34 - Car Video

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"EVE IT'S TIME TO GO!!!" Jaden yelled really loud, as if he wasn't standing in my room.

I finally went back home yesterday, I fixed something that Matt didn't have to stay with me 24/7 and that's Isabella and Jaden.

"Jaden shut the fuck up, let's go." I said and Jaden rolled his eyes.

We went downstairs and I grabbed the car keys.

"Isabella! Come! Now!" I yelled up the stairs.

She ran down the stairs and almost tripped which made me die of laughter.

"We're gonna be late!" She said, her voice pitching with the word.

"Yeah because your face is so ugly." Jaden laughed and Isabella and I looked at him like he was insane.

"The word you're looking for is... anyways." I said which made Isabella chuckle.

"Come, now. Otherwise you're not coming at all." I said in a sassy tone, walking out the door.

Isabella and Jaden ran after me immediately.

We got in the car and I drove to the triplets' house.

"Knock knock." I sang, knocking on the door.

Matt opened the door and looked me up and down.

"Approved." He smiled before giving me a soft, gentle kiss.

"Oh get a room!" Isabella said and Jaden laughed.

I pulled away and smiled at Matt before going in.

When I went in I turned around and flipped Isabella and Jaden off before walking to the living room.

"Eve!" Nick smiled, hugging me. "Hi Nick." I chuckled.

We pulled back and I sat on the couch.

"Hey." Chris said, dapping me up. "Sup?" I asked, dapping him back up.

"Nothing much, you?" He asked. "Same thing here." I said.

Matt walked in with Jaden, Isabella and Amira behind him.

"Ami!" I smiled and she smiled back. "Hey girl." She smiled.

Matt sat down next to me and grabbed my hand.

I looked at him and blushed before giggling.

We talked for two hours until Nick looked on his phone.

"Time to go." Nick said and I nodded.

We all stood up from the couch and went to the guys' minivan.

Matt got in the driver seat, Chris in the passenger and Nick, Amira and I got in the middle and Isabella and Jaden got in the back.

The ride to the McDonalds was just mostly all of us talking and Nick interrupting people. Mostly Matt.

When we got there Nick asked our orders.

Everyone told him their orders and Nick nodded.

"You're gonna have to tell me that while I'm ordering." Nick said and I giggled.

"Do you wanna share a 20 piece chicken nugget?" Matt whispered to me and I nodded.

Nick ordered our food and we went to the next window to grab it.

Nick gave it all to Amira and I.

Matt parked in the parking lot and Chris set up the camera as Amira and I have everyone their foods.

Chris got out and checked the camera. "Is it good?!" We heard him mumble and Matt nodded.

Chris got back in the car and pressed record.

"Hi everyone. Today we're gonna be rating your pets with friends." Nick smiled and I nodded.

"Before we start, I got this message on insta that had a very good question for the Millers." Chris said, turning towards the back.

"Shoot." I said.

"This person asked, and I quote 'where is their dad?' on my story with all of you on it. I think it's a great question because you never talk about him." Chris said.

I looked at Isabella and Jaden in the backseat and they both had a tiny amount of tears in their eyes and so did I.

Amira looked at me worriedly since she knew.

Matt noticed and grabbed my hand. I looked at him and he slightly nodded. "You don't have to say." Matt mumbled and I nodded.

"H-He uhm... he passed away. 3 years ago. I was really sad. I was thinking about ending it. But then, well, I saw three idiots on my YouTube for you and I clicked on the video. So it's all you that I'm sitting here in this moment. Thank you." I whispered the last sentence.

Chris' face softened and so did Matt's and Nick's.

"I'm so sorry, June." Matt apologized.

"Don't apologize. You're the reason I'm still here." I said.

"Damn. Sorry Eve." Chris said. "Yeah sorry girl." Nick said.

"Hey, it was three years ago. I have you all to thank, never forget that." I mumbled.

We continued the video and rated their fans' pets.

"I screenshotted this one because he only has three legs." Nick said and I nodded.

"Leo." Nick said his name.

"Three leg Leo." Jaden said and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Jay don't say that!" Isabella said which made me laugh.

"Legless Leo." Amira blurted out before hiding behind the seat.

"Amira!" I laughed and she giggled. "Sorry." She laughed.

"This is Dusty, he passed the fifth so please be nice to him. Oh he passed recently." Matt said.

Matt showed us the picture and I looked at the cat.

"Ugh yeah he dusty! Dusty need a duster!" Chris said.

"CHRIS! He passed recently!" Isabella yelled and I giggled.

We continued rating pets until the video was over.

Chris picked up the camera from the dashboard and pointed it at Matt.

"Who wanna see Matt and Eve kiss y'all?" Chris asked and Matt gave him a death stare.

"Kiss kiss kiss." Isabella, Jaden, Nick, Amira and Chris started chanting.

Matt looked at me and I smiled.

"You don't have to." Matt mumbled. "I mean... I'm down." I giggled and Nick laughed.

Matt leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him back.

After a while we pulled back and the rest started clapping.

"Y'all are crazy." I laughed.

Matt took the camera and stared at it for a while before screaming in it and ending the video.

"That was a good vid." Nick said and I nodded.

"You know what would make this night more fun?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"A sleepover!" Chris smiled and Nick nodded vigorously.

"Please yes." Nick nodded and Isabella laughed.

"Mom and dad are sleeping at our house so we can't go to our house." Matt said.

"We can't go to my house, my brother is there and my parents would kill me." Amira said and Nick looked at me.

"I guess we could do it at my house." I sighed and Nick smiled.

"Thank you!" He smiled, hugging me.

We went to the triplets' house because they had to pick some stuff up and then to Amira's house to pick up her stuff and then my house.


1130 words!

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