Chapter 15

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Ali's POV

As I walked down the hallway, the memory of our brief encounter replayed in my mind like a broken record. That fleeting moment when my backpack brushed against Isla's back seemed to linger, sending a strange sensation coursing through me. It was as if time had momentarily stood still, and in that instant, I couldn't deny the strange pull I felt towards her.

Lost in thought, I couldn't help but wonder if Isla had noticed me, if she felt the same inexplicable connection. Was it just a coincidence, or was there something more at play? The more I thought about it, the more I realized how drawn I was to her.

I shouldn't have walked close to her, i should have known better.

There was an undeniable magnetism, a mysterious allure that seemed to beckon me towards her. Isla was different, intriguing, and I couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity that consumed me whenever I thought about her.

As the clock ticked away in each class, my mind was in a constant whirlwind, fixated on the encounter with Isla. It was like a scene from a movie playing on repeat in my head, with me questioning every move and word exchanged between us. Was it right to feel this drawn to her? Should I have even engaged in that moment of connection?

In the midst of all the chaos in my mind, one thing remained clear: my faith and values. As a follower of Islam, I knew the importance of staying grounded in my beliefs, especially when faced with situations like this. It wasn't just about following the rules; it was about living in accordance with the teachings of Islam and honoring the values that shaped me.

Despite the undeniable attraction I felt towards Isla, I reminded myself that I was still young, still figuring things out. High school is a time for learning and growing, not for diving headfirst into romantic entanglements. I needed to be patient and trust that the right path would reveal itself in due time.

So, I made a conscious decision to stay within my boundaries and not let my emotions cloud my judgment. It wasn't easy, especially with the constant tug of desire pulling at my heartstrings. But I knew that staying true to myself and my beliefs was the most important thing.

As I navigated through the rest of the day, I kept reminding myself to be patient and trust in Allah's plan. Relationships and all that stuff could wait; what mattered most right now was staying true to myself and staying grounded in my faith. And with that mindset, I felt a sense of peace wash over me, knowing that I was on the right path, guided by my beliefs and values.

As I trudged home, Isla's presence lingered in my thoughts like a stubborn melody I couldn't shake off. Each step felt heavier, burdened by the weight of uncertainty and curiosity. By the time I reached my front door, I knew I needed a break from the loop of questions swirling in my mind.

I glanced at my phone, debating whether to text Ilyas ,or just take a solitary walk to clear my head. Opting for the latter, I slipped my phone into my pocket and stepped back out into the cool evening air with my basketball.

The streets were relatively quiet, illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights casting long shadows across the pavement. I found myself wandering aimlessly. The familiar weight of the ball in my hands grounded me as I made my way to the nearest court.

The rhythmic thud of the dribble echoed through the empty court as I took my first steps onto the polished surface. With each bounce, I felt the tension slowly dissipate, replaced by a sense of focus and determination.

I began with some simple dribbling drills, the ball moving fluidly between my fingertips as I weaved in and out of imaginary defenders. With each precise movement, I felt myself slipping into a state of flow, the worries of the day melting away with every dribble.

As I moved on to shooting drills, I let my muscle memory take over, sinking shot after shot with ease. The sound of the ball swishing through the net was like music to my ears, a comforting reminder of the comfort that basketball brought me.

With each repetition, I pushed myself harder, running drills and practicing footwork until I was completely lost in the rhythm of the game. The sharp squeak of my sneakers against the court, the thud of the ball against the ground – it was like a symphony of motion, each movement bringing me closer to a sense of clarity.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the court, I finally came to a stop, my chest heaving with exertion. I stood there for a moment, the cool breeze washing over me, feeling rejuvenated and clear-headed.

Basketball had always been my sanctuary, a place where I could escape the chaos of the world and find peace within the confines of the court. And tonight was no different. As I gathered my belongings and made my way home, I felt a sense of calm wash over me, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I had basketball – and the clarity it brought – to see me through.

Lost in my thoughts, I found myself wandering off the usual path, the cool evening air guiding my steps towards unfamiliar streets. It was as if my feet had a mind of their own, leading me further away from the familiar and into uncharted territory.

Eventually, I found myself outside a cozy café, its inviting ambiance drawing me in like a beacon in the night. As I pushed open the door, a wave of warmth enveloped me, and the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled my senses.

I glanced around, taking in the cozy interior dotted with small tables and plush armchairs. Near the entrance, a bulletin board caught my eye, adorned with various flyers and announcements. Among them, a job application stood out, neatly pinned in the center.

My gaze lingered on the application for a moment, a flicker of interest igniting within me. Maybe a new job would offer the distraction I desperately needed. With a sense of purpose, I plucked the application from the board and made my way to an empty table near the window.

Sitting down, I smoothed out the crinkled edges of the application and retrieved a pen from my pocket. As I began to fill out the form, my mind drifted back to Isla. Her image danced at the forefront of my thoughts, her laughter echoing in the recesses of my mind.

Lost in my musings, I didn't notice the server approaching until she cleared her throat softly, breaking through my reverie. I glanced up as I handed her the completed application.

"Thanks," I murmured, the words feeling foreign on my tongue after the silence that had settled over me.

The server returned my smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Good luck," she said cheerfully before disappearing behind the counter.

As I watched her go, a surge of anticipation washed over me. Maybe this job would be the fresh start I'd been searching for – a chance to carve out a new path and leave behind the tangled web of uncertainty that had ensnared me.


new chapter!! 

i didnt think you guys would get it to 5 votes that fast but woww, thank you guys so much for all the support, like i said ill be moving this book a bit faster so well see both Ali and isla developing feelings. 

1260 words!! 

i hope you guys like this chapter, next update will happen after 10 votes in sha allah, ik its a stretch but i think you guys can do it! 

and if i feel nice then maybe ill let out 2 chapters that day too! 

anyways heres Ali POV lmk how u guys like the chapter 

and just to boost interaction, hows everyones ramadan going so far?

i love you guys byeeeee 

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