Pack House

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# Domonic/Zek #

I didn't bring up the sister thing.

When he is ready to tell me, he can. I shake myself from my thoughts as I help Nex into some regular clothes. His face is a very bright red as we do this. I help him put a shirt on, his hands on my shoulders as I pull it down over him. It happens to be one of mine and I can't get over how cute he looks in it. A sense of possessiveness goes through me as his scent mixes with mine.

Next thing I help him into a pair of shorts, those being easier than pants. He whimpers a little once they go over his hips, most likely hurting something under his skin. "You can take them off once we get to the pack house," I assure him. He nods as he struggles to walk. I don't let him get far before I pull him up gently into my arms. "Hey! Domonic!" He whines as his hands automatically go to my neck. 

I grin down at him before placing a kiss on his cheek. "You can't walk far and we both know it." I mock him keeping my grin. He pouts as I carry him out the door and make our way out of the hospital. Once we do exit the building, I carry him to my car and carefully place him into the passenger seat. I close his door before rounding the car and hopping into the driver's seat.

Once I close the door and start the car we are pulling away from the hospital and on the way to the pack house. "I think it's fair if I warn you before we get there," I stated, glancing over at my tiny mate. "What about?" He asks, looking over at me. "I have an older brother and an older sister. Those two, especially my sister, will bombard you with questions. Just ignore her, she'll calm down and leave you be after a while." He explains.

He doesn't reply for a while. The next sound I heard from him was a heart-stopping giggle that made me want to kill anything that got in the way of that noise. "Okay then." He finally gets out. We got lucky with this one. Yes, he is perfect in every and any way.

We arrive at the pack house shortly after. I stop the car, get out, and get Nex out. I carry him inside and walk through the living room area only to be just about taken down by my older sister. Nex looks taken aback and overall surprised. He snuggles closer to me. I smile at my little mate, grateful for my sister's antics for a change.

"Georgie, please give him some space. He is still injured. You can talk later." I try to reason with her. She does not budge as I resort to ignoring her. I carry my mate upstairs and into my room, deciding he would stay here until tomorrow. I carefully set him on the bed. I can't wait to see my baby's entire face tonight. We get to take off his bandages from his eye. 

"Are you comfy? Do you need anything?" I ask. He shakes his head. "...actually..." He mumbles looking down. I bend down and lift his head by his chin. His face increases in color once again. I love how flustered he gets. "What can I do you for, puppy?" I ask attempting to rial him works. His face gets a hundred shades deeper as he avoids my eyes.

"C-can...can I...can you" He mumbles and stutters embarrassed to say anything. I feel myself smile. We should mate him. He needs to have our mark. Zek says possessively. Not yet. Not until he asks for it. I lean in, making him look me in the eyes as I press my lips to his. He kisses back after a few moments. 

This is like my first kiss all over again. Sparks that couldn't match anything I've ever felt before join in as I continue to kiss my puppy passionately. He kisses just as much back. I trail my tongue along his bottom lip, wanting him to open. He does and I slip my tongue into his mouth and explore everything I can reach.

He lets out a cute little whimper as I pull away from him, not wanting to lose control. "How was that?" I ask, teasing the little wolf. He is breathing heavily as he tries to gain control over his heart, I hear it pounding away like a drum. "...good." He says quietly, looking me in my eyes. "Only good? It must have been better than 'good'." He gets red again. Adorable. He is.

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