Chapter 4: Working Together

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The ninja kept going, following the road in front of them. Everyone was quiet for some time now.

"So, where did Master find you three?" Nya decided to asks out of curiosity.

Cole looked behind his shoulders. "Let's just say if it wasn't for Master Wu, I don't think we'd ever been seen together." He said.

"I agree with that." Nya snorted. "So?"

"I was testing my limits." Cole simply said.

"That... didn't help at all." The girl spoke.

The black ninja sighed. "I was climbing a mountain. For my own reasons." He added. "That's when I met him."

"I was testing my invention in Ninjago City." Jay decided to be the next one. "It was supposed to be a new style of glider, but let's say it didn't go well..." He said, saddened.

"And I was testing myself." Zane soon said. "I was meditating under a frozen pond close to a village. Somehow, I didn't noticed Master Wu underwater with me..."

"What about you, Nya?" Jay asked. "All we know about you is that the skeletons took your brother. How did it happened?"

Nya sighed and explained what happened at Ignacia to the boys.

"Wow, you were lucky that your brother protected you." Cole said after the story.

"Just the idea of them taking away one of the four chosen ones sounds... distraughting." Zane says with worry.

"Don't worry, Nya! We're here to keep you safe now!" Jay added.

"You guys don't need to worry about me..." Nya says, now thinking if was a good idea sharing her story with the group.

"Shh... Stop!" Wu alerts the ninjas. They finally arrived at the Caves of Despair. The old Man jumped from the horse carriage and starts looking around. On the area in front of them, a bunch of skeletons are digging and exploring the entre region.

The old man turns to his students. "Samukai must be close to unearthing the Scythe of Quakes." His expression becomes more concerned. "Remember, do not use the weapon. For its power-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's too much for us mortals." Jay cut the wiser man off. "Alright, guys. Let's chop-socky this lemonade stand!" He turns to the black ninja. "Cole, you got the plan?"

Cole smiles trough his mask. "Sure do. First, we lower ourselves down the ledge. Then, if you look closely down there," he points. "you'll see a bunch of rocks closer to that. If we use those to get to that barrels over there," the boy keeps doing the way with his finger. "we can get closer to that base." He finishes, looking to his teammates. "Do you guys get it?"

"That's why you're the leader here!" Jay smiles.

"Fine by me." Nya shrugs.

"The base clearly seens to be important. I agree." Zane nods.

"Good." Cole nods too. "Then... Nya, would you mind if you... stay here white we go there?" He cautiously asks.

The girl gives him a cold stare. "And why do I need to stay behind?" She asks.

"Look, it's just so you can get the hand of it." The boy explains. "Observe how we do it, like, I know you can be a good fighter!" He noticed that she's getting irritaded. "It's just that the three of us know how to work together here, so until you-"

"W-what Cole is trying to say..." Jay tries to save the situation. "There's no reason to everyone here to risk themselves, so-"

"I sense that you guys are afraid that Nya might get us in trouble during the raid." Zane interrupts the conversation. Cole and Jay look at their friend with a blank expression.

Ninjago: Reversed DestiniesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora