the red bull garage

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cause when you're fifteen and
someone tells you they love
you, you're gonna believe them.

.҉    .҉    .҉

CHARLES KEPT HIS promise to take me to all of his favourite places so far. He's picked me up from every airport and driven me to every hotel in the last three countries. I don't know what my dad thinks happens when the plane touches the ground, or where he thinks I go off to, but he hasn't bothered asking.

Charles has taken to visiting me in the Red Bull garage whenever he comes to speak to Max. It's always a quick conversation between him and Max, then he makes his way over to me and we talk for as long as time lets us. It's normally only a few minutes before he gets whisked away by someone else, or on the odd chance my dad comes looking for me so I'm the one to shoo him off, usually in barely concealed laughter and little pokes in the side.

Incredulously, my dad has never noticed. It's a bit silly, us sneaking around to be friends and have conversations the way we do, but I don't want my dad to make things awkward between us.

Blue has been receiving daily updates, and if I don't send them directly to the girls' groupchat she'd been added to, she relays them there for me. I think they're all just happy I'm not hiding at home, and instead hiding at all of the races.

Today is race day. We've been having bad luck so far this season. We had a 1-2 finish at Bahrain, Checo coming first and Max coming second. Charles finished third. I was overjoyed for Max, as I always am when he has a good race, but watching Charles pull up in third, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pride. Then in Saudi Arabia engine trouble took Checo out of the race almost immediately, but that didn't stop us. Max finished first, but there was a double podium for Ferrari, Charles and Carlos coming P2 and P3. Though I've been called—and have called myself—a Red Bull Baby, growing up with Davidé has made me agree with the sentiment: "Everyone is a Ferrari fan," because though I was outwardly celebrating Max's first place finish, I was inwardly celebrating for the double Ferrari podium, and for Charles.

Australia was an example of our bad luck. Engine trouble took Checo out again, but to make things worse, an accident in the pits forced Max to retire from the race. He could've had a podium finish. It looked like it was going to be Charles' first win of the season but something went wrong with his gears halfway through his second to last lap and he finished in P3. Hamilton secured P1 quickly after that, finishing first with Oscar Piastri from McLaren in second.

The Japanese Grand Prix was a total disaster for everyone, especially us. It genuinely was the worst race I have ever seen in my twenty years of watching Forumala 1. There was four or five crashes in the first few laps—these took out: Checo, Pierre Gasly, Daniel, Lance Stroll, Zhou Guanyu, Kevin Magnuessen and Nico Hulkenberg—Checo had been feeling the affects of the Bahrain curse hard. It looked like Hamilton would be finishing P1 again this race but Max took him out. Literally. They both collided and had to retire from the race. I had never seen so many disappointed race engineers before, not to mention fans and the drivers themselves. Whatever was going on in Japan, it was the most crashes, engine failures,—which took out Alex Albon, Carlos Sainz and Oscar Piastri—and bad pit stops—Esteban Ocon was a victim of a pit stop so horrible it forced him to retire from the race entirely—I've seen in my entire life. Fernando Alonso secured P1 and Lando Norris in P2, with Charles managing P3 after driving alongside George Russel for the entire final lap.

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