Chapter 28: Failed Plans

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"Okay." Nya puts her palms on the table at the bridge. "Let's begin 'Operation: Stop That Samurai!"

"What exactly we should discuss?" Zane asked, curious.

"Since this is a competition for us, I don't think we should discuss what exactly we're going to do." Cole looked at his friend with a patient look.

"Heh, I'm not too worried." Jay shrugged it off, confident. "There's no way you guys will do the same thing as I am."

"Oh, yeah?" The red ninja gave him a playful look. "What are you planning to do then, Blue Boy?"

"Well..." Jay's ears became red. He wasn't expecting to really be questioned. Suddendly a light bulb turned on in his head. "Oh, I got it!" He smiled. "We just have to think outside the box."

"Care to explain?" Cole raised an eyebrow.

"Since he's the new local hero, the best way to get closer to him is by standing in the middle of the action."

"As ninjas, I'm sure we can pull that of." Zane pondered. "We just have to be subtle and don't be found by him."

"Hahahahah!" A chuckle from the door informed the ninja that their talk was heard. And there was Kai, leaning against the door frame.

"I heard it right?" He smirked, playful. "Your great plan is surprise him first?"

"It sounds like a good idea." Nya said. "It's not like he'll be expecting, and who knows how we are going to ambush him."

"Yeah, sure." Kai rolled his eyes. The alarm on the ship suddenly turned on, leaving everyone on guard.

"Multiple snake sightings!" Nya yelled, after quickly analyzing their scanner. "They're everywhere!"

"We don't have time to lose." Cole looked determined. "And keep an eye around for that Samurai."


Their first stop was at a snowy mountain, where some Hypnobrai were trying to create an avalanche that would fall on a closer village.

"Ninja, go!" Zane rushes into the fight, using his shurikens to freeze the snakes feet, making easier to knock them out.

"That's it!" Cole cheered on, countering some snakes with swords his scythe. "Keep going like that, Zane!"

"Thank you, Cole." Zane smiled trough his hood, grateful for the compliment.

"Why there's so many of them?" Jay whines, electrocuting some of their enemies with his nunchucks. A Hypnobrai was making his way behind the blue ninja's back, but Nya soon came for his rescue. "Woah! Thanks, Nya!"

Suddendly a cloud of smoke appeared in the battlefield and from there came the Samurai, wielding two swords and helping the ninja fight the Serpentine.

"Now's my chance!" Zane thought, throwing one of his shurikens at the warriors foot, freezing him there. "Nice seeing you here." The white ninja smiled.

"Heheh, 'nice'..." Jay chuckled. The ninja started to get closer to their rival. Unfazed, the Samurai pulled what looked like a can of spray and a lighter, using both of them to improve a flamethrower.

"What the-" Cole yelped, jumping behind himself.

"Look out!" Nya jumped away. Taking the chance, the Samurai used the flames to melt the ice on his foot, making his escape as soon as he was free.

"Ugh! I can't believe he escaped!" Nya groaned.

"It doesn't matter right now." Cole said, tying up the knocked off Hypnobrais. "We'll have another chance."

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