Part 26

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Mickey's pov:

After sending Willow to school and cleaning the house, I laid on the couch, exhausted. A groan escaped me as I heard my phone buzzing, and I picked it up, realizing it was Klas.

"Yeah?" I grumbled, and I heard Klas giggle. "Mickey, I have a bunch of work today, so make sure to have lunch with Willow, alright?" he said, and I mumbled yes. "No ice cream, no chocolate, no ca-" I interrupted him with, "We'll eat pasta today." "Yes, that's good," he replied, saying "Love you" before hanging up.

Opening the messenger, I saw Lyubov's text wanting to meet urgently. I sighed, went to shower, and drove to meet Lyubov. Barging inside her apartment, I found her on the couch. "What's up?" I asked as I sat next to her.

"Mickey, I'm going to ask you this one last time," she said, and I nodded, urging her to continue. "Leave Klas and be with me?" she added, and I sighed, shaking my head. I loved Klas, and I would never replace him with anyone, including her. I wished she could understand that. Married to Klas for six years, I knew how close Lyubov and I used to be, but that didn't surpass my love for Klas. "No, Lyu, I love him," I explained, and she nodded sadly. "You must understand that what we had was years ago, and I have moved on," I added, and she sighed.

"Could you drive me to the airport?" she asked, leaving me perplexed. "Why?" I inquired, prompting a sorrowful look from her. "I'm going back home," she revealed, and I nodded, responding with a subdued "Oh." "Now?" I pressed, and she affirmed, rising to gather her luggage. "Alright," I conceded, reaching for my phone to apprise Klas of the situation, ensuring transparency and dispelling any potential jealousy. Assisting Lyubov with her belongings, we entered my car, and I navigated the route to the airport.

"Is this what you want?" I questioned, my eyes fixed on the road. "Yeah, I guess I don't have any reason to be here anymore," she confessed. I nodded, refraining from pushing her, understanding that Klas wouldn't welcome her continued presence in our lives. I anticipated she would forge new connections and discover happiness beyond our friendship. Parking the car, I escorted her with her luggage.

"Mickey," she uttered, and I replied with a simple "Lyubov," our eyes locking. "Come with me," she pleaded, but I gently shook my head. "But I'll miss you," she began to cry, and I embraced her. "This is for the best, alright, Lyu," I consoled as she sobbed on my shoulder. "Please, Mickey," she implored, but I maintained my resolve, soothing her with a comforting touch. Our childhood friendship had left an indelible mark on her, yet she had to forge her own path.

"I have to go now," she said, tears choking her words, and I offered a gentle smile. "You be happy, okay, Lyu," I encouraged. She nodded, wiped away her tears, and walked away without looking back – perhaps it was for the best. I sighed, watching her departure. The truth lingered; I loved her, but only as a friend. My heart belonged to Klas, and no other could occupy that sacred space.

I departed the airport with leaden steps, reminiscing about a time when Lyubov and Max were the pillars of trust in my life. Witnessing her departure was a poignant experience, but a necessary one – she deserved the chance to forge her own destiny. Returning home, I sighed wearily upon parking the car and entering the familiar surroundings.

While grabbing a drink, a text from Max illuminated my phone, seeking assistance with his friend. Without hesitation, I agreed. Max had always been there for me, and our fraternal bond was defined by reciprocal support. As brothers, we navigated life's challenges hand in hand, ever ready to lend each other a helping hand.

Klas's pov:

Upon my return home, I found both Mickey and Willow present, but Mickey had mentioned assisting Max, a decision I readily endorsed. Despite my possessiveness over Mickey, a revelation from the past month reminded me of his need for friendships beyond our own. He deserved moments with his brother and friends, not just me.

Engaging in the evening routine, I bathed Willow, dried her, and adorned her in fresh attire. "Can I watch Barbie?" she pouted with innocence, but I gently shook my head. "No, it's late already; it's time for bed," I declared, and she acquiesced with a hint of sadness. Scooping her up, I showered her with kisses, promising a viewing of Barbie the next day. Carrying her to bed, I tucked her in and answered her inquiry about Mickey. "He's out with Uncle Max, but he'll be back when you wake up tomorrow," I assured, eliciting giggles from Willow. After a goodnight kiss and the extinguishing of the light, I left her room.

Turning my attention to household chores, I tackled the dishes and tidied the living room strewn with Willow's toys. Fatigue settled in, prompting me to retreat to the bedroom. A chill swept over me upon hearing the backdoor open. Investigating, I found nothing amiss and dismissed it as a trick of my senses. Locking the door, I returned to my room, the mystery lingering but overshadowed by the weariness of the day.

I extinguished the lights and settled onto the bed, closing my eyes. The tranquility shattered when I heard the door creak open. Assuming it was Mickey, I inquired without looking, "Mickey, have you locked the door?"

Silence lingered, and suddenly, the room bathed in light. "Mickey, I-" I began, rising to meet him, only to be stunned as Ethan stood before me. "What are you doing here?" I questioned, my brow furrowing. "Where's Mickey?" he demanded, my confusion deepening. My attempts to speak were abruptly halted as Ethan lunged towards me, pinning me down and eliciting a scream.

"Don't hurt me!" I cried out, desperately calling for Mickey. Ethan silenced me with a harsh command, slapping me across the face. Tears streamed down my face as I cried uncontrollably – my ex had come to rape me, and my husband was nowhere to be found.

"Go away!" I screamed, resisting Ethan's attempt to remove my pants. The confrontation reached a critical point when Mickey's voice rang out. "Mickey, help!" I pleaded. Ethan, feigning innocence, retorted, "Help? You called me?"

Before I could explain, Mickey took swift action. Grasping Ethan by the neck, he unleashed a barrage of punches. In my futile attempt to intervene, Mickey shoved me, sending me sprawling to the ground. "You're a damn fucking cheater!" he bellowed, dragging Ethan outside and depositing him into his car.

"Mickey, stop!" I implored through tears, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. "I can't fucking believe this," Mickey hissed, getting into the car and driving off, leaving me stranded on the ground, overcome with tears and bewilderment.


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