*BONUS*: Feelings from a Blacksmith

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Cole and Kai are heading back to Four Weapons Blacksmith riding on the Earth Dragon, flying troughout the blue sky.

"I still can't believe you lost your fear of dragons so fast!" Kai says, looking at the ninja in front of him.

"What can I say?" Cole smirks. "These guys are awesome!"

"Yeah, I definitely agree!" The boy with spiky hair says, looking at the sky.

"Hey, Kai. Check this out." Cole pets the dragon's neck. The creature does a big flip on the air, startling Kai for a moment.

"Woah! How did you do that?" He asks, panting.

"Just a little trick I teached Rocky." The black ninja winks.

Kai snorts at the dragon's name. "Pfff! Seriously? 'Rocky'?"

"What? It suits him." Cole says, smiling at his dragon. "Isn't that right, boy?"

Soon they arrive at Ignacia, in front of the shop. "Thanks for helping out, dude." Kai says, getting of Rocky. "Now that I'm moving in with you guys, I just need to get a few things."

"No problem." The ninja shrugs. "Need a hand?" He offers.

"No. It isn't too much baggage anyway. Just wait here." Kai quickly says.

"Uh... okay." Cole nods, feeling a little awkward.

As Kai enters the shop, he closes the door, giving a deep sigh. "At least some time alone..." The boy thinks.

He takes a look on everything. All of their products are organized, collecting dust now. "Feels like so much time has passed since them..." The boy mumbles to himself.

Kai walks to the room he and Nya share together. The boy opens their closet and starts picking up a good amount of clothes. He was feeling a little uneasy about all of this.

Why they had to leave their home behind? Sure, they wouldn't be a weight to their neighbours anymore, but Kai still thougth it wasn't that easy to just go and live with a bunch of strangers.

"Still, Nya seems to be getting along with them just fine..." He thinks, sitting on his bed. The boy looks at a photo he and Nya took on top of their bed table. He pick it up, looking at them.

"Am I wrong for feeling like that? Or it was easier to her because they all have something in common?" It made sense in his head. They were special. Kai wasn't.

He couldn't help but feel a little jealous. The boy is happy for his sister, of course, but he wonders what would have happen if he was one of them. Maybe he wouldn't be feeling like that now.

"Ugh! Why do I have to be so stupid?!" Kai says, laying in his bed now. " I should be happy for her now!"

He looks at the ceiling. "No, I'm happy for her." He nods to himself. "I just... don't want to be left behind. Not again."

The boy fears that now Nya won't need him anymore. She have friends, she can fight, she can take care of herself. So why would she need Kai?

"No, I can't think like that." He makes a effort to get up. "We were always together, and this isn't going to change. We're siblings, after all!"

He shakes his head, trying to get rid of his negative thoughts. The boy looks at their wardrobe again. There was a small wooden box in there. He goes there, pick it up and sits at his bed again.

He opens the box. There was a bracelet there. Kai remembered that his parents had made a pair of them, both to the siblings. Nya always used hers, but Kai promise to himself that he would only wear his bracelet when he become a full-fledged blacksmith.

"C'mon, Kai!" She laughed when he said that. "Think about how cool it would be if we wore them together! Like a team symbol!" She smiled at him.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, she's still using hers, even under her ninja robes. Wonder if she made that a radio like she wanted to. Haha..." He says to himself. He thinks for a moment, reaching a decision.

"Sorry, Kai from the past..." He laughs at himself. He puts the bracelet in his wrist, feeling confortable in seeing it there.

"Yeah, we ARE a team! And nothing will break us." Kai assures himself mentally. "And who knows? Maybe I can be special like them someday."

Suddendly the boy hears a big gong going out on the front of the shop. He runs towards the sound, finding Cole finishing off some Skulkin Warriors.

"Cole?" He says, surprised.

"Kai! You're alright!" The black ninja says, dropping a skeleton he was holding.
Kai notices that he looks relieved.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Kai speaks, looking around, confused. "What happened here, anyway?"

"Just some knuckleheads looking for a fight, that's all." The black ninja shrugs. "Actually, I'm surprised you didn't heard us before."

" Guess I was too lost in my mind, haha..." The spiky-haired boy laughed off.

"Suure..." Cole nods. "So, are you done with what you're going to bring?"

"Oh, yeah." Kai nods. He walks a little, then stops. He turns to Cole. "But I guess I'll accept a hand or two."

The black ninja gives a warm smile. "I'm here for it."


Soon everything is packed at top of Rocky. Cole and Kai jumps at the dragon's back again, preparing to leave Ignacia behind.

The black ninja notices something in Kai's wrist. "Where did you get that?" He asks, pointing at the other boy's bracelet.

Kai looks at the object. "Just a keepsake that Nya and I always had with us before." He says, smiling.

"Cool. I've never seen you using it before, so the question just came out, haha..." Cole says, feeling a little stupid for asking. "But it looks good on you." He adds.

Kai smiles a little, feeling a little confortable with his thoughts now.

"Thanks." He says.

The earth dragon make his way trough the sky, now making a flight to their new home.

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