Part 24

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Klas's pov:

"Dada!" Willow screamed, startling me as I quickly sat up. Glancing around, I found her giggling. "Willy, don't scare me like that," I said softly, getting off the bed and picking her up.

I was puzzled to see her already dressed for school, and Mickey wasn't in bed. Smiling, I noticed Mickey preparing breakfast. "So early today," I remarked, and Mickey frowned. "Early? You didn't wake to your alarm, and you're probably late by now," he said, making me check the clock and realize he was right.

"Oh, uh," I mumbled, placing Willow down and hurrying to shower. Afterward, I returned to have breakfast, consisting of plain pancakes crafted by Mickey. "I'll drive you to work," he suggested, and I agreed, feeling too tired to drive that day.

"Then we'll have to be quick; we need to drop off Willow first," I said, and Mickey nodded, feeding Willow. After a swift breakfast, we hurried into the car, and Mickey drove us to Willow's kindergarten.

"Dada, please, send me to class together," she pleaded, and I consented. Getting out, Mickey and I held both of Willow's hands. She was filled with giggles and joy. Kneeling to her level, I kissed her cheeks. "Have fun at school," I smiled, and she kissed my nose, hugged Mickey, and trotted off to her class with her friends.

"Klas, can we talk?" Ethan's voice called out, and I heard Mickey sigh. Grabbing Mickey's arm, I pulled him towards the car. "Klas, wait!" Ethan followed us, and I cursed under my breath. "What is it?" I asked, and Ethan stared at me, seemingly oblivious to Mickey's presence.

"You're not gonna tell him?" He said, eyeing Mickey up and down. One thing I knew about Mickey was that he hated when people did that-judged or looked down on him. I felt sorry for Ethan for crossing that line. "Fuck you lookin' at?" Mickey snapped, pushing my hand away. I quickly grabbed him.

"Mickey, let's g-" He cut me off, saying, "I know about that shit already, and now why don't you fuck me with that small dick of yours?" I rolled my eyes, pulling Mickey back to the car. "It shows how Klas needs me more than you," Ethan fought back.

The next thing I knew, Ethan was on the ground with a bloody nose after Mickey punched him. "Oh god," I groaned, pushing Mickey inside the car. As I got in, I drove off, silently apologizing to Ethan.

As I reached my building, I noticed Mickey frowning. "Mickey," I said softly, grabbing his face to make him look at me. "I have to go to work, later pick up Willow, buy lunch, and come back here," I explained, and he nodded, sighing. "I love you," I added, kissing him deeply before leaving the car running inside, knowing I was already late.

I rushed into my office without looking up, only to find myself falling on my butt as I collided with someone. Looking up, I realized it was Adrian. Frowning, I thought of all the people I could have bumped into, it had to be him. "Oh, my apologies," he offered, reaching out his hand, but I refused, getting up on my own and heading to my office without looking back. I didn't need to talk to him, let alone touch him. Once in my office, I promptly started working.

Mickey's pov:

As I parked the car, waiting inside for Willow to come out, impatience got the best of me, prompting my exit. "Hey," a man's voice called out, and I turned, raising an eyebrow. "Waiting for your sibling?" he asked, staring at me. I shook my head. "Daughter," I replied, and he let out the ugliest laugh I had ever heard.

"You look too young to be a father," he said, attempting to flirt. I sighed, rolling my eyes as I raised my hand, revealing my ring. "Married," I mumbled, and he nodded. "He doesn't have to know," he added, to which I scoffed. Approaching him, I swiftly kicked his butt, eliciting a painful yell. "I don't do cheating, motherfucker" I stated sternly, upset.

Waiting for another five minutes, the kids finally emerged, and I picked up Willow before getting back into the car. "What do you want to eat, Willy?" I asked. "Pizza!" she screamed happily, and I chuckled. "Sure thing," I exclaimed, driving off to buy pizza.

After purchasing a pepperoni and sausage pizza, I drove to Klas's workplace. Holding hands with Willow, we entered his office building. "Good afternoon, Mr. Miller," Klas's assistant smiled, and I sighed, observing Willow happily waving at her. I barged into Klas's office, and he smiled upon seeing us.

"Hungry?" I smirked, and he nodded, smiling. Willow ran up to him as I placed the pizzas on the table. Klas carried Willow to the couch, seating her on his lap, and we all began to eat. "How's your day?" Klas asked, looking at me. I shrugged. "A guy tried to flirt," I disclosed, and Klas laughed. "Can't blame him," he remarked, and I scowled. "What about you?" I inquired. Klas nodded happily, "It's going great, a bit better than the last few weeks," he explained, and I nodded, pleased that his work was going well.

"I need the toilet," I said as I got up and left the office. Asking the woman earlier, she pointed me to the restroom, and I didn't bother to thank her; I was too tired. After finishing my business, a familiar face walked in - Adrian. "Mickey!" he exclaimed upon seeing me. "Sup," I sighed, rolling my eyes. "How are you? What are you doing here?" he asked, approaching.

"Having lunch with my husband and daughter," I replied simply, and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "So..." he trailed off. "Are you guys back together?" he inquired, eyeing my lips. "Never broke up," I clarified. "Right," Adrian added, grabbing my belt and pulling it off with one hand.

"No, Adrian, I'm not doing it," I said, walking away, but he grabbed my arm. "It'll be a secret," he said, looking at me seductively. I sighed. "You can't-" He interrupted me by getting on his knees, sticking his tongue out, and staring at me with puppy eyes. Truth be told, I was contemplating, and I almost agreed, but I managed to control myself. I left the restroom, quickly heading back to Klas's office, deciding not to tell him.

After lunch, Willow and I returned home, and I began bathing her in a tub filled with bubbles. "Call me if you need help or anything," I instructed, and she nodded. Leaving the bathroom door open, I headed to the kitchen to cook dinner. I took pride in making spaghetti carbonara, reveling in the delicious outcome. Setting up the dining table with the food, I then returned to Willow.

"Are you done?" I asked, and she nodded. I lifted her out of the tub, drying her off and getting her dressed. Allowing her to watch Barbie, I proceeded to clean the bathroom, retrieving the toys she had scattered in the tub. Suddenly, Willow's delighted screams filled the air, and I heard the door open, revealing Klas.

"Hey, baby! Where's your daddy?" Klas's voice echoed, his footsteps drawing near. "Hey," he greeted with a smile, and I reciprocated, sweating from cleaning the spacious bathroom. "Dinner's ready; I gotta shower first," I informed, and Klas nodded, giving me a kiss before attending to Willow.

After finishing my shower, I found them waiting for me at the dinner table, and I joined them. "Who's the better cook, Princess?" I asked Willow, and she giggled. "Whoo," Klas cooed, tickling Willow, who exclaimed, "Dada!" Klas laughed, proud of himself for beating me.

"I can relate; my cooking skills suck," I joked, and Klas held my hand. "I'm better, but you're still a good cook," he said, and we locked eyes, smiling.

"Nighty night," I kissed Willow's forehead as she peacefully fell asleep in her bed. Covering her with a blanket, I left the room quietly, ensuring all the lights were switched off before heading to the bedroom.

"She asleep?" Klas asked, already lying on the bed with a book in hand. "Yep," I replied, joining him. "I'm going to bed, so tired," I mentioned, kissing Klas before laying down. I heard shuffling, and soon Klas was spooning me, kissing my ear. "Night, love you," he whispered, and I smiled. "Love you."


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