Chapter 1

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"Don't do anything stupid Dani," Minji said sternly over the phone. She was alone in her apartment that she shared with Danielle ever since the two started university. The latter had been acting strangely and the fact that Danielle had insisted to go alone was only making things a whole lot worse for Minji's growing nerves. 

Minji was the only one who knew about Danielle's struggles. Behind the bright sunshine smiles and the constant efforts to cheer people up, Minji knew all too well the mess her friend was behind it all. Danielle on the other side of the line let out a rather forced chuckle.

"I won't Min," Danielle said.

"You promise? The last time I caught you trying to run in front of a car," Minji questioned worriedly. Danielle let out another chuckle as she replied ominously.

"I can't Min," she said, before hanging up. Minji was left as a ball of anxiety once she heard the phone click. She slumped on the couch and groaned, itching to find Danielle and prevent the girl from doing something stupid. But she knew that she shouldn't force it, after all, her friend valued trust and Minji stalking her everywhere wouldn't really help much.

KNOCK! KNOCK! A knock at the door temporarily disturbed the volcano of worries that were exploding inside Minji's head. She looked wearily to the white door and got up heavily like something was weighing her down. Minji peeked out as she open the door a crack to see whoever it was. There stood her friend and cousin, Taesan. He was smiling cheerfully.

Minji's eyes lit up at the sight of her cousin who seemingly had returned from Japan. He had gone on holidays with his family, and Minji was slightly jealous. But her parents said that they would go on a holiday trip too soon, with Danielle as well. Minji let Taesan in as he looked around the apartment curiously.

"So this is your dream apartment? Looks rather dull," he teased, earning a slap from Minji on his arm. He giggled as he set down the bag he was holding. But his smile faded when he turned to his cousin in confusion. "Where's Dani?" he asked. Minji could only sigh as she shrugged.

"What? What if she does something again Min? Why didn't you go with her?!" Taesan exclaimed, his voice speaking for the amount of worries spinning around Minji's head. She sighed once again. As much as Danielle worried her she still loved the girl like her own sister. After all depression wasn't really something you could control, Taesan knew that as well.

"She insisted she wanted time alone, I couldn't really do anything about it you know," Minji replied. Taesan nodded as he slumped back onto the couch.

Danielle made her way through the crowded train station as she made her way to the platform. As she did so, she recalled her conversation with Minji. She felt bad for straight up lying to her friend's face. After all, Minji and her cousin Taesan had always stuck with her and always made sure she was ok. But at this point, Danielle didn't see any point in life. It was the same dull cycle. School, work, nightmares, sobbing, getting comforted by Minji, feeling bad about bothering Minji and then the same again and again. Besides, it was clear she was useless enough for her parents to send her to Korea simply because they didn't want her.

Normally, these thoughts would send Danielle into a frenzy of tears but today, it didn't. She felt empty. The train arrived and Danielle walked in soullessly, making her way to a seat at the back. She leant back, listening to the sentimental music that was playing through her ear phones. She had already planned everything. In her shared bedroom with Minji she had hidden letters for the latter to find. Before she had left she had said: "If you lost something, I think it may be in the drawer,". Minji had only given her a confused and concerned look but she left before the other one could ask more questions.

The train rattled along, providing a tranquil backdrop. Was this what death would feel like? Not having to worry about anything and not having to wake up every morning. Just closing your eyes and drifting into an eternal dream. Sounded very nice to Danielle. She had to admit, she was still scared. And she felt guilty for leaving Minji and Taesan, but she didn't want to do this anymore.

She just felt so alone and abandoned, even though she clearly wasn't. It was like no one understood her or wanted to understand her. She wanted to be left alone to drown in her own sorrows and sadness. At least in death no one would bother her.

"Excuse me can I sit here?" a voice interrupted Danielle's thoughts. She looked up to see a girl with cat eyes, wearing a black face mask, looking curiously into Danielle's dark brown eyes. Danielle nodded slowly as the girl smiled at her and sat down. Danielle tried to ignore the girl and go back to drowning in her sorrows and the music, but she couldn't help but feel curious about the girl. There were plenty other seats so why did she choose to sit next to Danielle? That was definitely something new.

The two girls sat in silence as the train continued on. 

"What's your name? My name is Haerin!" Haerin introduced herself shyly, holding out her hand. Danielle stared at the girl for a bit, her eyes penetrating the other one's brownish green eyes. This appeared to make Haerin nervous because she chickened out with making eye contact.

"Danielle," she said plainly, accepting the handshake gingerly. Haerin smiled again and turned to the front, looking around curiously like a child who had never been on a subway before. Danielle wasn't going to lie, it was cute. Oh...she managed to think something good in her day. Too bad it was going to be her last.

"Are you sad?" Haerin asked suddenly, making Danielle widen her eyes. Did this complete stranger just ask her that? Well, was she sad? Maybe. Too sad to even feel sad. Danielle narrowed her eyes at the girl who's cat eyes were filled with warmth and concern. What kind of stranger would look at another stranger like that? This girl was beyond strange.

"It's ok to be sad," Haerin smiled again. Danielle had come to love that smile despite not being able to see it clearly through the mask. But the cat eyed girl's eyes were filled with warmth. It was rare you see people like this these days. And for once the girl had just acknowledged she was sad but didn't push anything.

"Do ya wanna be friends?" Haerin asked shyly, looking hopefully at Danielle.

"Fine," she sighed. Guess that means she wasn't dying today.

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