Part 25

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Mickey's pov:

It was Saturday, and we decided to stay at Natalie's for the weekend. "This is so good," Willow happily remarked as we all ate dinner together. "Everything is good for you, Willow," Max joked, making all of us laugh. "But she's right; this is good, Natalie. You did well," Klas complimented, and Natalie thanked him.

"So, we have good news," Millie announced as Natalie blushed. "Oh, what is it?" Klas smiled, and I scoffed, prompting everyone to stare at me. "What?" Max asked. "Judging from the faces, you're getting married," I bluntly said, and Millie scowled. "Oh, Mickey, shut up! You're ruining the surprise," she exclaimed, and I laughed out loud. Klas lightly slapped my arm. "That's so great, guys! Happy for you!" he said, and they expressed their gratitude.

"It would've been better if your husband didn't ruin it," Millie commented, side-eyeing me. I smirked, and Max muttered, "Nice one," making me pleased that my brother was on my side. Just then, my phone buzzed with a text from Yuri saying, "I need your help, Mickey," along with a live location.

"Who's that?" Max asked, and I frowned, confused. "Yuri," I replied, getting up. "Where are you going, Mickey?" Klas inquired. "A friend needs help. I'll be back in two hours, and if I don't reply to texts or calls or don't come back by then, you know where to find me, Max," I explained, kissing both Klas and Willow's foreheads before heading to my car.

I arrived at the location, a five-star hotel, perplexed by the swarm of paparazzi and fervent fans surrounding the place. Confirming that I was at the right spot, I cautiously stepped out of my car. A man approached me, inquiring, "Mickey?" I nodded, and he gestured for me to follow him, which I did. We navigated through the back entrance, eventually reaching a room.

"What is this?" I asked, bewildered, as the man pointed at the door and promptly left. "Oh, fuck," I muttered, realizing this wasn't what I expected. I opened the door and was surprised to find Adrian instead of Yuri.

"What is this?" I demanded, and he smirked, advancing toward me. "Where did you find Yuri's number?" I questioned, and he shook his head, smiling. "I know my people, Mickey," he replied, pulling me into the bedroom.

He removed his clothing, his gaze fixed on me as I observed him. "Do you want this, daddy?" he asked, and I didn't reply, merely raising my brows as he started to play with his cock. He knew what he was doing, unlike Klas, who was the opposite of a hairless boy.

"I have a weird kink, why don't you mark me?" he suggested, and I nodded, grabbing a permanent marker from the table. Getting on top of him, I took a blindfold from the bed and covered his eyes. Smirking, I wrote "I suck cocks and use my daddies' load to create my artwork" on his chest, ensuring the writing was bold and clear.

"If you're going to be my bitch, might as well be one," I smirked, grabbing a balaclava on the bed and pulled him to his feet and guiding him toward the door. "I can't see, daddy," he exclaimed, still blindfolded. I brought him outside, feeling his hesitation. "Hey, listen to me, slut, you've got to trust daddy," I said, and he nodded as his cock twitched at that, pulling him along the corridor. Pinning him against the wall, he moaned out loud.

I bit his neck, and he screamed. Slowly stepping back, I went to the door, entered, and locked it, smirking. Laughter escaped me as I heard his panicked shouts. "Open the door! Mickey!" he yelled, and I smiled evilly, donning a balaclava. Exiting through the window, I headed toward the paparazzi.

With my face covered, I approached the guards at the door, weaving through the crowds. Swiftly, I punched one guard, making him fall, and attacked the other. "Adrian Vale is in the corridor, Room Number 6! Right there!" I pointed, and the crowds rushed past me, storming inside the hotel. Feeling proud of myself, I walked to my car, lit up a cigarette, and muttered, "Don't fuck with Ruslanov," giggling to myself.

Klas's pov:

It was Sunday, and I was playing with Willow, who was thrilled with the Barbie dolls Mickey brought home for her. When I asked Mickey about Yuri, his response was simply, "He's okay." It felt odd, but I didn't press for more details.

"Dada, I want pink shoes!" Willow exclaimed, and I handed her the tiny shoes for the dolls, combing their hair with the little pink comb. Suddenly, Millie rushed downstairs, screaming, startling both Willow and me. "What?" I asked, puzzled. She handed me her tablet, and as I looked at it, confusion set in. "What am I supposed to look at?" I asked, and Millie groaned, "Read, Klas, read."

Sighing, I read the headline, muttering an "Oh, uh" upon realizing it was about Adrian. He was caught naked in a hotel corridor with very inappropriate writing on his chest, captured by paparazzi everywhere. "Oh, this is serious," I said, scrolling down to read further. Most of his clients had canceled their contracts with him, and he was facing a downfall.

I looked up at Millie, who was smiling, and I nodded, understanding her happiness. Adrian had been mean to me in the past few weeks, and maybe this was karma for him. Despite wanting this outcome, I didn't expect it to be this extreme, and I found myself disliking it.

That was when Mickey and Max came in, laughing, causing me to raise my brows. "What's so funny?" I asked, and they both shrugged. "Do you know about this?" I inquired, looking at Mickey. He read the news and simply shook his head. "You know, he's famous; of course, there are haters out there," he bluntly stated, and I nodded, understanding.

"Come on, it's good for you," he said, joining Willow. "Yeah, I know, but I feel bad for him," I said sadly, sighing. Mickey rolled his eyes in disbelief. "He hates you, remember?" he remarked, and I frowned. "I know." "So, no reason for you to be an angel about it," he continued, and I got up and went to my room.

Deciding to confirm the news, I grabbed my phone, and as I switched it on, I was surprised to see numerous texts - offers from different buyers. "No way..." I whispered and called Nara, my assistant, to confirm everything. "Yes, boss, I'm surprised too, but it's real, and I've received a bunch of offers," she said, sounding excited. "So, they want to work with us now?" I asked, and she exclaimed, "Yes."

"Tomorrow, come to work, and we'll talk about it, boss," she suggested, and I chuckled at her excitement. Thanking her and bidding goodbye, I hung up. Life had unexpectedly turned around, but I kind of liked it.

"Mickey, guess what?" I exclaimed happily, running downstairs. Mickey got up, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "What?" he asked, looking confused, and I giggled. "I have lots of offers wanting to work with me," I shared, and Mickey smiled widely. "Hooray!" he exclaimed, and the others joined in jumping around, making me laugh.

"I wonder who did that. I mean, I want to thank that person, but also I want to slap them," I said, and both Max and Mickey went quiet. "What?" I asked, and Mickey shrugged. "You'll find him," he said, heading to play with Willow.


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