Baby Bump

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I lay on the ultrasound table as Dr. Sofie rubs the cool gel on my bump.

"Now, let's see about this little one." Dr. Sofie moves the little device around on my bump until she finds the unborn baby. She smiles before turning the screen for me to see. "Congratulations. It's a healthy, little baby girl. I smile happily.

"I'm guessing that's what you were hoping for?" She says knowingly. "Yes, I was." I confirm. Luna Snow helps me up and leads me out of the hospital back to the car. Once we settle in, he begins back to the pack house. "I can't wait to take you shopping! We can set everything up in that room beside your and Dom's room." He says happily.

We get back to the pack house, only have taken about an hour and a half to get done. We find Alpha Alexander and Dom waiting in the kitchen. I am greeted by a kiss on the cheek. "How'd it go?" My mate asks. "Well. It's a girl." I reply. His face lights up. "That's great, love." He says happily. "Congratulations. I can't wait to meet our granddaughter." Alpha Alexander says.

I can't help the smile that spreads across my face at his words. "We can go shopping for everything tomorrow. Including some clothes for you." Luna Snow comments. I nod. The current Alpha and Luna walk away with a goodbye. Dom takes the chance to kiss me. It lasts only a couple of moments, but it said everything. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to start visiting the pups at the shelter." Dom says. "The shelter?" I question. He nods. "Pups that have no parents to speak of. We have caretakers, but I figured maybe you might like to go over there?" He asks.

"Yeah. That sounds fun." I smile. "Alright. We can go now if you want." I nod. We head out and to the shelter. It takes all of fifteen minutes. Once we arrive we head inside and are greeted with an older female caretaker. "Alpha, Luna. What do we owe this pleasant surprise?" She smiles as she bows. "We just wanted to pay a visit to the pups?" Dom kind of asks.

"Of course! Just follow me." She says happily. We are lead behind a desk and though a hallway. We enter a room. We are met with about twelve pups all under the ages of ten. I feel my heart ache for them. Dom must have felt the feeling. He gently holds my hand. I smile as our gaze meet.

A little boy, not being older than four or five waddles over to us. I look down at him, not being able to bend down. "Hi there, bud. What's your name?" I ask. "I'm Wilder." He replies with a smile. "Very nice to meet you Wilder. I'm Nex." I say. He smiles.

"Come meet my brother!" He says happily. I let him lead me to another little boy that looks to be about seven or eight. "Carlisle! Look, I made a friend!" wilder says happily to the boy. They have the same features, both having auburn hair, dark brown eyes, and darker skin. Carlisle's hair reached down to just above his shoulders and Wilders was cut shorter, ending at the top of his ears. 

Carlisle quickly bows his head. "Alpha, Luna." He says quietly. "There's no need to do that. Stand up." Dom says. Carlisle obeys. "How old are you?" I ask. "I'm eight. And Wilder is five." He says. I nod with a smile. He seems oddly small for an eight year old. Wilder seemed a normal size, but Carlisle was definitely smaller. 

"I'm happy to meet you both. Could you show us around a little?" I ask. Carlisle nods. He leads us around, introducing some of the other children. They had two little three year old's, both girls with strawberry blonde hair and freckles, bright blue eyes that sparkled in a way. There were no other siblings among the other children.

There are four nine year old's, one a girl, the rest boys, a nine month old girl, a two year old boy, another five year old, but a girl, and a ten year old boy. I wanted to know all their stories, so I asked for each of there files. I was given copies on all of them and Dom didn't really seem to mind my curiosity.

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