11: Mother

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It is the second day of mine and Carter's charade. I am now feeling so much more confident with our fake relationship, having survived through yesterday. Especially after what went down with Lola. She left our group completely, letting us all know before removing herself from our group chat. I still feel bad for her. If I could tell her the truth about Carter and I, I would. But seeing how she is pissed at me, she would probably snitch to everyone, and then they would all be upset with me. The best thing for me to do is just let her be until she has time to cool off.

My phone begins to ring, and I pause doing my makeup to answer the FaceTime call from my mom. She hardly ever calls to check in on me. We mostly just text when her and my dad are away. So a video call means she must have something important to tell me or I am in trouble. I hope for the first option. I set my phone up on my vanity and answered the call.

She is sitting on a lounge chair wearing a sun hat while dressed in one of her very expensive bikinis. Looks are my mom's second priority after my dad. She keeps her body in perfect shape for him, and I would put money on it that he has maybe seen her without makeup once in his life. I honestly don't understand why she worries so much about staying young and beautiful for my dad when she is ten years his junior. They got married when she was twenty and him thirty. She had me at twenty-two and didn't like what I did to her body. Hence why I am an only child. My mother is the stereotypical rich and perfect wife. And she has made it her mition to make me her clone. She had me started on endless beauty routines and etiquette classes as soon as I turned thirteen. Luckily for me, she began traveling more as I got older, so now I do as I please. Well, until she comes back, obviously.

"Hey mom," I go back to applying my setting powder, "how's Italy, and how is dad?"

"Splendid and sexy as ever." She giggles.

"Mom ew." I scrunch up my nose at her comment about my dad. "Why are you wearing a sun hat? Isn't it night there right now?"

"It is, but I am getting pictures for my socials after our chat."

I forgot to mention that my mother is a very popular travel vlogger and model.

"You never FaceTime me so either I am in trouble or you have news?" I glance at the screen.

"Can a mother not call to simply just spend time with her daughter?"

Any other mother, of course. But you are not any other mother.

"It has been a while since we spent time together." I admit as I begin to apply my false lashes. "My Halloween party is coming up soon! All of my friends are so
excited -"

"Oh, must you have that party?" She interrupts me with a scoff, "I dread the idea of those delinquents parading themselves around my house."

My mother shivers dramatically. I stifle the urge to roll my eyes. I do not want a lecture over the phone right now.

"All of the extra rooms in the house and your bedroom will be locked. The only accessible rooms will be the kitchen, dining room, living room, and game room."

"Well, I do not want anything stolen, so make sure the security system is still up and running."

I let out a heavy sigh.

"Oh!" She yells, "and make sure to put away the silver. And have that friend of yours help you make sure nothing gets stolen. What's his name again, Conrad?"

"His name is Carter, mom, and the silver is already locked away." I mumble.

"Jasmine, I do not like your tone." She takes a sip of her drink. Nonalcoholic, of course. "Alcohol is not good for one's health." I remember her saying. Not that I listened to it.

"I'm sorry these lashes are just frustrating me." I lie.

"You have a card, Jasmine," she says exasperatedly, "Just go and get them done, my flower."

Unlike my mother, I do not make it my life goal to spend excessively on things that I can do myself. Which is exactly why we no longer have a chef. I can cook for myself. The only hired help we have is a cleaning company and a gardener because I admit I could not maintain this mansion on my own.

"I don't like strangers touching me, mom, you know this."

"Yes, I remember when you turned down the spa day I had scheduled for the two of us." She clicks her tongue disapprovingly.

She waves over one of her staff members, and they come quickly, switching out her drink for a new one. She takes a big gulp of it before continuing.

"There was something I wanted to talk to you about while I had you here."

And there it is! Calling to just spend time with me, my ass. Now that I have finished with my makeup, I give her my full attention.

"I looked into an art school here for you, and I believe it is just perfect for you, my flower. It is one of if not the best in the world! I know you would gain so much more knowledge here."

"Mom-" I groan.

"Now hear me out before you shut me down." She continues to prattle on.
"It is the Florence School of Fine Arts. Your father and I took a tour, and he too agrees that it is the right fit for you."

"Well, maybe I don't want to do art as my career mom." I shrug.

"Now Jasmine, don't be ridiculous. We put a lot of money into your talent. It is what you wanted."

"I wanted to do art because I love it, mom. Because I'm passionate about it. Not because I wanted to become the next Michael Angelo!" I throw my arms up in frustration.

She purses her lips at me while we stare at each other.

"Clearly, you're not thinking straight right now, so we will continue this conversation on a later date." She brings the phone closer to her face. "Remember Jasmine, your father, and I have put a lot of time and money into your talent and education. It would be such a waste if our efforts came to nothing."

And with that, she hangs up on me.

"Love you too, mom." I grumble.

I grab my phone and send Carter a text, making sure that we're still on for tonight. Within seconds, he responds with a thumbs up. I smile at my phone. If there is ever one person I can truly count on, it is Carter.



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