How I met Him chapter 7

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All of them had head wraps and those who are married had scarfs across their upper bodies. Different cultures had a visit and helped out,the Nhlumayo family had been busy and it's still friday night.

Mandisa sat on the mat with a blanket at her mother's room. Lethu and Mandisa's cousins/grandmother's/aunts from her father's side.

Mandisa just stared into space. Haven't said a word since,the one who handled almost everything was Lethu,Lwandle and Mfundo.

"Mzala" lethu tapped Mandisa's shoulder.

She had tea and scones for her. Her lips were cracking dry. All she did was turn and nod to her.

"Mandisa cela uzame udle. Ubuyise amandla nakhona uAunty bengeke ay'thande lento yakho yokungadli" lethu begged.

The mood had no authority to just be blasted with all smiles. It wad dull then ever. Mandisa couldn't speak but instead sung,her mothers favorite song.

"Yebo bakithi..." She sang with tears falling on her side ways.

Everyone sang after her,The hospital called Lethu to rush and see her mother. Mfundo called his friend,Ndumiso to help him with errands.

She arrived at the Hospital and waited for the doctor at his office. Ndumiso was already with Mfundo,Lwandle and the Cebolethu team were setting up and doing the grocery late.

"I'm so sorry to call you at this time of the day,its about your mother." The Doctor said.

"Oh..what happened?" Lethu asked.

"Just as when we thought she was responding well to the medication,she had another stroke though her body is coming alright but..its bad." The doctor said.

"Yhooo" she held her head and kept nodding no.

"Her condition is very critical and right now we're just all prayers." The doctor said.

"But she'll be fine right?" Lethu asked.

"Like I've said we are all praying for her recovery." The doctor said.

"So she's gonna stay here for how long?" Lethu asked.

"I'm not sure,we still need to run more tests and make sure that we're checking everything." The doctor said.

"Ey nkos'yami"...she just felt defeated.

"I don't wanna promise you or raise your hopes high. I'm sorry" the doctor said.

"Can i atleast see her?" Lethu asked.

"Yeah,i will ask the nurse to accompany you." The doctor said.

He walked out and again walked with the nurse to her mother's ward room. All she did was to stare at her paleness,her face didn't look like hers no more.

"Aybo..uMah lona?" Lethu asked and stared at the nurse,confused.

"Nomawethu Mbatha?" The Nurse asked.

"Ya uNomawethu." Lethu said.

"Ak'yena yini?akafani noMawakho?" The nurse asked.

"u...uyena" she covered her mouth with her hand and walked closer.

"Ngik'nikize ithuba lokuthi nihlale nobabili?" The nurse asked.

Lethu lightly nodded but quickly came back to reality. The nurse gave them space,she came closer to her mother and just stood there,holding her hand.

"Mah?" Lethu called.

She bowed her head down and started to pray like life depended on it. Ndumiso and Mfundo arrive at Mandisa's home,parked outside and went inside.

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