Chapter 26

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"Dani, come on! You haven't been out in so long!!" 

Minji was trying her best to get her best friend to go out for dinner with her, Hyein, Taesan and Leehan, but Danielle was as stubborn as a mull. Minji was beyond shocked when she heard that Haerin and Danielle had broken up, she was the biggest supporter of Daerin so it made her disappointed and confused. The now ex couple had shown no signs of splitting, they were like two peas in a pod, always hugging, always complaining like toddlers when they had to split up. What shocked the bear even more was that Danielle had been the one to break it up.

Amidst this chaos and maze of complicated feelings, one thing was clear to Minji:

Danielle was still in love with Haerin.

"Dani, please," Minji begged again, sitting down on the edge of the sunshine girl's bed. 

"I don't feel like it," Danielle replied with the same answer she had been giving for weeks.

She thought that breaking up with the cat eyed girl would do something, she thought it would lift the invisible weight off her shoulders. The long distance thing was slowly ripping her apart and she desperately needed some kind of closure, and the only thing her mind could conjure, was to break up. Danielle had also thought it would be good for Haerin too, not being tied down by some girl in Korea. But no matter how much she tried to gaslight herself into believing that she no longer loved Haerin, her heart just wouldn't stop shouting at her for being so stupid.

And Danielle had to admit, it was impossible to deny it. She still loved Haerin more than anyone else in this world. She highly regretted even saying the words when she saw how heart broken the cat eyed one looked. 

But the damage was done.

"Dani, you need to do something, sitting here and rotting in bed isn't going to make you feel any better and you know that," Minji sighed, pulling the blankets off her friend. Danielle only grunted in annoyance and forced herself up. She was met with Minji's worried brown eyes. For a moment jealousy overwhelmed her like the ocean attacking a ship amidst chaotic storms. She simply couldn't understand how Minji's relationship stayed standing while hers didn't. But she knew better than to get jealous, after all this was the result of her own feelings.

And it was for the best.

"Fine, I'll go," Danielle finally gave in.

After dinner, the group ended up at a bar. It was very loud and crowded as it was a Froday night. A lot of people liked to pay a visit to the bar to just get loose and drown their thoughts through chugs of alcohol and wild dancing. Danielle sat with Minji at the bar, looking around at the people dancing like wild animals in the bright coloured flashing lights. She had to stop herself from vomitting in disgust when she caught sight of a couple making out in the middle of the crowd. 

"Now do you understand what I feel?" Minji teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"Shut up," Danielle scoffed, getting up, and shoving her way through the crowd towards the exit. Minji and Hyein only exchanged worried looks while Taesan and Leehan just looked absolutely blank. They just couldn't understand girls no matter how hard they tried. It was like they were a whole different breed. They just awkwardly sat in the tense atmosphere, sipping on their drinks.

Danielle felt her blood boiling with anger and frustration. She knew Minji didn't mean anything bad by her joke, but she simply couldn't process anything anymore. Despite being the one initiating the break up, it back fired on her and she was now swimming in a pool of her own mess. Danielle stopped near the exit, turning and banging her head on the wall.

"Oh, hey beautiful,"

That could only be one person.


Haerin spent hours and hours locked in her room, crying as she tried to process the pain that those words had inflicted on her like swords. 

I think we should break up

She didn't understand what had gone so wrong. They made a promise that they would wait for each other no matter how long it takes, they loved each other with a passion that couldn't possibly be extinguished, they were Danielle and Haerin. It's only been 2 years and their anniversary is coming soon, yet their bond had bloomed into the most beautiful flower and everything had been going so well. Until Danielle decided to grant the cat eyed girl the title of her ex. It just felt too soon.

Haerin's mind was a race track, as a many cars zoomed around the narrow track, taking sharp and precise, yet messy turns as they navigated the path. Did she do something wrong? Was she not good enough? Was she too clingy? Was Danielle uncomfortable dating the daughter of the couple her parents had killed? Did....did Danielle no longer love her? Perhaps....did she fall in love with someone else.

Haerin felt tears fall down her cheeks like a waterfall. She aggressively wiped them, the mere thought breaking her heart into a million pieces. She jumped up from her bed and swung the door open and went straight to her sister's room. She slammed the door open and as soon as she saw Hanni she broke into a full on melt down as she ran into Hanni's arms abruptly.

"Haerinie, what's wrong?" Hanni asked softly, she could feel her heart shattering upon hearing Haerin's pained sobs.

"Dani broke up with me and I don't know what I did wrong!! Sh...She said she c...couldn't long distance!!! A...Am I not good e...enough?!!!" Haerin yelled as she weakly hit Hanni on the chest as she buried her face on the latter's shoulder, letting out all her emotions.

Hanni at this point felt like crying too. Her heart was now in complete chaos, the once calm beats now progressively increasing as thought it was getting ready for a marathon. She took deep breaths, calming herself down while she comforted the girl in her arms. It would probably be obvious at this point, but she couldn't help but blame herself for this. 

Haerin only continued to cry until everything just seemed to dry up like a drought. Eventually she fell asleep in Hanni's arms.

Danielle didn't know what got into her. She really didn't. She was now hanging out with Sim Jaeyun, or Jake. The same boy she hated like the Grinch hated Christmas. She never thought she'd actually be having a civil and actually enjoyable conversation with him that didn't consist of his flirting and her snarky remarks to add to the finishing touch. She had come to realise that Jake was a nice guy and he was from Australia too. 

Danielle noticed that he made sure that she was comfortable despite all the prying eyes and he also monitored how many drinks she had so she wouldn't have a horrible ass hangover the next morning. Perhaps it was the alcohol in her system, but she suddenly leant forward and pressed her lips against Jake's. 

Maybe he wasn't so bad.

"Dani! There you are!" Minji suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and Jake was half convinced the girl had the ability to apparate, just like in Harry Potter. 

Minji was beyond surprised at the scene she had seen out of the corner of her eye. She knew Danielle was not in her right state of mind and the only thing she could think of was getting her best friend away from the party scene. This was a stupid way people often tried to get over their exes, and Minji had watched plenty of movies to know that this never ended well.

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