Tooth and Nail

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"It's not yours."

I turn my head to see Dom, Alpha and Luna, and the majority of our security. With our head pressed against the sidewalk, I couldn't make much noise. Dom's eyes shinned red as he glared down at the rouge I still don't know the name of. "Off. Now." Dom growls. The rouge put his other paw on my stomach and pressed down, hard. We howled in pain as I tried to get him off. Dom growled low and dangerously. "I said off!" His voice is the only one heard. The rouge stays where he is, pressing down even harder. He'll kill our baby girl. Fern growls lowly. We manage to throw him off slightly. We open our jaws and bite down, hard.

Blood gushes out of the rouges front leg. We are thrown back, but jump back up. We are done submitting to the likes of you! If you want this baby, you'll have to kill me first! We growl loudly. The rouge stands tall, and chuckles shaking his head. Looks like an omega needs to be taught where his place is. "Common then." Dom says lowly. He steps in front of me and Fern, still in human form. The current Alpha and Luna stand beside him, blocking us completely. The rouge stands, outnumbered and alone. If you have a brain in some form, you would leave, now.

The rouge glares at me, my comment striking a nerve. He scoffs and goes back into the trees, hopefully staying there. I let the pain take me and drop to the ground, shifting back into human form. A shirt is placed on me. A hand caresses my cheek. "What hurts?" Dom quickly asks. Tears brim my eyes. "She...she's dying." I choke out. His eyes widen. He quickly picks me up bridal style and begins to sprint toward the hospital. Please, moon goddess, let me keep my baby girl.

I pray with everything I have. Hoping it'll be enough. Dom soon has me lying on an examination table, Jamie quickly observing me. He feels my pups heartbeat and yells to other doctors, they soon have IV's sticking out of me from multiple locations. "Quickly! We don't have much time!" Jamie yells. I am quickly pumped full of who knows what, and then they are cutting my stomach open. The anesthesia makes me numb and unable to feel much. I watch as they pull my baby girl out of me and rush her out of the room. 

I am stitched back up and left to wait to see if my pup will survive past tonight. I stare at the ceiling blankly before having a hand press against my cheek. My head is forced toward this person, my mate. Dom's eyes are glazed red, Zek probably coming out. "Love, this isn't your fault." He says softly. Tears fall once again as I bite my lip. I shake my head and turn to continue to look at the ceiling. "Nex, she's going to be okay, she's going to make it." Dom says.

"How do you know that." I bite. It comes out harsher then I intend it to. I hear a deep sigh after a moment. My face is forced to his once again. A smile is spread across his face. "Because your her papa, she'll fight like you, tooth and nail." He teases. I can't help but smile a little. He leans in and gently kisses my forehead. We sit, waiting for five hours, and soon, Jamie walks back in.

He holds a huge smile on his face. "She is stable. She'll make it." He says. I gasp happily as a smile spreads over my face. Dom hugs and kisses me, careful of my stomach. "We told you, love. Tooth and nail." Zek whispers.

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I am so sorry that it's taken so long, I have been really busy lately and haven't been able to update. I will get the next part out as soon as I can, but I cannot promise it won't be awhile before then. I have finals coming up and there is gonna be a lot of studying involved.

Thank you so much for reading!

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