Chapter 8: A Decisive Battle

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The ninja leave their dragons behind, and approach the cliff top, observing everything with attention.

"So, any ideas on how to cross a field with lots and lots of skeletons?" Jay asks, looking at his teammates.

Zane thinks. "The best way would be above their heads, but using our dragons would draw too much attention." He points out.

"I agree." Cole says. "We have the advantage of being unnoticed for now. Let's keep things like that."

Nya gives a look above their heads, noticing something. "Do you guys think we could use these rocks?" She points above them. "I think we can make a good progress with them."

The white ninja understands her point. "Yes, if we climb trough the stalactites, I think we're able to make at path right above their fortress."

"Great!" The red ninja smiles. "Then lead the way, Zane!" The group slowly make their way, trying not to fall, what wasn't- easy.

"I didn't think this things would be so... slippery!" Jay whispers.

They take a look below them, noticing every Skulkin member being searched before they enter the building as a cart full of waste barrows appears.

"Hold up! Nothing gets through without inspection." One of the generals, Kruncha, is commanding the inspection.

"Ninja search!" His partner, Nuckal jumps knocking off everything that was on the cart. "Okay, clear to pass." He says, proud of himself. Kruncha not so much.

"Good thing we didn't think about entering inside trough one of those." Cole whispers. Nya and Jay giggle together at that comment. They keep going after that. Meanwhile, the blue ninja is still having trouble to follow the rest of them.

"Those things are getting thiner, I swear!" He grunts. The boy gives a quick glance above him, annoyed. Then he finally notices what exactly he and the others are grasping now. "U-uh... Gu-guys?"

Cole turns his head around to look at the ginger. "Jay, can you please shut up? We're trying to be stealthy here." He says, irritaded.

"But... but we..." Jay speaks, sweating coldly now.

"We... What?" Nya asks, stopping to hear.

"Sp... Spi.."

"I don't see why this would be a good moment to play the 'I spy' game..." Zane stops too, confused.

"Spi... SPIDER!!!" The blue ninja finally manages to say, pointing above them. The rest of the ninja looks up, shocked. They didn't noticed they were hanging onto a giant spider legs.

The creature makes a horrifying sound, making all of them scream in terror and letting go immediately as they land on the ground, really close to where the Skulkin inspection was happening, drawing their attention.

"Uh... if there are more than one ninja, is it 'ninjas' or just 'ninja'?" Nuckal asks to his companion, slowly.

"I think it's just 'ninja'." Kruncha answers the same way.

"Oh, okay." The eyepatched skeleton says. "Then, NINJA!!!!!" The Skulkin Army surrounds the four ninja, who pull out their weapons.

"Not exactly as planned, but fine by me." Cole says, smirking behind his mask. "I count ten boneheads to every one of us. I think I like these odds."

The spider begin to descend from the ceiling. It comes to the ground, growling again to everyone around.

"Uh, yeah. I take twenty of them if you take that thing alone." Jay says, nervous.

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