Comfort Foods // TH

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Tissues, candies, chips, ice cream, and videogames; these were the things Taehyung is carrying while running to your house. He was sound asleep when you suddenly called him saying that you need your best friend. He ran as fast as he can to the nearest store to buy you your comfort foods. He was worried sick about you. Hearing you cry made him panicked.

"Yah! Yah! Yah!!!" He shouted while knocking at your door, almost breaking it. "I'm here already! Open the door!!" Still knocking he went to the windows and tried to look for you. He saw an open window of yours and he went in there.

He walked around your house looking for you, still worried. He ended up in your room and he saw you on sitting on the floor lost in your own world. He breathes deeply and calmed himself. "Yah! I was looking all over the place for you!" He shouted, but you're still in your own world. "What the hell? What happened?!" He said as he landed on his knees and shakes you for you to come back to your senses. "Yah!"

"He rejected me." You said with a small voice. "He rejected me in the meanest way possible." You said, your voice cracking because of how hard you cried. You hugged your legs and cried again. "He could've said it politely, if he really doesn't like me." You explained still crying. "But, does he really have to announce it to the whole school?" You faced Taehyung, and he can see how puffy your eyes are from crying.

"H-hey..." Taehyung patted your shoulder, trying to comfort you. "He's a jerk, okay? He's a freaking jerk." Taehyung said with madness in his voice. Taehyung sat beside you while you rest your head on his shoulder. "You were right, Tae. He's not worth it." You said in defeat. "Why do I even like him?" You said, disgusted by yourself. "Why not you?" You said and laughed a little. Taehyung frozed.

"I mean, you're always there for me. You're there for emergencies; school or even girly emergencies. You're always there for me. Look," You said and get the plastic Taehyung brought. "You bought me my comfort foods! You really know me. Thank you, Taetae. Thank you for everything." You said and opened the bag of chips. Taehyung is still frozen and you noticed. "Yah! Don't take it seriously—"

"For real, why not me?" Taehyung suddenly grabbed your hands and hugged you. You were shocked at his action, but you were more shocked by the serious aura you are feeling. You haven't seen him this serious for a long time. "Tell me, why not me?"

"Taehyung..." You called his name stuttering a little. "I've liked you for who knows how long," He confessed making you call his name again and wanting to face him, but he insist to stay like that. "Let us stay like this. I can't tell you my real feelings when I see you. Now give me this chance. I might be able to tell you how I really feel like this." You nodded. You can feel your fast heartbeat caused by his sincere words.

"We've been friends for so long now. We've seen each other grow; we've seen each other go through a lot. You know what's surprising? I hate you." Your eyes widened. "I hate you because you're so clumsy. I hate you for being so loud and nosy at other's business. I hate that you make me worry about you a lot. Mostly, I hate you for being you." You tried to let go of the hug because you're too confused, but he insisted again. "Don't. I'm not yet done."

"It made me question. Why do I hate you so much? You're my friend, but why?" Taehyung questioned his voice a bit shaky. "It was because not only we grew with each other, it's because my feelings also grew for you." Taehyung confessed to you. "I hate you because I'm in love with you. I wouldn't hate you if I don't love you." You can feel how fast your heart is beating. This was unexpected for you.

Taehyung let go of the hug and said, "And seeing you cry over a jerk hurts me. It makes me hate you even more. Why must you cry over him?" You can sense the anger he has and you don't know why, but it made you smile. "He's a bastard not seeing your worth, while me? I'm your best friend and you're everything to me."

Taehyung wiped his tears caused by his anger. "I'm sorry, I just—" You cut him off with a kiss on his forehead. "Thank you really for everything, Tae." You said and smiled at him. "And Taetae," You called him and he looked at you. You looked deeply into his eyes and gave him a deep kiss. "I hate you too."

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