Chapter 25: The Two Tombs

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As the group prepares themselves at the deck, Nya approaches Zane, who is still a bit uneasy with his new colors.

"I have a favor to ask." She whispered at him, pulling him away from the others. "Can you help me out?"

"I would be glad to help." Zane said, gentle. "What do you need?"

"Okay. Since we are going in different missions, could you try and ask Cole about what happened here these last few days?" Nya gave her friend a uncertain look.

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" The now pink ninja asked. "We are in the middle of a serious mission."

"That's the reason!" Nya rolled her eyes. "Maybe that can make them give up their game more easily!"

"How is that a game for them?" The blonde asked, confused.

"Hey! What's taking you guys so long?" Cole called for the pair. "We're short in time here!"

"Going!" Nya replied. "Let's go, Zane." They joined the other pair of ninjas. "You guys remember the location of the tombs, right?" Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then." Cole said. "Good luck, guys." He turned to Jay and Nya. "And be careful."

"Easy for you to say." The blue ninja sighed. "At least you guys have the flute."

"Come on, Jay." Nya smirks at him. "I'm sure we can deal with a pack of snakes or two."

"Uh, yeah, I hope so..." He said, nervous.

The group jumped from the deck, creating their vehicles using the Golden Weapons. Cole and Zane going to the east as Nya and Jay go to the west.


It didn't took much time for Zane and Cole to arrive at their destination, the Mountain of a Million Steps. The pair stopped at the base of the mountain.

"Well, our vehicles won't traverse the steps." Cole said to his partner, who agreed and jumped from his snowmobile. "We go the rest of the way on foot." Both of their vehicles turn back to being weapons.

"But this is the Mountain of a Million Steps." Zane pointed out. "Aren't we pressed for time?"

"Then we'll take a shortcut." Cole smirked at him.

"What kind of shortcut are we talking about?" The pink ninja asked. Instead of replying, the black ninja got in his knees.

"I'll carry you, what else?" Cole said like it was something obvious. Zane seemed hesitant. "Don't worry, climbing mountains is my thing, remember?"

"I guess so..." The blonde said, still uncertain. "Okay, then." He jumps on his comrade's back.

Cole then starts climbing his way into the mountain, giving precise jumps while still having the might to carry Zane.

"Am I holding on too tight?" The pink ninja asked after some time.

"Light as a feather, Pinky." Cole joked, keeping his dedication. Zane ponders if this is the right moment to inquire to his friend.

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