Think Before I Talk // HS

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A lot of people finds being in a relationship lovely. You have someone by your side, someone who supports you, and someone who loves you. They think it's fantastic, doing couple things and all. They always wish to have one, but what they don't know is that maintaining a relationship is hard.

True. You have someone with you all the time, but what can you do to make that someone stay? Romantic relationships are everyone's dream. You yourself have one, but the thing is you messed up. Big time.

You and your boyfriend had a big fight yesterday. It started with a petty thing and suddenly became a big fight. You said words that you didn't mean. You were so emotional that you spattered words that were too hurtful.

For a second back there, you forgot how sensitive he can be. You forgot how of a softie he is, and you regret everything you said. All you can do now is to hope and pray that he's not scarred about what you did and said. "What the hell, Y/N?!" You nagged yourself. "How can you say those things?! Pabo!" You shouted while hitting your head with your hands.

As you replay on your mind the words you said last, you didn't notice that tears went rolling down your cheeks. You can't help but think what if it's the end for the two of you. You can't imagine your life without him. He's one of the greatest things that happened to you, and you can't afford to lose him. "You're all to blame." You said looking at yourself in the mirror. You cried as much as you can, thinking how it could be the end.

You went downstairs to look for something to drink. You badly want to drink beer, but you know he wouldn't like it if you get drunk. He doesn't like it when he sees you suffering from hangover. He cares for you a lot, that's why you're scared of losing him. You saw a juice box in your fridge, and that's the only thing you drank.

As you sit down on your couch looking like a mess while sipping your juice, you heard your doorbell ring. You were confused; you weren't expecting anyone to come. Then, you realized that you talked to your best friend earlier about what happened last night.

You opened the door saying, "Tae, I told you I'm o-" You were taken aback when you saw who was behind the door. "H-Hoseok?"

"Hey." He greeted you with a faint smile. You were frozen; can't believe who's in front of you. "Were you expecting Taehyung to come?" He asked while trying to maintain eye contact with your widened eyes. You were still frozen. You don't know what to do. "Listen, Y/N, I'm so so-"

Before he finished his sentence, you quickly gave him a huge hug and cried on his shoulders. "I don't hate you, Hoseok. I will never. I love you, Hoseok. I always will." You explained. He hugged you back and patted your back. "I'm so sorry, Hoseok. I didn't mean what I said last night. I'm so sorry. I learned my lesson. I will always think before I talk now. Please don't leave me."

"I know. I know you were just stressed last night. I'm sorry too." He said and he broke the hug. He lifted your chin up and planted a kiss on your forehead. "I won't ever leave you, Y/N. Not even if you push me away."

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