Part 29

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Mickey's pov:

Willow's sixth birthday party was tomorrow, and Klas had hired party organizers for her Barbie-themed celebration. However, I attempted to convince Willow to consider a vampire theme with fangs and blood, offering to buy her a bunch of dolls if she agreed. Despite my efforts, Willow insisted on Barbie, running to Klas with her request.

"I'll buy you bunch of dolls if you agree," I tried again, but she remained firm. Sighing, I waited for Klas to intervene, and as expected, he did. "Mickey, what's wrong with you? She wants Barbie, let it be," he said, approaching us. I shrugged, realizing I had little say in the party planning since Willow and I had different ideas. "I mean, that's boring," I remarked. "It's her birthday, not yours," Klas reminded me. "Alright, alright, just saying," I conceded, heading to watch TV.

The following day, the celebration commenced, with Willow joyfully interacting with her school friends while we awaited the arrival of more guests. I headed towards the pool, discovering Max indulging in a cupcake. "How old is she again?" he inquired between bites, prompting me to gesture towards the conspicuous banner proclaiming "Princess Willow's sixth party." His laughter resonated, and I couldn't help but shake my head at his apparent obliviousness.

Curiosity led Max to inquire about the fate of the teacher, to which I smirked, recalling the undisclosed incident. "He's well, alive, but this time, ambulation eludes him," I nonchalantly revealed, eliciting laughter from Max. Intrigued, he pressed, "What did you do, Mickey?" I strolled over to Klas, a knowing smirk playing on my lips, as Max seemed already aware of my evil deed.

Klas, extending greetings to the arriving guests, took my hand, and I accompanied him. Despite my aversion to feigned niceties, I played the part of the doting father, engaging in small talk. A woman's voice cut through the atmosphere, addressing Klas with a warm smile. "Hello, Klas!" she exclaimed, expressing amazement at Willow's growth. Klas chuckled, attributing her rapid development to my imposing stature. As the conversation unfolded, the woman remarked, "Oh, she's going to be a tough girl growing up," prompting laughter. Succumbing to boredom, I rolled my eyes, yearning for a more authentic connection amid the festivities.

After a bit more waiting, it was time for Willow to blow out her candles. I assisted her in sitting on the chair as everyone gathered. Watching my daughter blush, I smiled at the sight of her all grown up into a beautiful princess—my princess. We sang the birthday song to her, clapping, though I refrained from joining in; singing wasn't my forte, and truth be told, Klas was the only person who had ever heard me sing.

As Willow stood before her birthday cake, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, she took a deep breath, ready to make her wish. With a wide grin, she closed her eyes tightly, her little hands clasping each other firmly. In the sweet, innocent voice only a six-year-old could possess, she spoke aloud her heart's desire, "I wish for endless ice cream that never melts, and for teddy bears that can talk and tell jokes!" Laughter and warmth filled the room as she opened her eyes, prepared to blow out the candles and bring her adorable wish to life. We all clapped, and she blew the candles happily.

"Why didn't you ask for a nice car?" I teased, earning a confused look from Willow. Klas slapped my arm, shooting me a 'please behave' stare. Rolling my eyes, I picked up Willow in my arms as Klas cut the cakes. Taking the pink princess plate with a slice of rainbow cake, I fed Willow the delicious treat.

"Let's take a family photo," the photographer suggested, and Klas pulled me closer as the photographer snapped the picture. "Smile, Daddy," he said, looking at me. I glanced around, attempting to figure out who he was addressing. "He's talking to you, Mickey," Klas sighed, and I laughed.

As the photographer was delighted with my laughter, his enthusiasm waned when my smile disappeared quickly—I wasn't in the mood to pose. He exchanged a perplexed look with Klas and took a bunch of pictures before Max, Millie, and Natalie joined for more shots. Anthony and Mary completed the family gathering.

After a series of pictures, they headed off to enjoy the celebration. I approached the photographer, who was engrossed in his camera. Glancing around to ensure Klas was occupied, I smirked. "Dude," I said, and he looked at me, puzzled. "don't call me daddy unless your tight ass is ready for me," I remarked, and he was taken aback, muttering, "Oh." "Don't worry, you're not my type," I giggled, walking away and leaving the photographer bewildered.

I went to my car and retrieved a large box, a gift for Willow – a giant playhouse. Carrying it in, I placed it on the table as a group of excited kids quickly surrounded it. "Is this toys guns and slides?" one boy exclaimed, his enthusiasm evident, and I chuckled.

"I wish, kid, but you know I have a girly daughter," I said, and they laughed, perhaps not fully understanding but playing along with my grumpy tone. "Willy, come, open this one," I called to Willow as she ran over, and I helped her unwrap the present. She gasped upon seeing it and hugged me happily.

"Do you like it?" I asked, and she nodded. I knew my daughter would enjoy it. Initially, I contemplated getting her water guns or Jedi swords, as those were my preferences, but understanding her taste, I opted for the giant pink playhouse.

Klas's pov:

I was enjoying my cake when my friend, Charlotte, approached with her newborn. "Awe," I cooed, gently grabbing the baby's tiny hand. "Hold her, Klas," Charlotte smiled as she passed the baby into my arms. "Oh, look at you, so cute," I cooed, and the baby wiggled around.

"Are you planning for another one with Mickey, or is Willow enough?" she asked. I sighed, unsure of Mickey's thoughts on having more kids, as we hadn't discussed it. "If you ask me, yes, but Mickey, I'm not sure," I replied. She nodded in understanding. "You should ask him now," she suggested.

"Now?" I asked, thinking she was joking, but she was serious. I approached Mickey, who was assigned to watch the kids in the pool, visibly annoyed. "Mickey!" I called him, and he came up to me, still keeping an eye on the kids. "I have something to ask you," I started. "Would you want to have more kids with me?" I asked, hoping for a positive response.

He sighed, and I quickly grabbed his arm, looking at him with puppy eyes and pouting. "Alright, alright, but I get to name the kid," he said, and I nodded eagerly, not minding the names as long as we could have more kids together. "I guess happy wife, happy life," he teased, and I rolled my eyes. "Mickey, we're gay, and we're husbands," I said. He scoffed, "You're fucking gay, I'm straight." He looked at me, raising his brows. "Marrying a man doesn't make me fucking gay," he added, making me groan as I walked away, hearing his laughter. Mickey was always a tease.


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