Chapter 12

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Islas POV


I hope they're okay, i know nothing of this situation. All i know is that something happened getting both Myra and Adam booked. this leaves a lot of grey areas. my mind spirals for all the possible things that could have happened. 

Did something really bad happen? Maybe they got in trouble at school, or something worse?

Not having any answers made me feel even more anxious. I couldn't stop my mind from coming up with all these crazy scenarios.

I just hoped Myra and Adam were okay. But without knowing what happened, I couldn't stop worrying. I felt like I was stuck, not able to do anything until I heard from them. 

Just then i see a notification on my phone from Ali, three minutes ago. My heart skips a beat as I quickly open it, finding him asking the exact same question I've been wondering. "Yo, did something happen to Adam and Myra?"

I feel a mix of relief and apprehension knowing that Ali is also concerned about Myra and Adam. It's a small comfort to know that I'm not the only one feeling uneasy about the situation. Quickly, I type out a response, my fingers tapping on the screen with urgency. "I don't know, Myra jus texted me saying they got booked and to not text them, Have you heard anything?"

As I hit send, I hope that Ali might have some answers or at least some insight into what might be going on. But deep down, I know that until Myra and Adam reach out to us, we'll both be left in the dark, grappling with the uncertainty of the situation.

"nah Adam texted me saying that his mom found out about his girl, idk how this relates to myra but i hope everything's all g"  he writes back. Damn, I didnt know Ali was this oblivious, adams 'girl' is obviously myra, I mutter to myself, surprised by the revelation. 

But like Ali said, I don't know how this relates to Myra, Maybe she just wasn't involved in it like this but i dont know, I continue, my thoughts spinning as I try to piece together the puzzle. Whatever's going on, it seems like there's more to the story than meets the eye. And until Myra or Adam fills us in, we'll just have to wait and see how it all unfolds.

"oh" i type back "yeah, in sha allah everything's good" i type out before putting my phone down again, my thoughts racing a thousand miles per hour. i didn't expect Ali to respond but he did right away "yo dont stress, im sure they'll be fine" i hold back a smile as i see the notification pop up. "i know you're stressing about myra but don't worry just pray, in sha Allah everything will be fine" his words almost make me melt realizing he was right i decide that praying and making dua for them would be much more beneficial for them.  

"Yeah, in sha Allah," I typed back before setting my phone aside and quietly saying a prayer in my mind. Soon after, a message from Ali appeared on my screen. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Nothing much, just sitting and watching 'One Day at a Time' on Netflix with my cousin," I replied.

From there, our conversation flowed naturally. We talked about the show, its like he was purposly trying to get my mind off of it, off of this. 

"Oh, i think ive heard of it before" Ali says.

"yeahhh, ive watched it like 50 times lol" I agreed.

As the clock ticked closer to midnight, I felt a surge of excitement. It was almost Ali's birthday, and I couldn't wait to wish him.

we keep talking as the hours pass by, the butterflies in my stomach growing by the second,"Hey, isn't it your birthday tomorrow?" I sent, my heart pounding in my chest as I waited for his response.

"Yeah, lol,"Ali replied nonchalantly, his easygoing demeanor evident even through text.

Taking a breath, I decided to delve a little deeper. "Got any plans?" I asked tentatively, hoping to keep the conversation going without overstepping any boundaries.

Saad's response came swiftly, reassuring me that I hadn't overstepped. "Yeah, I might go out to a Turkish restaurant with family," he revealed.

"Ouu, that sounds fun," I typed back, trying to mask my nerves with casual enthusiasm. Thankfully, Ali smoothly transitioned to a different topic, sparing me from any further awkwardness. We delved into a discussion about his upcoming game, and I found myself getting lost in the conversation as the minutes ticked by.

Before I knew it, it was almost midnight. Ali hadn't responded in a few minutes, and I assumed he had already fallen asleep.

"Happy birthdayy," I quickly typed out, anxiously awaiting the clock to strike 12. As soon as it did, I hit send before tossing my phone aside and pretending to focus on the TV. Abeeha shot me a puzzled look, but then burst into laughter as she realized the time.

"Happy birthday!" she exclaimed, realizing my intention. i hit her with the pillow on my lap and we both quickly start having a pillow fight. I glanced at my phone, noticing a notification from ALi that had come in five minutes ago. "Jazakallah," it read.

A small smile crept onto my lips as I read his message. It was unexpected, yet it warmed my heart. I quickly typed out a response, "Wa Ya Kum" before setting my phone aside and returning my attention to Abeeha. We resumed our conversation, but in the back of my mind Ali trying to reassure me played over and over again. 

Hes so cute 

ya allah help me 


heyyy 990 words, (almost a thousand) u guys somewhat got a glimpse of why adam got in trouble, not so sure about myra and we got to see the softer side of Ali, the more caring side. 

like i said ill try posting more in sha allah but uh woahhh 3 chapters in less than 24 hours, kiss me rn lol 

how are we liking this chapter? feel free to dm me scenarios you want to see with isla and Ali as the story progesses and i will try my best to add them into the story whereever i see fit

i promise i already have SOO many scenarios ready to be written (cuz they acc happened irl lol) but we havent gotten to that stage yet just waittt 

love you guyss please dont forget to vote and comment it really helps


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