Part 23

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Klas's pov:

The next weekend, we decided to visit the park together for Willow. As Mickey parked the car, we all got out, and I carried Willow to the playground. After placing her down, I kissed her head, saying, "Don't go too far, okay?" She nodded eagerly before darting off to the slide.

Looking around, I found Mickey already sitting on a bench, enjoying a doughnut. I joined him, sitting beside him. "Is it good?" I asked, watching him eat as he nodded. "Very," he replied, and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Remember the second time we met?" I brought up, and he frowned. "I stole doughnuts from your father's cafe," he laughed, and my laughter joined his. "I'm glad you did it, though," I admitted, and he shrugged. "I'm a god," he proclaimed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you still love me the same as you used to when we first fell in love?" I asked, seizing the opportunity for a question that had been on my mind. "Of course, I'll always love you," he assured me, and I felt myself blushing.

"What about you?" Mickey inquired, and I nodded. "Of course, you're still the man I love," I smiled, and he chuckled. Mickey wasn't fond of public displays of affection, and maybe that's what made him attractive to me.

"I'm gonna play with Willow," Mickey announced, placing the doughnut box on the bench and heading over to Willow. I watched him engage in play with her, and soon enough, other kids joined in. Despite Mickey's rough exterior and sometimes abrasive demeanor, he never intended to hurt children, making him the greatest person in my eyes. I had witnessed him do some of the worst things imaginable, but seeing him as a caring father figure melted my heart.

I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for him. Mickey chose to marry me, giving me the opportunity to raise his child who wasn't initially meant to be mine. Now, I had a beautiful daughter, and Mickey had transformed my life in unexpected ways. Six years ago, when I chose Mickey, I couldn't have predicted this journey.

Reflecting on our past, I realized that Mickey had constantly sacrificed himself for me. He did everything, and there was nothing in the world I could offer him to truly repay for all he had done.

I watched them play for two hours until my stomach rumbled. Getting up, I approached them with a smile. "Let's have lunch first," I suggested, and Mickey nodded, picking up Willow as she waved at her friends. Mickey returned to the bench, disposing of the doughnut box in the bin, and we headed to the car.

As we got in, I noticed Mickey was sweating. Handing Willow her juice bottle, I watched her drink while using the cuff of my sweater to wipe away the sweat on Mickey's face. "Poor you, Mickey," I said, and he chuckled. "Those kids were active," he laughed, and I couldn't help but giggle.

Mickey drove us to a nearby restaurant, and we headed inside, taking a booth. I took charge of ordering the food, a routine I had adopted over the six years with Mickey to avoid potential conflicts with waitstaff. After a short wait, the food arrived, and we ate while listening to Willow sing as she enjoyed her meal. "You're gonna be a good singer one day," Mickey playfully remarked, and I giggled, nodding.

As we were engrossed in our meal, I received a text notification from my phone. Checking it, I found a message from my mother saying that my grandparents were there. "Mickey, can we visit Mum first?" I asked, and Mickey nodded. I handed him my wallet and got up with Willow to head to the car while Mickey settled the bill.

While waiting in the car, I saw Mickey engaging in a disagreement inside the restaurant. "Oh god," I groaned, rolling my eyes. Mickey never seemed to go out without getting into some kind of altercation-it must be a routine for him. I carried Willow out and returned inside, seating her facing away from the commotion.

Approaching Mickey, I grabbed his arm and urged him, "Let's go, Mickey!" He frowned, exclaiming, "Look at my shirt; this son of a bitch ruined it." Mickey yelled, drawing attention from other customers. I looked around, feeling the stares.

"Mickey, I'll give you something big once we get home. Please, stop this now," I whispered, and from his expression, I could tell he liked the idea but pretended otherwise. "Come on, princess," he said, picking up Willow, and we headed to the car. I nodded in apology and followed them.

Mickey's pov:

As we arrived, I got out with Willow and entered the house. She quickly ran up to Anthony, and I went to Mary. "Sup," I greeted, and she smiled as I noticed Klas running up to his grandparents' room.

"How's everything, Mickey?" Mary asked, and I shrugged. "Better, I guess."

"How's everything with Klas?" she inquired again. "Oh, we've been great," I smiled, and she nodded, smiling. We discussed my marriage and recent life until Klas and his grandparents joined us, sitting across from us. Willow came running to her father, playing with them.

"Who's your father, Willy?" Anthony asked, and Willow pouted, confused, pointing at me. "What about your mother?" Anthony added, and she pointed at Klas, who playfully frowned and we all laughed.

I excused myself and headed to the bathroom. Going upstairs to my room, I smirked as I heard Klas's footsteps behind me. Entering the room, I watched as Klas locked the door. "You promised me," I said, raising my brows, and Klas nodded. "I did," and we didn't waste more time.

"Alright, Mick, that's enough for today," Klas exhaled, catching his breath. "Weakling," I chuckled, rising from the bed.

"Three times, Mickey!" Klas rolled his eyes, and I couldn't help but laugh. "How about ordering some pizza?" I suggested, and he nodded, grabbing his phone.

I headed to the bathroom to freshen up, then emerged, donning whatever I could find in the wardrobe. Descending the stairs, I found Willow engrossed in play. "Princess!" I exclaimed, and she rushed into my arms. "Are you having fun?" I inquired, and she nodded joyfully. "Where's dada?" she asked. "He'll be back," I assured her, carrying her to the kitchen for some juice.


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