping his arm around my waist. I am surprised when he pulls me against him. We stand chest to chest. Carter's eyes dilate as they take in my cleavage. He slowly licks his lips as he leans down to whisper in my ear.

"He's watching us."

He? Who is he... And it hits me. Angel is somewhere behind me because Carter can see him. I wrap my arms around Carter's neck while he still holds on to my waist.

"Is he still looking at us?" I say into his ear.

"Mhm." Carter's lips brush against my ear, and it causes me to shiver.

"Let's go and join the others." I say.

He nods, keeping an arm wrapped around my waist as he ushered me to the booth where our friends sit living it up. I slide in next to Kelly, and Carter takes the spot on my other side.

"It's about time you got here, girl damn." Bianca yells over the music. Ben is sitting on one side of her looking a bit annoyed, and I am guessing it is because Aaron is sitting on the other side of her. That now explains how they got the drinks.

"I'm sorry my mom called me." I roll my eyes.

"Oof, was it bad?" Kelly asks.

"Just my mom, you know."

She nods in understanding.

"I thought Carter was about to jump your bones out there in front of everyone." Kelly whispers in my ear. I slap her arm and mouth, "Stop."

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