Part 10

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Klas's pov:

That morning, buoyed by a cheerful disposition, I decided to go the extra mile. Early on, I took a refreshing shower and ventured into the kitchen to cook. The enticing aroma of crispy rice pancakes with potatoes and chickpeas wafted through the air, complemented by a medley of freshly chopped fruits. A symphony of giggles greeted me as my daughter, the source of my morning joy, joined me. "Morning, sunshine!" I exclaimed, lifting her into my arms and showering her with kisses. "Morning, dada," she responded, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the breakfast spread.

As I settled her into her seat, I couldn't help but marvel at how she was growing bigger every day. The mix of emotions—both sadness and happiness—accompanied the realization that my daughter was flourishing. I fed her chopped melon, enchanted by her delighted exclamation of "yum yum." "Aren't you the cutest?" I cooed, savoring the precious moments.

"Mornin'," Mickey's morning voice, raspy and husky, resonated as he joined us at the table. His presence had a certain allure that never failed to captivate me. "Morning, Papusha!" Willow greeted, and Mickey reciprocated her smile as he began to savor his breakfast.

"Mickey, could you pack Willow's lunch? I want to send her to school myself," I requested, and Mickey nodded in agreement. After Willow finished her breakfast, I took her for a shower and prepared for the day while Mickey, with meticulous care, finished his breakfast and packed Willow's lunch. Willow, a reflection of my spirit, possessed a penchant for dressing up and presenting herself well. I encouraged her choices, even if she fancied wearing a suit. My intention was for her to embrace her unique sense of self, finding confidence within herself rather than seeking validation from others.

Willow embraced Mickey tightly, bidding her farewell, and I shared a deep kiss with him before departing. Driving Willow to school, I walked her to her classroom with a heartfelt wish for a marvelous day. As she giggled and ran inside, a mixture of sadness and happiness enveloped me—my little girl was now in kindergarten, walking, running, and building friendships. It felt like just yesterday when she came into our lives, a radiant angel who brought joy every day.

Recollections of the past echoed in my mind, particularly the time I clashed with Mickey upon discovering Natalie's pregnancy with Willow. Yet, she turned out to be a blessing, lighting up our lives each day. Willow, alongside Mickey, became my source of hope and everything.

"Klas!" a familiar voice called out, interrupting my thoughts. I sighed. "Morning," I greeted as I headed towards my car, but he followed. "Hey, sorry, I was wondering if you want to go out to dinner with me tonight?" he asked, hope evident in his expression. "I'm married," I stated plainly. He persisted, suggesting it could be as friends. "Sorry, I need to ask my husband first," I replied, getting into my car and driving away.

It wasn't that I harbored animosity towards Ethan, but I sensed that maintaining a friendship with him might jeopardize my marriage, given my husband's tendency towards jealousy. I held this marriage with Mickey for five years, cherishing the life we built together—Willow, our home, and the enduring happiness we found in each other. This was what I wanted, and nothing else.

I arrived at work and exchanged greetings with my colleagues as I made my way to my office. The atmosphere was bustling, fueled by the demands of a renowned client seeking my artwork, a project with a tight deadline by the year's end. Despite the success, the relentless pace left me with little time to rest, navigating through multiple projects concurrently.

In the midst of my focused efforts, the door unexpectedly opened, revealing Adrian with a smile. Sighing, I addressed him with a hint of boredom, "Yes?"

"Can we talk? As professionals?" he proposed, prompting me to nod. Seating myself on the sofa, he followed suit, positioning himself across from me. "So, I would like to apologize for my behavior that night," he began, and I responded with a simple nod.

"I think we both know the prize of this battle," he continued, leaving me perplexed. "Mickey," he added, a statement that unsettled me. Firmly, I asserted, "No, my husband is neither a game nor a prize," emphasizing the gravity of my words. Adrian chuckled dismissively, insinuating, "You chose to engage in this conflict, and now both you and Mickey are entangled in it."

With that, he smirked, abruptly exiting the room, leaving me perturbed on the sofa. His audacity to bring Mickey into this battle left a lingering sense of frustration and unease.

Mickey's pov:

With Willow at school and Klas immersed in his work, I decided to pay a visit to Max. Having been reminded to bring him some snacks, I stopped by a convenience store to pick up treats and beers. Upon arriving, I entered to find Max entwined with Celine. Placing the food on the table, I took a seat across from them.

"Don't you two have fucking work?" I inquired, feeling a sense of awkwardness witnessing the couple wrapped up in each other's company. "Both our shifts are at night, Mick," Max responded, rolling his eyes. Curious, Celine turned her attention to me. "And what about you, Mickey?" she asked, her fingers playing with Max's hair.

"Stay-at-home husband and father," I replied with a smirk, taking pride in my role. Max, however, scoffed. "Just that?" he remarked, prompting a frown from me. "Oh, I fuck the only breadwinner in that house " I exclaimed, and they burst into laughter.

"Are you expecting again?" Max joked, causing me to roll my eyes. "No, one's fuckin' enough for me," I shook my head, contemplating the challenges of caring for my demanding, cheeky, and remarkably smart daughter.

Mary had called the previous day, expressing her desire for Willow to spend a day at her place, intending to take her out. Klas had readily agreed and efficiently prepared Willow's clothes and essentials. After bidding farewell to Max and Celine, I returned home to fetch Willow's bag before heading back to her school, eagerly waiting for her to emerge.

As I patiently waited, a man who appeared to be waiting for his own child fixated his gaze on my tattooed arms. "The fuck you lookin' at?" I hissed, furrowing my brow. "It's very inappropriate to have so many tattoos with a small child around," he remarked, his tone tinged with apprehension. "Why don't you just stab your damn eyes and shut the fuck up and wait for your lame ass kid?" I retorted, prompting a nod from him and a resigned sigh.

My impatience turned to amusement when I spotted Willow running towards me. I scooped her up and couldn't help but wait for the moment when I observed two kids racing towards the same man. Bursting into laughter, I pointed at the kids, who were visibly startled. "Mind your retarded kids before minding my damn business, fuckface!" This was the consequence of crossing paths with Ruslanov; we didn't let such incidents slide. A sense of pride washed over me, especially seeing my daughter share in the laughter, a clear testament to her undeniable connection with me.

I entrusted Willow to Mary and Anthony, and just as I was ready to drive home, Klas called. I updated him about Willow, and he promised to return early for a dinner together. Inspired to create a special atmosphere, I decided to prepare salmon, adorned the table with candles, and poured wine in anticipation of our evening together.

Not bothering to shower, I knew Klas appreciated my natural scent. When he entered the house, I eagerly approached him, lifting him as he wrapped his legs around my waist, a smile lighting up his face. "I made dinner; let's eat," I declared, and he nodded, blushing. We took our seats, and as we savored the meal, he complimented my cooking, a source of pride for me. I recognized my multitalented abilities, and there was no denying that fact.

After finishing dinner, I patiently waited for Klas to conclude his shower, reclining in bed. When he joined me, a smirk passed between us, both aware of the impending moments of intimacy. Excitement filled the air as I anticipated a night filled with passion, knowing it would be a restless yet beautiful night for my husband.


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