Part 19

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Mickey's pov:

I continued staying at Yuri's house, unsure when I should return home. Yuri didn't seem to mind, and perhaps he appreciated the company since he didn't have family nearby, having been alone since childhood. Willow had been restless lately, missing Klas, but I had to lie to her, telling her that Klas was busy at work. I wasn't ready to face Klas, and I couldn't bear the thought of being away from my daughter. After all, she was biologically mine, related to Natalie, not Klas, so I felt entitled to her company.

To lift Willow's spirits, I decided to take her to a park where she could play freely. "Quick, we're going now, princess," I announced, sipping my coffee while watching Willow happily eat her cereal. I headed to our room to grab jackets for both of us. Yuri inquired, "Where are you heading?" as he stood by the door. "park. you coming?" I asked, and he nodded, rushing down to join Willow.

Despite Yuri's rough exterior, he was good with kids and harbored no prejudices. He accepted me for who I was, which was a rare quality. It reinforced my disdain for the judgmental attitudes often found among wealthier circles. I found solace in the idea that having different perspectives was acceptable. Rejoining them, I found Yuri washing the bowl Willow had used, and Willow was running around happily.

"Alright, Willow, let's go," I said, lifting her up and showering her with kisses.

Yuri drove us to a nearby park, and upon arrival, he remarked, "Nice weather today, eh?" I nodded in agreement as I carried Willow to the playground. Yuri, opting for a cigarette, settled on a nearby bench. Placing Willow on the ground, I knelt to meet her eyes, instructing, "Be a good girl, just play, and call daddy if you need anything." Willow eagerly nodded, and I gestured for her to go ahead.

Seating myself next to Yuri, he handed me a cigarette and a lighter. "Where's the husband?" he inquired. I sighed, placing the cigarette between my lips and lighting it. "Fuck if I know, dude," I confessed, and he nodded in understanding.

"Mickey?" a familiar voice called out, and I turned to see Lyubov. "Hey," I greeted, standing up to welcome her. "I didn't expect to see you here, Mick," she remarked. Laughing, I pointed towards Willow, who was joyfully navigating the playground. Lyubov smiled in acknowledgment.

"Where's Klas?" she inquired, and a sense of nervousness overcame me. Scratching my brow, I indicated my reluctance to discuss it. "We're not together. I mean, we're still married, but, uh, broke up. It's hard to explain," I explained, exhaling.

Lyubov nodded, grasping the complexity of the situation. "So where do you live now? I know the house you guys lived in is Klas's," she probed. "I'm staying at a friend's place," I revealed, and she responded with a simple "oh."

"A guy friend?" she added, seeking clarification, and I affirmed. "I mean, that's okay, but Willow is a girl, and living in a house with two grown men-the father and the father's friend-is a bit unusual," she remarked. Perplexed, I looked at her, seeking understanding. "What's so weird about it? She has had two dads all her life," I pointed out. Lyubov shook her head, laughing gently. "Mickey, if you were a girl, you'd understand. I get it, and as a woman, I understand Willow's perspective," she shared.

"So, what do I do?" I asked Lyubov, and she met my gaze. "Stay at my apartment?" she suggested. I sighed, shaking my head. "You know I can't. It's-" Lyubov interrupted me with a decisive "for Willow." "Alright," I nodded, and she went to greet Willow while I reclined with Yuri.

"You've got a girl wanting you, and you're still going to fight for a man who fuckin' clearly doesn't want you, Mickey," Yuri remarked, chuckling. I frowned, taking a drag from the cigarette. "Can't say he doesn't want me, but I don't know. I ran away, and he didn't fucking kick me out," I confessed, and Yuri laughed.

"You see the hesitation in your damn words, Ruslanov," he pointed out. I bit my lower lip, uncertain of my next steps. "I like the kid; you should do the best you can to change her life, Mickey. We both know we don't want Willow to have a childhood like ours, fucked up" Yuri added. Glancing at Willow playing with Lyubov, I pondered his words. Yuri was right; I didn't want Willow to end up like me.

I bid farewell to Yuri and entered Lyubov's apartment, choosing to stay with her instead. With two rooms and a single bathroom, it was modest but sufficient for the three of us. "Play with them as much as you want," Lyubov encouraged Willow, who was engrossed in playing with Barbie dolls in the living room.

I headed to the room designated for Willow and me, taking a seat with my back to the door. On the desk, I found a book but lacked the inclination to read it. The door opened, and though I didn't bother to look, Lyubov asked, "How do you like the room?" I chuckled lightly, replying, "Beggars can't be choosers, I guess." She laughed in response. Her hands gently rested on my shoulders, offering a light massage. "You can stay as long as you want," she added, her breath near my ear as she leaned down. "Mick," she whispered, and as our faces drew closer, the tips of our noses touched. She moved in, and I felt her strawberry-flavored lips against mine. Closing my eyes to savor the taste, I glimpsed Klas in the darkness, prompting me to pull away abruptly.

"I'm fucking married, Lyu," I stated, standing up and scratching my brow. Cheating on Klas was the last thing on my mind; my love for that man endured.

"Mickey, we can go back to the past, just us together, and with Willow now," Lyubov suggested, but I shook my head. I cherished my marriage and didn't want it to end. "No, I can't," I asserted, and she sighed. That's when Willow came in, crying. Hastily, I picked her up, asking what was wrong.

"I want dada," she cried, and I sighed. "No dada today, alright," I tried to comfort her, but it was no use; she continued to cry. "Dada, please," she begged, and I decided to call Klas for once. Placing Willow on the bed, Lyubov walked out of the room to give us space. I dialed Klas's number, and he immediately picked up.

"Mickey?" he said, sounding both panicked and relieved. "Willow wants to talk," I informed him. "Okay, yes, but Mickey, please tell me where you are and come back. I missed you and Willow, please," he pleaded. I stood there, uncertain of what to do. "No, Klas, I can't," I said.

"Mickey, please," the pleading and noise were irritating me, and I quickly hung up. "Dada?" Willow pouted, and I kissed her head. "Tomorrow," all I could say. I didn't want to lie, but this time, I had to.

Klas's pov:

I found solace in my mother's comforting embrace after Mickey hung up on me. Sobbing, I longed for my family-Mickey and Willow-and the ache for their presence was overwhelming. "It's okay, dear. He'll come back," my mother cooed, gently rubbing my hair. Mickey's actions had taken me by surprise; he seemed oblivious to the pain I endured in his absence. Wiping away tears, I sat up, reaching for my phone to call him again. Still, there was no reply. I continued my attempts, pleading for Mickey to respond.

"I'm going over to Max's," I informed my mother, and she nodded, urging me to stay calm and be cautious on the road. Hastily grabbing my car key, I drove to Natalie's house. Bursting inside, I sought out Max, finding him in his room engrossed in his phone. "Klas? What are you doing here?" he inquired, and I looked down, struggling for words. "Do you have any idea where Mickey is now?" I asked, and he shook his head. "Sorry, but no," he replied, sighing. "Give him more time; he'll come back," he reassured. I shook my head. "But I'm in pain. I need them, Max," I explained, and he shrugged. "Sorry, Klas, but I can't help. If he ever told me, I'll let you know," he offered with a smile, and I thanked him.

Returning home, I headed straight to my bed, lying down as I embraced a pillow, imagining it was Mickey. The longing for my dear husband consumed me.


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