Part 28

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Klas's pov:

Despite my morning depression, I decided to embrace life, knowing that Mickey would eventually return. That morning, my mother persuaded me to accompany her shopping, and reluctantly, I agreed. "Oh, look at these," she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up in the toddler's clothing section. "Willow is too big for that, Mum," I chuckled, but she laughed and nodded. "I know, but how I wish I had the chance to have another grandchild," she confessed, leaving me perplexed. "Willow is not enough?" I inquired, and she shook her head. "Oh no, Willow is an angel, but I know she wants little siblings too," she shared, and I sighed, acknowledging the unspoken desire.

"I guess," I trailed off, and my mother hugged me reassuringly. "You'll be okay, dear," she smiled, and I reciprocated the gesture. After purchasing my mother's clothes, we returned in the afternoon. To my surprise, Mickey's car was parked outside. "What is he doing here?" I whispered to myself as my mother left me with her shopping bags. Sighing, I carried the bags inside.

To my delight, I heard Willow's joyous voice screaming happily. Dropping the bags, I rushed to the living room to find Willow playing with Mickey. "Willy!" I exclaimed, and she ran into my arms. I scooped her up, showering her with kisses. "My princess!" I smiled, and she reciprocated with a kiss on my nose. Setting her down, I noticed Mickey staring at me. "Can we talk?" he asked, and I nodded. Mickey took my hand, leading me upstairs to our room while Willow enjoyed her time with my father. Mickey's hand, though rough, radiated warmth, a sensation I cherished. Seated on the bed, Mickey closed the door and joined me, setting the stage for the conversation that lay ahead.

"So, explain," he said, locking eyes with me, and I nodded, taking a deep breath. "After you went out with Max, I had finished bathing Willow and tucked her into bed. When I heard the backdoor open, I assumed it was you, so I didn't bother to look. To my surprise, it was Ethan, and he tried to hurt me. When you came in, he lied about me inviting him there," I explained, recounting the unsettling events. Mickey sighed, processing the information. "So, you didn't cheat," he concluded, and I nodded, reaching for his hand.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, but I shook my head, gently guiding his head to rest against mine. "I love you more than anything," I confessed, and he responded with a warm smile. "I love you," he affirmed. A giggle escaped me as I leaned in, savoring the taste of his lips in a tender kiss. "Don't ever leave me, Mickey," I pleaded, and he chuckled, nodding. "Promise," he declared, and we embraced tightly.

I meant every word. Mickey was the man I had always desired, and no one could replace him in my heart. My love for him remained as strong as it did six years ago.

"Oh, do you still have suits for us to wear at Natalie's wedding?" Mickey inquired, catching me off guard. I gasped, realizing I had forgotten about the wedding happening tonight. "Oh, Mickey!" I exclaimed and hurried downstairs to find my mother. Relief washed over me when she assured me that everything was planned and ready. "Thank you, thank you," I expressed my gratitude.

"Mommy's getting married with Aunt Millie," Willow informed my father, who smiled. "Yes, she is. Are you going to wear a gown?" he asked Willow, who eagerly ran up to me seeking confirmation. I nodded, pleased to see her excitement as she ran back to my father. Mickey approached, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Why is it at night?" I questioned, and Mickey shrugged. "I don't know, probably because they're vampires. Fuck if I know?" he replied bluntly, prompting an eye roll from me.

"Maybe we should add a swear jar for you, Mickey," I teased, and he frowned. "Ain't got no money," he retorted, walking away, and I couldn't help but giggle at his response.

Mickey's pov:

"I guess I'm the only straight one here," Max remarked as we sat on the chairs, awaiting the start of the wedding. I frowned, pointing at myself, and Max laughed. "You're married," he stated, "to a man," he added, prompting an eye roll from me.

"What's wrong with being gay, Mickey?" Klas chimed in, seated beside me. "I can't believe I'm sitting next to a dickhead and my husband; I'm stuck," I hissed in mock frustration, and they both chuckled. "You know bisexual people exist," Max added, raising my eyebrows. "I'm as straight as the line that you sniff up your nose," I declared, unfiltered and unapologetic, earning a playful slap from Klas. "Willow's here!" he scolded, and I shrugged. "What's taking them so long?" I scowled, and Max laughed. "It's their wedding day, Mick," he reminded me. Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms. "Learn how to be patient, Mickey," Klas advised, and I scoffed, my impatience evident.

Finally, the wedding began, and we watched with enthusiasm as Millie, dressed in a suit, walked down the aisle. "You go, Motherfucker!" I shouted, and she laughed. My attention shifted to the flower girl, and I frowned. "Who's that kid?" I asked, and Max shrugged, suggesting it might be Millie's niece.

"Probably Millie's niece," he said, and I scoffed. "My daughter's prettier; she should have been the flower girl," I declared, only to realize that the people sitting behind us were Millie's family. "It's a fact," I stated proudly, earning a pinch from Klas. He quickly apologized to Millie's family, instructing me to be quiet and speak only when spoken to.

We fell into silence as Natalie made her way to her bride, both of them beaming with happiness. The air was charged with emotion as Millie began to recite her vows.

"Alright, so here we are, Natalie. Standing here with you today feels like a natural thing; you've been my partner in crime through all the craziness. Today's like opening a new chapter in a book we've been writing together, full of unexpected plot twists and a lot of heart. I want to thank Mickey for bringing Willow into our life. I hate Mickey, to be honest, and I still don't know why our bestie Klas married him, but I guess he's the hero we needed but never wanted," she began, causing a frown to form on my face. Before I could say anything, Klas covered my mouth with his hand.

"Max, he's like a brother to me now, he's the same as Mickey but a better version. I want to thank Klas's parents too for supporting us like a family. With Willow around, our family is a circus, and I mean that in the best way possible. So here's to us, honey, embracing the chaos, writing our love story with laughter, shared dreams, and, of course, a whole lot of heart. Cheers to the beautifully messy adventure ahead!" she concluded, and we all clapped happily. "You're fucking welcome!" I shouted, and both Natalie and Millie laughed as I muttered, "fuckin' bitches"

We celebrated, and soon enough, the guests had left, leaving our small family behind-me, Klas, Willow, Max, Natalie, and Millie. We stayed, having our own party as we danced. I twirled with Willow, and her giggles filled the room.

"Here's to the single man!" Millie laughed, and we all joined in as Max took a playful bow. He had been struggling to find someone, but I knew he would eventually meet the right person. Willow went to Natalie, and I lit up a cigarette, placing it between my lips.

"You okay, Mickey?" Klas came up to me as we watched Max, Natalie, and Millie playing with Willow. I nodded, looking up at him, and he smiled. "I wish I could marry you once again," he giggled, and I scoffed, teasing him about his nervousness on our wedding day.

"Because I truly love you and still do," he smiled, and I kissed him, smiling between the kisses. "I love you too."


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