38: Right or Wrong

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DOUBLE UPDATE: Make sure to read chapter 37 First!

This double update is for all of you devoted ones who have made writing this story so fun for me. Thank you!


Angel hit her. But that wasn't enough for him. No. He went so far as to choke her almost to the point of death. The only reason I was able to sit there so calmly and listen to Jasmine as she relived the events of that night is because of the state she was in while telling them. I can not believe she has been keeping all of this from me. If I had known that Morgan was a part of this whole mess of her and Angel's twisted game, I never would have checked up on her. The fact that Jasmine even wanted me to speak to her after the shit she pulled now baffles me even more. Her nor I owe Morgan anything, and I made sure Jasmine realized that by the end of our conversation.

I will never allow Angel or Morgan to hurt her ever again. I told her Angel's threats about killing me or anyone else she might possibly be with were just that. If he wants to kill me then he had better catch me by surprise because there is no way I would allow him to live in a world where Jasmine still exists without me no longer there to protect her. I also feel guilty because all of that happened to her after I pushed her away. It is hard for me to face her now, knowing that it is all my fault. I keep making up lame ass excuses as to why I can not hang out, I am just hoping she will be patient with me while I sort all of this out. She texted me this morning and told me she was driving herself to school today and that she wanted to talk. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, but right now, I feel on the verge of shitting bricks.

"Carter." I flinch at the doll like voice calling out for me. I turn to face Lola with a scowl on my face. Jasmine told me about her little part in everything that happened, and she told me to go easy on her, but the sight of her makes me want to throw up.

"Lola." I say flatly.

"I haven't spoken to you in a while. How have you been?"

"Busy." I turn away from her and head towards the entrance of school to wait for Jasmine.

"Oh, was that you who I saw at the café with Jasmine last night?" I freeze. When I turn around, Lola has an innocent look on her face, but I know who she is deep down.

"I wasn't at any café last night." I stare at her coldly.

"Oh," she bites her lip nervously. "I-I just saw her and some guy, but now that I think of it, he had dark hair and tan skin."

Dark hair and tan skin? That description fits Angel perfectly, but that doesn't make any sense. She would never go anywhere with him after what he did. I ask her a question I really do not want the answer to. "What were they doing?"

Lola's face brightens as she answers. "They were eating muffins and laughing together. He seemed to be really into her. After I finished getting my order, I saw them leaving together in this really nice black car that look-" Lola's annoying voice fades into the background as I turn away from her and head out of the entrance doors. I see Jasmine pulling into a parking spot, but she isn't who I go to. I storm over to the picnic table where Kelly, Ralph, and Ben are sat. Kelly looks at me with fearful eyes as I approach, grabbing Ben and forcefully jerking him out of his seat.

"What the fu-" My fist slams into his face before he has the time to register what is going on. He cries out and I land another blow shutting him up. Blood begins to trickle from his mouth, but I don't stop, even as the others beg me to.

"You think sending out a video to the whole school was fucking funny huh?" My fist connects with his nose.

"I don't know what you're talking about, man, please!" He cries, trying to cover his face.

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