Chapter 4

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It's currently 2 PM on a Thursday afternoon. Myra and I decided to skip school early; she had a doctors appointment, and with a free period on my schedule, I saw no reason to stay. I stumbled upon a charming coffee shop near my house, opting to spend my time there instead. Carrying the book I purchased yesterday, I settled into a cozy spot with a direct view of the window, sipping on an iced capp - I loveeee the mocha iced capp.

However, my attempt to read was futile; I couldn't concentrate on the words in front of me. The page had become a blurry repetition as I reread it five times. I glanced up to take a sip of my iced capp, only to spot a familiar head - the one I can't seem to get out of my head. 

I'm like actually so funny no one appreciates my humour enough bro 

shut up 


It was Ali's head, his wavy/curly hair clinging to his forehead, possibly from sweat. I wondered how he could be sweating in the negative 50-degree weather - maybe he just came from the gym, I watched. Okay, Isla, you're being a bit of a creep now; look away. Before I could avert my gaze, our eyes met, holding a brief, intense connection for about three seconds before he walked away. It felt odd, but I brushed it off.

Dismissing the strange encounter, I packed up my things and hurried home. I couldn't afford to miss Asr prayer; I recently reestablished the habit of consistent prayer and didn't want to break it. Exhausted, I entered my house, greeted my sister with a shout of salaam, and rushed upstairs. Despite my fatigue, I performed wudhu quickly. I felt like I could fall asleep right there, but my mind kept circling back to Ali - a thought that seemed to be eating me alive.

Feeling overwhelmed by these uncharacteristic emotions, I realized Myra might know what to do. I love Myra. I promptly texted her, changed into a hoodie and jeans, grabbed a jersey hijab, and checked if she was ready for me to pick her up.

As I prepared to pick up Myra, a sense of uncertainty hung over me. What could I possibly share with her about these emotions that had taken control of me? The question echoed in my mind, underlining the mysterious nature of the situation and the necessity for understanding and support. What the heck do I even tell Myra? I'm feeling all kinds of crazy, and it's like I'm stuck in a weird Ali-induced twilight zone. I don't know how i feel i just know that its insane and its not gonna end up well for me.

Ughhhhh I hate it here.


ok yeah i know this ones short but in my defense its 3 am and ive written like 3 ish chapters so idk man

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