Part 13

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Klas's pov:

Waking up in Natalie's home, I sighed, reflecting on the events of the previous day. The absence of Mickey weighed heavily on my heart, though his presence had become overwhelming. Rising from the bed, I discovered my daughter still peacefully asleep. In the bathroom, I confronted my reflection in the mirror, my eyes revealing the aftermath of tearful moments. A deep sigh escaped me before I refreshed myself with a face wash, proceeding to the solace of a shower.

Dressed and composed, I descended the stairs to find Natalie preparing breakfast. Extending my gratitude for her hospitality, I took a seat and greeted her. "Did you sleep well?" she inquired, to which I nodded appreciatively. "Thanks for letting me stay," I expressed, met with a warm smile and assurances from Natalie.

Deciding to wake Willow for school, I approached her slumbering form. A gentle kiss on her forehead stirred her awake, and with a loving coo, I encouraged her to face the day. The routine of preparing Willow for school unfolded, gratitude filling me for Natalie's foresight in stocking Willow's necessities for a potential sleepover.

As we descended to the kitchen, Willow's innocent query about her father, "Papusha?" tugged at my emotions. With a heavy heart, I replied, "Soon," uncertainty lingering about Mickey's return. The scene of Willow devouring breakfast, her appetite a reassuring sign, mirrored my own consumption of the meal thoughtfully prepared by Natalie. In that moment, amidst the warmth of Natalie's home, a quiet optimism mingled with the uncertainties that lingered in my heart.

We bid farewell to Natalie and Millie, and I took the wheel, navigating towards Willow's kindergarten. Gathering her belongings, we walked together to her classroom. "Will Papusha come pick me up after school?" she asked innocently, prompting a sigh to escape me. "I don't know, dear. I can't promise you," I replied sadly. She nodded understandingly, planting a sweet kiss on my nose before darting off to join her friends. The weight of guilt settled in; she deserved better, and the uncertainty surrounding Mickey's actions clouded my thoughts.

As I returned to the car, Ethan, approached with casual familiarity. Despite forcing a smile, his concern was evident. "Are you okay? You look pale," he remarked, and I feigned assurance, not wanting to disclose the truth. Ethan's strong grip on my hands prevented me from pushing him away. "You know I can take better care of you than Mickey," he asserted, his gaze intense. "It's not about Mickey," I lied, the complexities of my emotions muddling my response. "I missed you, I missed us," he confessed, and I sighed, feeling vulnerable amid the chaos with Mickey.

"Get in the car," I instructed, and Ethan complied, prompting me to drive to an isolated street. "So, what now?" he asked, uncertainty coloring his words. Glancing around, I replied, "Do whatever." Ethan hesitated but nodded. "Now or never," I muttered, rolling my eyes. As we found a momentary escape from reality, I pulled a condom from my bag, handing it to him-a decision that could alter the course of our tangled lives.

In the secluded embrace of the backseat, Ethan was breathing heavily, and groans filling the air. The sensations offered a temporary reprieve, a welcomed escape from the void that had lingered since Mickey and I shared such intimacy. Yet, as pleasure coursed through me, the weight of reality crashed down, a stark reminder of the guilt that followed.

The conflict within intensified - Mickey's past transgressions lingered, but my present actions weighed heavily on my conscience. Despite the allure of the moment, I abruptly pushed Ethan away, the urgency to distance myself from this betrayal propelling me out of the car. Swiftly claiming the driver's seat, I uttered a simple directive, "Get out, Ethan." Confusion etched his features, but he complied without a word, and as I drove away, tears streamed down my cheeks, carrying the burden of guilt.

The gravity of my infidelity loomed large; Mickey's past actions, though painful, paled in comparison to my present betrayal. It was a choice, a conscious decision, and not a mere mistake, amplifying the complexity of emotions that now enveloped me.

Determined to confront Mickey and face the consequences of my actions, I steeled myself for the impending revelation. The weight of guilt hung heavily in the air, acknowledging that forgiveness might be elusive. As I approached our home, a deep breath attempted to steady my nerves. Murmuring reassurance to myself, "You'll be okay," I reached for Max's contact, prepping for support in case things took a tumultuous turn. A quick call and his commitment to arrive within 15 minutes offered a lifeline.

Exiting the car, each step toward the front door felt like a reluctant progression. The gravity of the impending confrontation loomed, and the uncertainty of Mickey's reaction added an extra layer of tension to the atmosphere. Yet, with determination and a sense of responsibility, I embarked on the path to confront the truth, uncertain of what awaited me behind that door.

Mickey's pov:

The world around me blurred into a hazy chaos; the night had been drowned in alcohol, and the morning followed suit. The persistent knocking on the door barely penetrated my intoxicated stupor. "In!!!" I bellowed, disinclined to move, my drunken state rendering walking an arduous task. The door creaked open, and footsteps approached. A tall figure emerged, his face obscured in the blurry haze.

"The fuck you want?" I hissed, my irritability evident. The man dropped to his knees, reaching for my hand, but I recoiled, pushing him away. "The fuck are you doing?" I snapped, my frustration mounting. "Mickey, it's me," the man responded, tears streaming down his face. Unfamiliar and perceived as a threat, I seized the man by his hair, dragging him into the kitchen, my fists striking him relentlessly.

A profound silence enveloped us, and I felt a numbness that was overwhelming. Collapsing to the floor, the struggle continued as the man retaliated, pushing me down. Stumbling to my feet, I pursued him, both of us spilling out into the open. Amid the chaos, I relentlessly beat him, oblivious to the watchful eyes and hushed murmurs of onlookers. In that intoxicated haze, the world outside ceased to matter, and my actions unfolded in a detached frenzy.

Klas's pov:

Mickey's fists rained down on my face, a relentless barrage as I pleaded for him to cease, yet my pleas fell on deaf ears. The brutal assault seemed interminable, stretching into what felt like an eternity. A sudden sound disrupted the torment-the approach of a car and the unmistakable voice of Max. "Mickey, what are you doing?!" he roared, intervening to forcefully dislodge Mickey and restrain him on the ground.

Gasping for air, I struggled to normalize my breath, sitting up amid the chaos. A series of coughs escaped me, and as I surveyed the scene, I noticed the watchful eyes of concerned neighbors. "Mickey," I called out, and there he was, pinned to the ground by Max, his futile attempts to break free evident. The arrival of the police added another layer of urgency to the situation. Max relinquished his hold on Mickey, who, in a drunken stupor, failed to recognize even me.

Standing up, I bore witness to the handcuffing of my husband. The police car's arrival marked the beginning of an unforeseen chapter, and I watched in silence as Mickey, consumed by the haze of intoxication, was escorted away. The gravity of the moment settled in, leaving me to contemplate the shattered fragments of a life once familiar.

Refusing the summons to the police station, I found solace at home with Natalie and Millie. Lying on the couch, Natalie gently tended to my bruised face, the visible aftermath of Mickey's violent outburst. Millie, cradling Willow in her arms, voiced the concern shared by everyone present about Mickey's alarming behavior. I sighed, unwilling to dwell on the unfolding reality.

Max entered, exchanging greetings with Willow before taking a seat across from me. "Mickey's going to prison," he stated matter-of-factly, and my heart sank. The implications echoed through my mind - Mickey, with a family here, couldn't be consigned to a life behind bars. Tears welled in my eyes, and Natalie enveloped me in a comforting hug. Overwhelmed, I retreated to my room, seeking refuge in a nap.

As I lay on my bed, the weight of emotions spilled out in sobs. Despite the toxicity that defined our relationship, Mickey was the love of my life. The impending separation left an aching void, and I found myself yearning for his presence, realizing that, despite everything, he was the air I needed to breathe.


"I love you Klas"जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें