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d e l i c a t e

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d e l i c a t e


took a deep breath in the
mirror, he didn't like it when
i wore high heels but i do

.҉    .҉    .҉


I had tried to look disappointed with Max's P3 finish but I just couldn't. Mark was a Ferrari fan and spent a lot of the races mulling over what went wrong, but was so quick to jump from his chair—pulling me and Nora up with him—to celebrate. A 1-2 finish for Ferrari was definitely something to celebrate. Charles does a victory lap before pulling up in first, the televisions were broadcasting his and Carlos Sainz' radio, where they were both yelling in excitement, congratulating the team and themselves.

Mark grabbed Nora's hand to lead her away from the television, and Nora grabbed my hand so I would trail along behind. We got there in time to see Charles pull himself from his car by the halo, met by a screaming crowd, standing on top and banging his fist on his chest, pointing at the racing horse.

He hops off his car, waving at the crowd of fans and making his way towards everyone else. He's pulled in by them, hands grabbing at his racing suit in excitement, people in Ferrari caps and tops kissing him on his helmet. He pulls of his helmet and his balaclava. His eyes are sparkling and his skin is glistening with sweat. His hair is all tousled from the balaclava.

I'm a little off to the side, careful not to be caught on the cameras, but I can't hide how happy I am for him. He makes his way through the excited crowd and eventually comes out near me. I'm smiling and clapping my hands. Not jumping around like everyone else, but I'm still cheering. He stops hopping around with everyone else for a second as we lock eyes. Everyone's still moving around him, shaking him by the shoulders, but for a moment he's still. He's only looking at me. Only smiling at me.

Then someone tugs on his arm and he's pulled away from the clearing back into the crowd. He turns his head to give me one last smile before he disappears.

Mark was still beaming as the two Ferrari boys stood on the podium, and as Monaco's national anthem began to play, he leaned into my ear and asked:

"Isn't it such a sweet melody?"

I had to roll my eyes but I was really happy for Charles. We were near the front of the crowd, I wondered if he could see us from up there. The trophies are handed out and then the champagne is popped. Charles sprays a lot of it on the crowd, I feel a mist of alcohol coat my hair and know I'll have to shower later. Max pops his bottle and sprays it down Charles' back and I'm reminded of Austria as the two of them use their bottles like waterguns for a moment before turning their attention to Carlos.

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