•|trust issues

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Guys how did I went from 722 last night to 1.51k this morning!!!?!?!?

Anyways thanks for the magic and please vote.

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What do I do now? Marino just slammed our bedroom door on me and now I'm standing here like a helpless orphan.

My steps found their way in the guest room as I lay down on the bed and started my overthinking session.

Maybe it's not overthinking but a reality check. What if Nancy is right and I'm just another tool for Marino.

But he promised he will never hurt me. I can't just assume anything.

Oh god this is so frustrating!!!

Max is not here to talk to and Veronica is not picking up her phone.

I'll not take the risk to share this problem with my brother because he's finally having a good friendship with Marino again.

Should I just go and talk to him?

Yeah! That might be a good idea because sometimes there is miscommunication between people, leading them to a bad relationship.

But I the end I need the courage to go aNd TaLk To HiM.

I fisted my beautiful hears and pulled them in frustration.

Why can't I just trust him. No!!He's the one making it hard for me to trust him.

Bad Mario!!!!

"Why are you here? In the guest room?"

My eyes widened at the voice of my husband, and I jumped out of the bed like a cat poured water on.

"Shit! You scared me"
I palmed my chest and stared at him in shock.

Marino was leaning at the door frame with his hands in his pockets, wearing grey sweatpants and no shirt.

"Come here"
He spoke in a commanding tone, sending shivers in my body.

I walked towards him and stopped a few inch Infront his tall and mascular figure.

"Why aren't you asleep yet? You said you were going to bed"

I crossed my hands Infront of my boobs and tried to keep a disappointed face.

"Little Miss is mad at me..hmm"
His fingers strocked my cheeks and I tried not to shudder.

"Yes I'm mad because you have been acting really weird and we're not having a good long time together because you have decided to come home late and I don't know why but it's really pissing me off because I've really bad trust issues Marino and you know it quite well but still you decided to torture me like this !!!!bad bad Mario!!"

I completed the whole speech in a breathe as my voice grew louder and louder. After finishing I took small breathes to calm down and for sure my face was red.

He stood there like a mountain with a frown on his face .

"Ok..I'll come home at time and we'll spend a lot of time together. Let's also talk about the trust thing you bought up darling".

His arms snaked behind me waist, pulling me closer as he played with the strand of my hair.

"That..I..how do I say it"
I whispered while biting mg lips anxiously. What if he got upset.

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