Chapter 13: Tree House Havoc

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It's already nighttime back in the Monastery. Wu, Kai and the ninja are at the dinner table waiting for their food.

"Mmm... Oh, I love it when it's Zane's night to cook. Everything he does is amazing!" Jay says, excited.

"Hey. I didn't hear any complains about my duck chowder last night." Cole points out, taken aback by his friend.

"That's because it glued our mouths shut." Nya giggles. "You really thought Jay was speechless all throughout dinner?"

"Yeah. Please don't make that again." Jay has a disgusted expression on his face.

"So, Master Wu..." Kai looks at the old man. "About that prophecy of the Green Ninja..." Everyone stops talking now, giving attention to the new topic.

Their master sighs. "Yes, Kai? What about it?"

"The prophecy says that only one of your pupils can become the Green Ninja, right?" The boy asks, curious.

Wu side eyes him. "To be honest, all I have is what is written in the scroll. So I wouldn't be able to say..." The elder shakes his head. "But I don't think this should-"

"Dinner is served." Zane enters the dining room wearing a pink apron with flowers while pushing a cart with turkey, soup, Pilates of shrimp and some more dishes.

Everyone gets silent for a moment before start laughing all at the same time. Zane looks at his friends, confused.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Zane. You're wearing a..." Nya tries to keep herself from laughing. "It's just... it looks so stupid on you!"

"Honestly, it would look stupid on anyone here!" Jay laughs with her.

"You laugh because I take steps to ensure I'm clean after cooking?" The white ninja still don't understand what is happening.

"Haha! No! We laugh because you came out wearing that ridiculous outfit!" Kai says, almost crying from all the laughs.

"I guess we don't share the same sense of humor." Zane says, a bit hurt.

"Well, how about this?" Cole meddles in and picks one plate of shrimp, throwing on Jay's face.

"Hey! What gives?!" The blue ninja shouts. Everyone except Zane laughs.

"How could you not find that funny?" The black says between laughs. Wu takes the distraction moment to pour soup onto Cole's head. "Oh, c'mon!"

Their master puts each hand on Cole's and Zane's shoulder. "Now you are brothers." He speaks with a warm smile.

A food fight erupts after this between them. As food continues to get thrown up, and his apron gets dirty, Zane wonders if he was the problem himself.


Later that night, Zane is taking out the trash, still feeling out of place. "Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me... They seem to have so much fun..." The white ninja thinks by himself.

He suddendly notices a sound coming from a nearby tree. A falcon is standing in one of its branches. Zane moves his head and gives the bird a timid smile, thinking about how pretty the animal looked.

The falcon then moved its Head on the same way as the boy. Curious, the white ninja starts moving his hands, and notices the bird copying his movements again. They keep their little game for a few moments until the falcon flies away.

"I wonder where its going to..." Zane decides to follow it. As he chaves the bird, soon he finds himself on a lonely forest, losing the animal in the process.

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