32: UCLA

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The warmth I had expected to find after outstretching my arm is not there even after feeling around for it. Jasmine's cold spot tells me that she has been up for a while, which is surprising to me because I was sure she would be tired after last night. We refrained from doing anything too risky because trying to make the least amount of noise proved to be a task all of its own.

I made my way out of her room and back to mine discreetly to use the bathroom and brush my teeth before heading downstairs to find my girl. We still had a couple of hours before we had to leave, so there was no rush for me to get ready right now. I bounded down the steps and followed the faint sound of voices all of the way to the kitchen.

"This is amazing, Mr. G," Jasmine mumbles over her mouthful of food. "I don't understand how you and Miss G can both cook, but Carter can't."

My dad laughs, "Carter's talents lie beyond the kitchen."

"Ain't that the truth." She raises her fork in the air in agreement.

I crept up behind her, grabbing her roughly around her waist and exciting a squeal out of her. "You bad talking me princess?" I tickle her sides, and she squirms while giggling.

"Stop! You're going to make me choke!' She laughs. "And it is not smack talking if it's true!"

I squeeze her sides again. "And who says it's true?" I eye her.

"Everyone." My dad answers for her while watching the two of us in amusement.

"Who's side are you even on?" I place a kiss on Jasmine's forehead before letting her go and taking a seat beside her at the breakfast bar.

"I'm on the side of truth, of course." He winks at Jasmine, who raises her fork again triumphantly.

My dad sets a plate of what he made before me, and I look from the plate back to him with a raised eyebrow. "Did you plate this aesthetically?"

"I took up a cooking class, and now I'm fancy like that." He shrugs.

I chuckle and shake my head. Jasmine has almost devoured all of hers as I start in on mine. I take the first bite, and my eyes shoot up to my dad, who looks on at me expectantly. I maintain my composure. "Not bad, old man."

"Mhm." He smiles then turns his attention to cleaning up and doing the dishes.

Jasmine hums contentedly while finishing off the rest of her food while I stare at her like a stalker. She then gets up with her empty plate and helps my dad clean up the rest of his mess. The two of them laughing and conversing together brings a smile to my face and causes a feeling I haven't felt before to snake its way throughout my body. I find myself looking so deeply at Jasmine, not just at her evident beauty, but at the way her lips move when she speaks, the way she is able to get a laugh out of my dad without even trying, how her aura and presence is so calmingly inviting.

It hits me hard how I had let all of her slip through my fingers, and what hits me even harder is how I would not be able to take it if it happened again. I can't let it ever happen again.

Jasmine's attention is now on me, and I sheepishly smile at her because I know I have been caught. She mouths. "Stop looking at me." With a rolling of her eyes, feigning annoyance. I laugh lightly and focus on finishing my food.

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