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I can't help the beating of my heart.

I just wanted him so badly at that moment. I couldn't control the words that left my lips. It's weird for such a strong feeling to be here, I just don't understand how it is when we only just met a little while ago. Mates are nothing to mess with. I sigh happily as I look around Dom's room and take it all in.

I really have a mate that cares for me. I hope he'll never get tired of me. I don't think I could handle it if he did. Right now my mate is downstairs getting something to eat. He said he didn't want me to leave this room until tomorrow. I don't know why but I can't say I care much.

I wish Bae were here too. He'd love this place so much, I just know it. I feel my eyes tear up thinking about him. What if he's dead? He's not. They aren't. I know they're not. Fern pops in. How can you know? I just do. He says matter-of-factly. The door swings open before I can reply. I look over expecting to see Dom, but instead, it's his sister, Georgie I think it was the culprit. "Hey there! Since my stupid little brother won't introduce me properly, I will." She says a little too happy.

I can't find words in time before she starts talking. "I am Georgia, but everyone calls me Georgie. My wolf's name is Dexta I am the eldest of the Lucin Alpha Family Pack, but I am a Beta and so is my other little brother. Very nice to meet you. Tell me your name, age, rank, and some other things...please." She finally stops.

"Um...I'm Nex, I'm 19 years old, my wolf's name is Fern, I am an Omega...and..." I trail off. "An Omega? Really? No wonder you so small and...if you don't mind me saying...weak." She says. I feel my heart stop and my throat gets dry. Why would she say...? "I don't mean to offend, but any other rank would be able to handle those injuries easily." She says.

I look down at my hands and fiddle with the blanket on the bed. I feel my heart sting, her words affecting me more than they should. I close my eyes and breathe in deeply. I look up and meet her gaze. "You know what? Fuck off. I don't need or want your comments. Goodbye." I said and turned away from her. Damn right! Tell her straight, Nex. I'm tired of people for today.

The room is deathly quiet as I wait to hear the door close, after a few more moments, it finally does. It takes a little longer before Dom gets back up here. When he does walk in, he is holding a tray of food. I feel my face get hot at the gesture. He sets it in front of me. I look at the food and then back to him, meeting his gaze. "Thank you," I say with a smile. He returns it before saying something else. 

"I don't know what happened, but Georgie said she came in here and said something to piss you off? What did she say?" He asks a look of curiosity spreading over his face. I press my lips together. "It doesn't matter," I say quickly and then look away from him. There is a sigh. "If it made you mad enough to tell her to fuck off, then yeah, it does." He says with a slightly amused and annoyed tone.

I bite my lip. "She kept saying I was weak and that I was small, implying that I was easy to hurt and hard to get over injuries while others did so easily." I blurt out, not wanting him to be mad at me. The food is lifted from my lap but I do not look his way.

I feel the bed sink down and then Dom's hand is on my chin. "I'm not mad. She kinda deserved it. It's best to ignore some of the things she says, she doesn't have a filter." He says with a smirk. I nod, his hand moving with my head. He leans in and pecks me on my lips, lingering for a moment before pulling away.

"Don't ever let anyone talk ill of you. Do what you did with Georgia to everyone who does, or call me to handle it." He says, Zek taking over slightly by the way his eyes turned colors and his voiced dropped.

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