Chapter 3

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I make my way to the bleachers, finding a good spot just as the basketball games are about to start. As I settle down, eager to enjoy the match, my friend Holly, a blue-eyed blondie, rushes up to me. Holly is on the student athletic council and is genuinely so sweet oh my lord. I've always wished we could be closer friends, but unfortunately, we don't share any classes or lunches this year.

"Holly! Hey," I greet her as she approaches.

"Hey! Are you planning to stay for the whole game?" she asks, sounding a bit out of breath.

"Yeah, I'm here for it," I reply.

Without a moment's hesitation, Holly grabs my arm and drags me to the other side of the court. "Perfect! I've got something important to attend to, and I need you to be the scorekeeper for us. Can you do it?" she asks, her eyes wide with urgency.

Before I can answer, she gives me a quick rundown of how to keep score and then dashes off, leaving me slightly bewildered. I guess I'm the scorekeeper now.

As the games kick off, I find myself focused on keeping track of points and plays. However, despite my best efforts, my eyes keep wandering back to Ali. I don't recall seeing him around much, and even if I did, I wouldn't typically give it a second thought. But today feels different. There's a certain determination in his eyes, and the way he plays sends chills down my spine. 

He looks good.

Oh my lord, I'm going to hell.

As I start keeping score, my focus shifts to the intense basketball games unfolding before me. The court buzzes with energy, players darting across the floor, and the crowd cheering in anticipation. Holly's instructions on scoring become second nature, and I quickly get into the rhythm of recording each successful shot and the team's overall progress.

As I'm immersed in my newfound role, Holly's voice echoes in my ear, "You're doing great! I owe you one!" She flashes a grateful smile before disappearing into the bustling crowd.

Turning my attention back to the game, I watch as the teams battle fiercely. The first match is neck-and-neck, both sides displaying impressive skill. The sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor and the rhythmic bounce of the ball create a captivating symphony.

During a timeout, I overhear snippets of conversation from the players and the coach strategizing. It's fascinating to catch a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes dynamics that contribute to the intensity on the court.

As the second game begins, the atmosphere becomes even more charged. The teams' strategies evolve, and the players demonstrate an impressive array of techniques. Ali, in particular, stands out with his precision, damn hes fast. His movements are calculated, and there's a noticeable fire in his eyes.

Curiosity gets the better of me, a"Hey, do you know much about Ali? He seems really focused today," I ask this random dude next to me

The person, clearly a basketball enthusiast, grins and replies, "Ali's been putting in extra practice lately. Rumor has it he's eyeing a scholarship. He's determined to stand out."

As the game goes on, Ali's dedication becomes even more apparent. His plays are calculated, and he seamlessly blends offense and defense. The crowd, too, is enraptured, cheering for every successful shot and skillful maneuver.

ok wait what the fuck, Ali just made like the cleanest three-pointer, earning a collective gasp from the crowd,kind of leaving me jaw dropped too and I can't help but get caught up in the excitement.

As the final buzzer sounds, signaling the end of the matches, the crowd erupts into cheers and applause.I catch myself clapping along with the crowd, my earlier internal struggle momentarily forgotten.

The allure of watching Ali play, combined with the adrenaline-fueled atmosphere, has turned an ordinary basketball game into an unexpectedly exhilarating experience.

I scold myself internally. Why am I so fixated on him? Sure, he looks good today, maybe even better than usual, but why can't I stop staring? It's a distracting revelation, and I find myself caught in a strange internal struggle between enjoying the game and the unexpected allure of watching Ali in action. 

Myra walks into the gym, she shoots me this look, like I've lost my mind. Okay, fair, maybe I got a bit carried away. I decide it's time to bail, so I tell the coach I have to go because it's getting late. I jog over to Myra, and she's side-eyeing me, giving me that look.

I raise an eyebrow at her, "What?"

She just grins, all mysterious-like. "Oh, nothing," she says, still smiling.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever." Classic Myra being all enigmatic.

On the way home, I can't shake this weird feeling. Like, why was I acting so different today? It's not like I'm crushing on Ali or anything. I mean, we've never even exchanged a word. Can you even have a crush on someone you've never talked to? Right? I'm stuck in this loop of overthinking, and it's driving me nuts. Maybe I just need to calm it and not read too much into it. Yeah, that's it.

I want to take a bubble bath 


this one was a bit longer than the other ones, idk if i should write longer ones or shorter ones. 

i also feel like this is moving too fast but like ngl this is what happened with me, saw him play at the basketball game like 3-4 days ago 

(literally had no idea he existed before then) 

and then since then i been like lowkey obsessing... but i need to calm it and so does isla cuz girlll 

ok byeee

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