Chapter 2

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When we drove into the school parking lot, it was chaos with fifty cars all trying to find a spot. To make things easier, Myra and I chose a spot at the far end. We almost got hit by a reckless driver, and I couldn't help but joke, "I don't know who gave these people their licenses." Myra laughed and said, "Forreal."

Heading towards the main building, we decided to take a detour through the side stairs to skip the boring morning announcements. The vice principals were making everyone go through a line, stating their names and grades. It felt like a pointless delay, making us even more late.

When we saw the coast was clear, Myra and I bee-lined to the nearest bathroom to avoid standing for the anthem, land acknowledgment, and daily prayer. While I quickly put on some tint and lip oil, Myra fixed her hijab and curled her beautiful lashes-mashallah.

The day continued, my first class was religion, attending a Catholic school where a significant portion of the student body is Muslim is kind of funny to me. The morning went by in a blur of classes, and as lunchtime approached, my mood became less grouchy. At my locker, I overheard chatter about an after-school basketball game. Intriguing as it sounded, the notion of staying after school for the game, having to hear the earful i would get from mama didn't appeal to me. also because the time gap between the school's 2:30 dismissal and the 3:45 start of the game seemed too tiring.

Myra doesn't have this lunch with me today so i headed straight for my car so i could go to the plaza near my school. i had been craving bubble tea all day and there was also a book store, i wanted to see if they had the twisted series because lordddd i am dying to read it.

At the plaza, I happily secured my bubble tea fix and found the bookstore. Excitement bubbled up as I discovered the Twisted series on the shelves. With my arms full of books and a cup of bubble tea in hand, I headed back to school, unaware that time was slipping away. I left the books in my car because I cant bring books like that into the school. knowing my friends they'd take the books and then clown the fuck out of me for reading 'porn in words' their words not mine.

By the time I returned, lunch was over, and I only had two periods left. During the last class, a text from Myra popped up, informing me that we needed to stay after school for extra help. I quickly messaged my mom to let her know about the change in plans. The last two periods passed in a blur, and before I knew it, the school day was coming to an end.

Exhausted, I sat in the front foyer, waiting for Myra and a couple of friends. Slowly, everyone dispersed, and Myra left for her extra help session, leaving me bored and alone. I mean at this point I have nothing to lose, I decided to go watch the basketball team warm up. Anything was better than sitting around doing nothing.

As I walked into the gym, I was immediately greeted by the lively atmosphere and school spirit all around me. The cheerleaders were practicing their chants, creating an energetic backdrop to the boys' basketball team warming up, damn bro I felt weird, like I miss out on this shit for no reason because for some reason this actually looks fun. Someone caught my eye - he seemed familiar. I wracked my brain and recalled a rumor from last year's first semester about a guy named Ali dating a girl named Alaina or something. That was about all I knew of him, but today, he looked different. Maybe it was the setting or perhaps a change in his appearance.

Whatever it was, i didn't like it.


ok idk what this is like lwk this is kinda a filler but like not at the same time cuz it introduces ali. idk man i jus wanted atleast another chapter out incase someone DID read this

bro also im kinda scared im moving the book too fast but i jus wanna bring the book to where im at like in the present rn n everything idk

Have fun!!

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