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I finally get to hold her.

We decided to name her Lavender, we call her Ven for short. She is a beautiful little baby girl, she already has hair, the same color as mine, and her eyes match my pale tint. I'm so happy, I just don't know what to do. I plan on telling Dom about the boys soon, I do not know how well it will go, but I am. If he says no, I'll still be able to see them at the shelter, but if he says yes...well I guess I'll have three babies to take care of. I doubt Dom would want to stop there.

I hope he doesn't want too many more. I gently kiss the top of her head as she coos softly. Dom walks in with a plate of food from the cafeteria downstairs and sets it on the side table. He still hasn't held her yet, so I hold her out to him. He smiles while taking her. He stares at her with eyes full of love and care. "She looks just like you." He whispers. I smile at the comment. Soon, Jamie comes in and takes her from us. She needs to be on a ventilator for a while everyday, but soon she will be ready to leave.

"Dom? There's something I wanted to talk to you about. And just so you know, I completely understand if you say no." I start. I seem to have grabbed his attention as he takes a seat beside my bed. I take a breathe and ready myself. "There are these two pups at the shelter. They're brothers, both Alphas...I wanted to ask is we could...adopt them." I get out. I look over at him. He seems surprised, but then he just smiles. "If that's what you want, then yes. But I want to meet them before anything else." He says.

It takes a moment to sink in, but once it does, I get super excited. "Okay, that can be arranged." I say smiling. He keeps his smile and leans over to press his lips to mine. I let him lead and we continue this until a throat is cleared in the doorway. It is the current Alpha and Luna. "Sorry to interrupt, but we wanted to come see how you were doing." Alpha says. We pull apart somewhat quickly. "Umm-...well, I'm okay. Ven is too. She will be able to come home in a few days." I explain. "That's wonderful news. I'll start getting everything ready." Luna says happily.

All I can do is smile. "Thank you." I reply. "Anything for our sons and grandbaby." Luna says. We talk awhile before they leave again to attend a meeting with a few other packs. They do it sometimes to talk about pack boundaries, rouges, and things like that. I eventually doze off with Dom running his hand through my hair soothingly. I've grown to really love when he does that. Darkness overtakes me as I fall into sleep.

.  .  .  .  .  .

I wake to the sun shinning and the hospital room. Another surprise awaits me as I spot Carlisle and Wilder sitting and talking quietly with Dom. "Good morning." I mumble with a smile. Carlisle and Wilders heads shoot to me as they stand up quickly from their seats and get to the side of my bed. "Luna Nex! Your awake!" Wilder says happily. "I am." I say simply. I look to Dom for him to explain. He smiles as he does so. "I decided to go ahead and do all the paperwork for it. They're ours now. I was waiting until you woke up to tell them." He explains.

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