Chapter 6

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We're now on our way to the indoor race course that just opened. Myra and I have been talking about going here for so long but we never really got the time. We pull into the parking lot and get out, to say shocked is an understatement, as soon as we walk inside we hear the go carts zooming fast on the track. We both grab the gear on the side - safety issues obviously- and make our way towards the front desk. We wait a few minutes before being led to the area where the carts were held.

The scent of rubber and gasoline greeted us as we strapped into the compact go-karts, ready to conquer the twists and turns of the track. Zooming ahead, I revved up my go-kart, feeling the engine's rumble like a pumped-up playlist. Myra's laughter, contagious as always, trailed right behind me as we weaved through the neon-lit track. The hazy lights above reflected the sheer thrill of the race. Every twist and turn turned into a wild dance of speed and skill, and the whole joint echoed with our laughter and the engine roars, tightening the bond between us. Crossing the finish line, panting but grinning ear to ear, it hit me: the real magic of friendship, as corny as it may sound, is in these heart-racing moments, when you're tearing up the track together, soaking in the pure joy of the now.

After a few more laps around the racetrack, Myra and I decided it was time to call it a night. The day had been a whirlwind of excitement, and fatigue was setting in. Eager to hit the hay, I suddenly remembered I needed to text Adam. Before drifting off, I grabbed my phone and sent him a quick message, seeking advice about Ali.

so, I'm sure you know what I'm texting you about.


Ohhh, Ali stuff

Isla, I'm going to remind you once again,

Saad is a very introverted person. He doesn't talk to girls,

so this is probably going to be hard.

Yeah, bro, that's what I'm worried about.

How do I even get things started?

I think first just start off small.

His birthday is coming up on December 29th

just wish him a happy birthday.

Yes, but I don't even know the dude.

How am I just supposed to randomly text a guy

I've never talked to before 'happy birthday'? It's a bit odd."

"I get it, Isla. It might feel a bit odd, but trust me,

it's a low-key way to break the ice.

Ali's not big on initiating convos, especially with girls.

Just keep it simple.

Say something like, 'Hey Ali,

heard it's your birthday soon. Happy birthday!

sounds straightforward, I guess.

But what if he thinks it's weird

coming from me out of nowhere?

Nah, don't overthink it.

Everyone likes a birthday wish.

And who knows, it might be the start of a conversation.

Ali might appreciate the gesture.

Plus, you gotta take the first step since he's not likely to.

Just be genuine.

I guess you're right

I'll give it a shot but broo

I'm nervous

Don't be nervous are you dumb.

Just be yourself, and he might surprise you.

I liked Adam's message and put my phone down ready to go to sleep putting my mind at ease. I was drifting off to sleep again when I heard a ding, I opened the message to see Adam had texted again

Also you might wanna tell ilyas

him n Ali r tight, like tight tight

Ilyas and i were close but again I had started distancing myself from guys even as friends after I wore the hijab so we didnt really talk as often, we're still pretty close tho.

bet bet ill let him know too

I texted back before I dozed off

The next morning raced by, and during the first period, everything seemed light.

But, as I made my way to the second period, I felt the need to pause at the bathroom just two doors down from my classroom. My hijab had decided to play its own game, gradually loosening up, and I wasn't about to face my math class with my hijab threatening to escape.

Now, let me tell you about my math teacher-strict doesn't even begin to cover it. She'd make you sign a contract if she could, promising not to breathe too loudly during class. And let's not even talk about the bathroom policy. No bathroom breaks before or during class, leaving me with no choice but to tackle my hijab situation right before class. This was the consequence of buying a loose undercap, I thought as I hastily repinned my hijab, desperately avoiding another lecture from Ms. Strict.

As I left the bathroom, I almost bumped into a random person, i looked back to see Ali walking into the class right next to mine.

How had I never noticed that Ali's class was right there the whole time? That realization hit me like a ton of bricks, and well, that was a bit embarrassing. I just bumped into him and he didn't even notice.

I swear he's like a whole foot taller than I am what the hell.


heyyy im backkkk, happy new years btwwww

ik its been a whole month since i updated but tbh i was so tireddd n i didnt think me n him were gonna go anywhere so i didnt bother writing more, but over winterbreak and ever since skl started, lordddd i have so much to fill you guys in on

this chapters a bit longer than usual, expect longer chapters now in sha allah and yeah thats it rlly

sorry about the long waittt

i love youuu

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