How I Met Him Chapter 10.

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It was Wednesday night,19:48pm. Mandisa kept wiping her tears,looking outside the window and Philani focused on the road but couldn't help hear Mandisa's loud sobs.

He takes out a tissue and hands it to her.

"Ungagcolisi ijersey " He said.

"Thanks " She said,wiping her tears and held it very tight.

"Coffee?" He asked.

"No thanks, cela ukugoduka." Mandisa said,looking at her side still.

Philani kept quiet and never said anything after that. As for uMandisa,her mind was twisted with alot of different emotions. She was packed with anger and tears,after 20 minutes he stops by her house.

Expecting her to just leave but stayed and cried her eyes out.

"Umuntu ak'sukele afuna nijole and then does this." She wipes her tears and opens the door.

"Cela uhambe olala and then relax your mind. l'll call to check up on you" He said

She nods yes and leaves his car,watching her get inside her home and leaving. It was his final wish to be inlove with Mandisa again while that thought.

As she was about to get inside her house,Mfundo rocks up and hoots non-stop. She walks towards him, furious.

"Ngithe ngiyeke! Phuma k'mina Mfundo Zwide yezwa?hlukana noMandisa!" She wipes her tears.

Mfundo holds her hand and lays a strong grip.

"Ng'cela sikhulume sthandwa sami, ngyacela bandla ungiphe just a chance to explain." Mfundo said.

"Mfundo cela ung'dedele" mandisa calmly instructs.

"Mandisa." He calls her.

"Cela ung'dedele" She said one more time and he let go slowly.

She didn't waste time and left him on the streets.
Mandisa crept in and locked herself in her mother's room.

Luckily Noma was asleep but Lethu wasn't,as she was waiting for uMandisa to return.

"Mandisa?" She called and followed her.

She follows her to the room and stands outside because she locked the door.

"Mandisa cela uvule" She banged the door quietly.

"Mandisa" Lethu kept calling until she gave up,locked the door and windows and went to sleep.

The next day,a Thursday that is. Lethu took a day off to take her mother to the doctor while Mandisa went to work by taking a normal taxi.

She arrives there with puffy eyes,jeans and hoody with sneakers. Nothing fancy but was forced by the situation,not to think too much.

She greets the kids as always and they do their daily routine. By 09:00am,she gives them some activity to do before going to break.

Lethu cleans the house and prepares breakfast for her mother while she carries on with the cleaning. Taking her forever but eventually was done. Ironing her clothes and getting her mother ready as well.

By 10:33am,they were ready to leave. Arriving at the doctor's office with a very fast heart beat.

"I hope uzok'siza yazi." Lethu said.

"Nami ang'sathandi bandla. Kuvele kubeb'hlungu amabele,kanye nok'phefumula." Noma said.

"Ngyam'themba loDokotela. Uzok'siza." Lethu said.

The two get in and sit individually while the doctor sat opposite them and taking notes.

"Good morning Miss Nomawethu Mbhatha" He stands up and shakes Noma's hand.

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