Chapter 1

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"Isla, wake up!" I feel the blanket being ripped off of me.

Ugh, it's so cold.

The joys of living in Canada, especially in December, sarcasm intended. I open my eyes to see my dad standing at the foot of my bed. "I'm up," I mumble as I hear him walking away.

I really don't want to get up.

It's freezing, my night suit pants are halfway up my leg, and it's a Wednesday. I hate Wednesdays.

But maybe I can steal two more minutes? I set an alarm for five minutes on my phone and wrap the blanket around myself again, reveling in its warmth. Just as I'm about to drift back to sleep, I hear my dad's footsteps approaching. The clock reads 6:45. Shitttt I'm going to get a chapal thrown at my head.

I quickly roll out of bed, nearly tripping, and dart into my bathroom, gently closing the door behind me. I'm already 15 minutes behind, so I start brushing my teeth and washing my face.I change into my uniform, tie my wavy hair into a bun for the headcap, which is annoyingly loose, so I secure it with a hair tie before putting on my brown hijab.

I fiddle with it, making sure I don't look like an actual egg. I started wearing the hijab around two months ago, a month after school started, and it's been challenging. Most of my friends were supportive, but my family has been tough on me. So much more is expected of me now, and it's frustrating because I was never judged before. Ever since I started wearing the hijab, my own family has been on me so hard-talk about double standards.

I look at myself in the mirror, and my dark circles are glaring. I reach for my foundation, but then I remember my mom took away my makeup, insisting I need to "learn to own myself" or something. Honestly, I think I'm pretty confident, but my mom believes otherwise.

I forgo the foundation and search my drawer for my ancient concealer. It's probably expired, but who cares. I find it and quickly apply it, grabbing my benetint and Dior lip oil, tucking them into my bag before rushing downstairs.

I grab my keys without bothering to eat breakfast. Eating in the morning makes me feel lazy and unproductive. I start my A4, waiting for it to warm up while texting my best friend, Myra.I've known Myra for two years, but we only became close in the past 4-5 months. She's the sweetest person ever, always listening to my rants and dealing with my delusions. She was incredibly supportive when I started wearing the hijab-it's amazing to have a friend like her.

I play some music as I start driving, and the rest of the ride goes by in a blur.

The day hasn't even started, and I just want it to be over with.


Heyy okay so this is my first story ever (and prob my only one but wtvr) this story is going to about 2 muslims but do not and i repeat do NOT expect them to be perfect because i can assure you they wont be.

I havent rlly figured out the details n everything im just sorting of writing and going with it.

I also may or may not be basing this on real life and tweaking it a little bit wink wink nudge nudge but yeah.

Im kinda basing the main character islas (pronounced eye-la) personality off me and like my experiences so hate will not be tolerated!! if u dont like it literally jus leave its not that difficult

i dont rlly know what else to say, this is all for fun and entertainment and like maybe kinda a distraction from helping me not obsess over someone so yeah

have fun

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