Jamie Franks...good news?

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Fern jumps and we land on the wolve's back.

What are we doing!? We can't take him! YES WE CAN. Fern growls loudly. He sinks our teeth into the neck of the rouge once more. The rouge whines and whimpers and tries to scratch and pull us off. He does not win. Blood gushes out of the open wound on his neck.

He falls limp after managing to claw our right leg. He falls to the ground and we hop off him. Fern...? What...did we just...? Yes. We did. He replies in a dark tone. I whimper as it sinks in. We just killed someone. A rouge. A wolf! A person! What if Bae and Kirin saw us do it? What then!? Fern stays silent as we go back to our original spot.

Nothing? No answer. Fern? Again, no answer. I stop trying and try to sleep, but can't. I wrestle with the thought of killing someone else. The body of that rouge lay on the other side of this tree. I whimper and whine, crying for the rouge and myself.

Finally, hours pass and the sun rises. I get up, not having slept once. We begin limping toward the border. I feel myself get dizzy and pain courses through me as we trudge on. We walk toward it for a while, before I stop for a moment and begin limping again.

I do this for what seems like hours, but finally, we make it to the border, where we are stopped by the patrol team. A massive beta meets us. He barks. Why are you trespassing on Lucin Pack territory? What business do you have? The only words I can get out are my brother...

Darkness consumes me as I feel myself hit the ground. The last thing I hear before completely going out is, Get him to the doctor! Quickly!

. . .

"Can you hear me? Sir?" I open my eyes to that voice. I look over and see a younger man, but older than me. He has bright orange hair, and his eyes a stunning green. Freckles grace his face, spreading over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. He wears a white coat with a name tag on his chest. It reads, J. Franks. "Oh, thank goddess." He breathes relief.

"What...?" I mumble. "I'm glad you're awake. I thought we lost you for a moment." He smiles. I jolt up wincing at the pain it brings. "You shouldn't do that. You might hurt yourself even more." He lectures. "My brother. His name is Bae. H-he is fifteen. An omega. Has he come through here?" I ask hurriedly. He looks at me sadly.

 "No, I'm sorry. He hasn't. You are the first person we've had come across our border in months," He reveals. I sigh heavily. Tears fill my eyes. They...they can't be...please goddess...no... I whimper as I hang my head. This can't be happening. He's got to be alive. They...I'm sure they are. They have to be. Fern tries, speaking up for the first time in a while.

The young doctor looks at me with pity. "I'm sorry. Maybe he's found his way to another pack." He tries to make me feel better. "May I ask your name? I am Jamie Franks and my wolfs name is Verin." He introduces. I look up and meet his gaze. "I am Nex. My wolf's name is Fern." I mumble.

"Very nice to meet you. You will be visited by the Alpha, Luna, and future Alpha later on today. They will question you and decide if you can stay for recovery." Jamie states. I nod. It's protocol in some packs. It wasn't in my old pack. You could just show up and our Alpha wouldn't care. That's how that small-minded rouge did what he did.

"You will be asked about...your injuries. Just a full warning. I have already bandaged you and I also ran some tests. I was going to wait to tell you, but I think you should know now." Jamie starts. "Congratulations, you are officially three weeks pregnant." He smiles.

My eyes go wide. "What!?" I scream. Jamie jumps back and looks surprised. "Is...is that not...a good thing?" He asks confused. My head snaps to him. "No! It's not a good thing! I was raped for fucks sake!" I yell at him. He looks at me, wide-eyed and full of pity. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to assume." He says somewhat guiltily.

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